One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Minorities criticize treatment by 'U' Medical School
Julie Chang sity. Evans, a graduate of Harvard University, expressing their concern about the treatment of Medical School Dean Giles G. Bole also re-
tAILY STAFF REPORTER chose to come to the University's Medical School minority students and supportive faculty at the ceived a letter in 1990 and another in 1993 when
First-year MedicalSchoolstudent JamesEvans over others, partly because of the scholarship. school over the years. Landefeld resigned from the dean's office. Bole
aid the University Medical School is like "white "The basis of student problems is the real lack President James J. Duderstadt, who received a declined to comment on the environment for
en running a country club." of sensitivity to students' concerns, especially the letter in 1990, said he was unaware of any in- minority students at the school.
Evans is one of many minority medical and student of color aspect," said Dr. Thomas stances of discrimination in the Medical School. For some students the lack of sensitivity has
Joctoralstudents who describe their feelings about Landefeld, former interim assistant dean for stu- "The Michigan Mandate compels all compo- led to more serious problems.
he Medical School environment as discontented dent and minority affairs in the school. "It ranges nents of the University to work to improve the "I didn't know who the person in the position
o uncomfortable to angry. from a general lack of sensitivity to comments in environment for minorities," Duderstadt said. of minority advocate was, and I didn't know who
"The intensity of the bullshit is enough to direct reference to and attacking the students' "Our schools have mixed success in doing that. to turn to," said John Sheppard, a fourth-year
ke me walk out of here," Evans said, ready to ethnicity." There may be some places where progress is Medical student, speaking of his experiences as a
orfeit his full-ride scholarship from the Univer- Minority students have sent several letters somewhat slower." See MEDICINE, Page 2
DS loses rystal drops
battle to AW1L0& &1d1~ AfA
U Court rules
Document Services
must pay royalties
By Christine Williams
Afederaljudge hasruled in favorof
'e publishers who sued Michigan
)ocument Services for copyright in-
The ruling,whichmaybe appealed,
ssentially puts a halttto the lowest-cost
oursepack business at the University
In February 1993, Princeton Uni-
ersity Press. Macmillan Inc. and St.
Vartin's Press filed suit against Michi-
an Document Services (MDS). They
.imed the business duplicated andj
o d coursepacks containing excerpts
>f their copyrighted works without
>aying any royalities or fees.
"The defendant is taking the prop-
rty of another without right or permis-
ion, using that property for personal
ain," wrote Judge Barbara Hackett in
her decision, handed down Thursday
n Federal District Court inAnn Arbor.
'There simply is no excuse for this
Judge Hackett awarded $30,000 in
lamages plus attorney fees tothe pub-
ishers. Jim Smith, the owner of MDS,
aid he has spent about $250,000 in
egal costs onthe case already.
"It's an absolutely outrageous deci-
ion," Smith said. "We do not intend to
accept this."
The publishers in the case ask for
iween 4 to 20 cents per page in fees
their copyrighted material, Smith
aid. He said he has refused to pay them
ecause they are not entitled
ciass-acrion suit
Assistant professor
continues gender
discrimination suit
on own behalf
By Frank C. Lee
Assistant Prof.Jill Crystalthisweek
decided to drop her pursuit of class
certification in her seven-month-old
lawsuit accusing LSA of gender dis-
crimination in promotion and tenure,
pay and pregnancy-leave policies.
"Prof. Crystal has decided to vol-
untarily withdraw her motions for class
certification, and will proceed instead
on her individual claims of sex dis-
nancy discrimination, breach of con-
tract, interference with contract and
defamation," said Russell Balch, co-
counsel and Crystal's husband. "The
sole reason for this is the expense of
class litigation."
"Both sides have signed a stipula-
tion to drop the class action claims
from the lawsuit," said Charles Duerr,
an attorney for the University.
Crystal is seeking reinstatement of
tenure and promotion, and back pay.
She recently hired Phil Green as
lead counsel, who took the case on a
contingency basis. The attorney won a
$1.2 million settlement from the Uni-
versity in the Carolyn Phinney lawsuit
over theft of intellectual property.
"Crystal still believes that women,
as a class, arevsystematicallydiscrimi-
nated against by the University, and
that she could prove this at trial,"Balch
said. "However, while the University
has a bottomless trough of public tax
dollars upon which to feed to pay for
thislitigation, Prof. Crystal'sresources
are limited."
In her lawsuit, she accused the Uni-
versity of denying her tenure because
her political science research focused
on the Third World rather than major
global powers and terminated her be-
cause her methods were more qualita-
tive rather than quantitative.
University officials declined to
comment on the specifics of Crystal's
claim because of pending litigation.
Tenure is basically a two-tier pro-
cess. The faculty member must be ap-
proved by his or her department, and
then each college's administration de-
cides whether to grant tenure to the
The majority of the tenured faculty
of the department recommended that
the University grant promotion and
tenure to Crystal. In her sworn affida-
vit, Crystal claimed that the LSA Ex-
ecutive Committee reversed the rec-
See CRYSTAL, Page 8
Take me to the river
A man shows his skill as he rows up the Huron River yesterday evening.
Statewide committee to study textbookcosts
By Julie Becker books back. state'suniversities.Thecommittee will Profit said.
DAILY STAFF REPORTER Thisweek,the state Legislaturewill be composed primarily of legislators Profit called the textbook issue "a
Total ripoff. announce plans to spotlight the issue. and students from various colleges, fairly neglected part" of the cost of
That is the way many students char- On Friday, state Rep. Kirk Profit with possible representation frombook- higher education. "I think students are
acterize the textbook process at the (D-Ypsilanti), chair of the House stores and publishers. victims of excessive prices in text-
University. For several years, students Higher Education Committee, will for- The committee will "look into the books," he said.
have complained of excessively high mally announce the creation of a com- entire chain of the textbook sale pro- One of the students serving on the
prices and low returns when sellingthe mittee to study textbook prices at the cess, from publisher ... to student," See TEXTS, Page 2