6-The Michigan Daily -Wednesday, June 8, 1994
$'r FO. $Af.oR tt.
'81 NISSAN 2eesx Grey 2dr sunroof air
good condition. $750. Call 810/233-6576. FULLER APARTMENTS
1-and 2 bdrm. apts.
* BDRMS. AVAIL. 6 . s. Walking distance to campus!
" DM.AVI.i 6Mn.house 31 1rig- anr.trg
baths, huge prkg. for 6 cars. New dwshr. & Parkng Laundry. Storage
microwave, ldry. Se. lease. $250/$290/ Heat/Water paid
$350. Please call 594-1409. CALL 769-7520
$0 Security Deposit 2 BDRM. HOUSE + large study. Newly
Great westside locationl Stadium at Pauline. remodeled for 1994. Great location.
Close to everything. On AATA bus line Dishwasher, parking. Campus Rentals 665-
directly to campus. Nicest luxury 1, 2 & 3 8825
bedrooms. Lease to suit. Small pets ok. Open 2 BDRM. LOFT Packard/Burns Park.
8 am.-0 p.m., 7 d6s. Skylight, hrdwd. firs., $650 + utils., security,
90-6yr. lease. Call MJ 5-9, 994-0583.
**SUPER CAMPUS LOCATIONS** 2 BEDROOM APT.: living, dining, storage,
Modem 2 bdrms. - 2-4 person balcony, clean & quiet. Heat, water, pkg.
Varsity Management - 668-1100. included. $650/mo. Call 665-4044.
1 BDRM. & EFFICIENCY apartments near 2 BEDROOM APT.
Law School at 602 Monroe. Laundry, $630/mo. Free heat & water by South Quad.
parking. $465-$595/mo. + electric. 663-6138. Room for 3. Oakland Mgmt. 761-7491.
Huge 2 bdrm. duplex. F. prkg. Room for available, 915 S. Division (between Hill &
3. Oakland Management 761-7491. Hoover). Working fireplaces, oversized
2 BDRM. APARTMENTS. 2-4 persons. balconies, furnished, security systems. Paid
Great location near CCRB. Dishwasher, A/C, heat & water. Laundry & parking. $1095. We
parking. From $878. Campus Rentals 665- welcome your cat. Call Judy or Todd,
8825_Oppenheimer Properties, Inc. at 995-5575.
Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe
ACROSS 3 More 31 Prop man 48 "The rain
1 Really like uncommon 33 Approved, , in -..."
6 Mil. truancy 4 Memorable briefly 49 Wash
10 Dawn goddess Martha 35 Half a deadly cycle
13 Wave type 5 Subordinate fly 50 Map
14 Concur Claus? 37 Cooking detail
15 Model Carol 6 Playing marble direction 51 In addition
16 Small sponge 7 Songbird 38 Peerage 52 Weather
cakes 8 "-the member forecast
18 Vintage car ramparts..." 43 Took a chance 53 Rim
19 Sheltered, 9 School 45 Like pie? 54 Withered
at sea assignment 47 French upper 57 Amin
20 Rind 10 Oft-buttered house 58 Purse
21 Reporter's veggie
quest 11 Bread spread
23 Ukr., once 12 Cease ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE:
24 Important 14 Talus TAM S E A N E C R U
name in Hawaii 17When "the frost AM I E I N L E T N 0 E L
25 Place for a -the punkin.."C M M A N D E E R T M A N
fiddler? 22 Running, in TRI P L E S DILE M M A
26 Mozart's"- heraldry L ow E L M I R A
kleine 24 Frisbee, e.g. ASCOT ARENA NRA
Nachtmusik" 25 Make haste CLOY DYE ERODE D
27 Harem figure 26 Serial unit HO M E I N CA SROIDE
29 Has ess 27 Startling news M
trouble 28STable d'-: EMMETS TI S ENTO
32 "Where the - complete SPA O T H E R A R G 0 S
Are" meal N I M R OD E RR
34 Cheer 29 Testing spot, C A D M E A N S N 0 0 Z L E
36 Veggie centers for short A R A B C O M M A N D O E S
39 Bikini tops 30 Former diva M E N U T R O U T E L A N
40 Conductor Petina PAT E E 0 E AR E
41 French year 6/2/94
42 Marketplaces
of yore 1 2 3 4 S 67 8 9 10 11 12
44 Saucy 13 14 15
46 Emulate
Greeley 16 17 is
47 Close
48 Lanka lead-in 19 20 21 22
51 Feels poorly - - 24- - .
53 Poetic dusks
54 Rotate 26 27 28
55 Mauna -
56 Dark red 2 30 31 32 33 34 35
legumes 3 7s
59 Heir
60 Poe or Guest 3 - a- - e1
61 Emerge
62 Like antiques 42 43 44 5
63 Count calories --- - ---
64 Civet's cousin 47s 48 49 50
DOWN 51 52 53 54
1 Globe support 5 - u c - s
2 Uses an old
phone 59 8o l
62 83 64
4 BDRM., 2 bath. Packard/Bums Park,
$1200 + utils. security, year lease. Call MJ 5-
9 P.M. 994-0583.
5 BEDROOM HOUSE available Sept. 1 at
1000 Packard (at E. University). 2 baths,
modem kitchen, laundry, parking. $1500/mo.
+ utilities. 663-6138.
506 WEST WILLIAMS St. 5 bedroom
house. Fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, 2
full baths, immaculate condition, convenient
downtown location. $1550 + utilities. Call
Judy or Todd, Oppenheimer Properties, Inc.
at 995-5575.
506 WEST WILLIAMS St. 5 bedroom
house. Fireplace, hardwood floors, garage, 2
full baths, immaculate condition, convenient
downtown location. $1550 + utilities. Call
Judy or Todd, Oppenheimer Properties, Inc.
at 995-5575.
7 BDRM. HOUSE on Walnut St. is available
for fall. Furn., carpet, hardwood, Idry.,
disposal, dwshr., and more. $2300/mo. Please
call Gatekeepers, L.L.C., at 663-0403 and
leave a message to schedule a showing.
ACROSS FROM BUS. School. Nice fur-
nished room avail. now on year lease. 820
Hill. $300/mo. 665-5620. Ldry. & prkg.
APARTMENTS available for Fall at choice
ARBORETUM AREA 4 bedroom house
available Sept. 1st. Laundry, parking, full
kitchen, 2 baths. $1400 + utilities. Call John
AVAIL. SEPT. 1: 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. 1 yr.
lease near Central Campus. Please call
Clarion Properties, Inc. @ 769-2255.
AVAIL. SEP'T.: Effs. (avail. 9/94 thru 8/95)
& a 1 bdnn. apt. (avail. 6/94 or 9/94 thru 8/
95) near central and medical & nursing
schools at N. State & Kingsley Sts. Plinse
call 996-4945 OR Clarion Properties, Inc. @
AVAIL. SEPT.: 2 bdrm. apts. $585.00 - 1
year lease near Medical & Nursing Schools.
Please call 741-8634 OR Clarion Properties,
Inc. 769-2255.
August move-int 2 bedrooms.
From $695. Parking-laundry.
CaB 663-3098 today.
Large enough for 4, central campus.
Fumished, laundry, parking.
Great prices. Call 663-3050.
BIG DISCOUNT! Spring/Summer eff., one-
two-bedroom, fumished, parking. Call 663-
BURNS PARK DUPLEX 3 bdrm. $975/
mo., or 4 bdnn. $1050/mo. No smokers or
* 1/2 block from Frieze Bldg.
* 1 block from Diag and MLB
* 3 blocks from Angell Hall
Excellent for two!
Modern apts., balcony, A/c, storage
Stop by our office at 625 Church
We'll show you the finest apts. today!
Or call 668-1100
CAMPUS BY IM: Up to 4 rms. for rent:
$200 ea. Free prkg. & utils. 810/227-0651
FRIEZE-RACKHAM-Hospital. Fall 1 per-
son or couple, no pets, 12 mo. lease, laundry,
parking, references req. 665-4986.
820 Fuller. Extra large 2 bedroom apartments
(1000 square feet). L-shaped bedroom makes
natural triple. Closets to die fort New
fumiture, carpet, and appliances. Parking,
laundry, security, storage lockers, heat and
water paid. Great location for Medical
campus and close to North campus bus stops.
Prices range from $780- 895. September to
September, May to May leases available.
Some river views left. Call Judy or Todd,
Oppenheimer Properties, Inc. at 995-5575.
GALLATIN MANOR- E. William/Division
avail. Sept. 1, Eff., 1-2-3 bdm- apts. w/ sec.
buzzer, Idry., storage. Gallatin Realty Co.
GREAT HOUSING is still available for the
fall. We have furmished and unfurnished
housing from 1 bdna. to 7 bdrm. Please call
the Gatekeepers, L L.C., at 663-0403 and
leave a message to schedule a showing.
Great selection of eff., one, two
bedrooms, central campus, parking,
laundry, fumished. 663-050.
L~arge eff.,,one, two bedooms.
Furnished g-parking + laundry.
Great selection s Great prices.
Call Today + 663-3050.
LARGE 1 BDRM. apts. Great locations, and
conditions, easily accomodates 1-2 persons,
w/ parking. Call 741-9300.
Fabulous 2 bedroom bi-levels
with all the extras
* microwaves * dishwashers
Contemporary throughout
* exercise facilities
" recreation room
" free photocopies
Call Amy 741-9300
"* *
unfurmished, near Law and Business Schools.
Fall leasing. 663-1443 or 434-5604.
apts. w/appl. $525-$775 prkg. avail. 747-
NEAR MED. CAMPUS: 2 bdrm., fum., w/
prkg., appl., $650+lec. 747-6895.
PACKARD/DIVISION- Avail. Sept. 1, 4-5-
6 bedroom houses. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-
RACKHAM/MED CENTER 2 bdrm. for 2-
4 persons. newly-renovated. Dwshr., A/C.
Heat/water included. Parking. From $798.
Campus Rentals 665-8825.
West Side, share common rooms. $300
includes utilities. 995-0088.
OR illlN RENT ..llll
make Wilson White Company your tep
choice for aps. for Fall, 1994:
1. Location: We offer top campus locations
close to where you need to be.
2. Features: From A/C to swimming pool, we
have what's important to you.
3. Value: Our apartments offer convenience
& quality for a price within your budget.
For more information, please contact:
Wilson White Company
608 Packard, Suite 2
Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6 Sat. 10-4
Equal Housing Opportunity.
Large, modern 2 bedroom apts.
Special low prices.
Stop by our office at
625 Church or call 6681100.
2 BDRM. APT. for Fall. Central campus
location, hardwood floors, air conditioning,
very affordable rent. Call Erin 761-8013 or
leave a message.
3 BDRM. SUBLET: 931 Greenwood. Sum-
mer term. $495 Call Judy or Todd at Op4
penheimer Properties 995-5575.
3 BLOCKS to campus, quiet, efficiency.
Fumished, for summer or fall. Call 994-7415.
Kitchen, laundry, prkg. For males. $195.
FABULOUS 2 BDRM., many extras, excel-
lent summer rates. Call Amy 741-9300.
house w/3 great roommates. Single room w/
big closet and fireplace. Free laundry in
house. Porch w/swing. Call Ingrid @ 747-
JULY-AUG. 2.3 BDRM. apt. sublet. Cor
venient location 736 S. Forest. Fully
famished. $420/mo. (neg.). Call Paul & Dan
at 662-6969 or Lynn at 412/322-5044.
NOW OR SEPTEMBER available 1
bedroom and efficiency. 508 S. Division,
fumished. 761-8061.
ONE BDRM. UNFURN. avail. 6127-8/25,
air, prkg.,nice neighborhood, 15 min. walk to
Medical Campus, Indry., lots of room, gar-
bage disp. $300. Call 662-3086.
Eff.-One, two bedrooms
Parking. Call 663-3050.
SUBLET JULY-AUG. 20: Furnished
backyard, hardwood floor. Call Jane 665-
SUBLET SINGLE for $100. 1001 S. Forest.
Parking space included. Call 741-0841.
WEST SIDE HOUSE to share with male
prof/grad. $300/mo. Includes utils. 662-
YOUR OWN ROOM in Female-only house.
Avail. for summer session. $125/month plus
utilities. H20 incl. Sara at 995-3347.
available. No repayments, ever. Qualifj
immediately. 1-800/243-2435.
DV-1 Green Card Program by U.S.
Immigration. Green cards provide permanent
resident status. Citizens of almost all
countries are allowed. Application deadline
June 18. For info & forms: New Era Legal
Services, 20231 Stagg Street., Canoga Park,
CA 91306. Telephone 818/918-4425 or 818/
882-9681 M-Sun: 10 a.m. - 11 p.m.
TYPING: Resumes, cover letters, &
applications. A2 Typing. Call 994-5515.
WORD PROCESSING-term papers, e
Word Perfect 5.1, laser printing.Cal
Stephanie at 668-8447.
1 & 2 bedroom apts.
ePreleasing for Fall 1994
*Some Available for Spring
By Aifo Micci
Ci994 Los Angeles Times Syndicate