'Come on, Sugar; Daddy's got a
sweet tooth tonight!'
- The Mask, in "The Mask"
Jim carries 'Mask'
doesn't need the mask as he and Tina ing a clever samba dance-break with
throw the mask back into the river the officers becoming the chorus and
where he found it. The End. Roll dancers in a Broadway-sized number
credits. "The Mask" is fun to watch, and
The character of The Mask is what you don't have to think very much
makes the film worthwhile. Green- about the film as you watch it. Typical
faced, hairless,and with gigantic teeth, Hollywood schlock that serves as eye
Carrey'snaturally rubbery faceishigh- candy for the masses. So, while the
lighted even more as The Mask. His film may not suffer from "wait until
grin is hilarious as the police chief, video" syndrome, it may have a mild
while searching The Mask's pockets, case of the "see it at the $1.50 show at
finds a picture of his wife with the Fox Village" disease.
words, "Call me, lover." As police THE MASK is playing at Briarwood
surround The Mask, he flees by start- and Showcase.
" New and used textbooks o Office supplies
Terminator x and the
Godfathers of Threat
Super Bad
Rush Associated Labels
Old school meets new school,
thanks to middle school? Some oldies
goodies are in full effect for P.E.'s
. The album as a whole is very solid,
with a few too many interludes of crap
or which Terminator is famous.
erc hosts as folks like Melquan and
odini are brought back from the
ead in a fully correct manner. The
antastic Five and Cold Crush Broth-
rs are brought back in a less appealing
tacceptable manner, whilenewjacks
The Punk Barbarians, Bonnie N'
lyde and Joe Sinister come off with
mild success. "Stika" brings together
4C Lyte, Chuck D, Ice Cube and Ice T
or a nice jam and the list goes on.
Overall it's agood project-lotsof
beats, samples, noise, chants, rhymes
hip-hop the music of the future, but it
never all comes together to hit with full
-Dustin Howes
Various Artists
Symphonic Music of the
Rolling Stones
They should have called it "Sym-
phony for the Devil," not only for the
obvious reason, but because arranging
some of the Stones' greatest songs for
an orchestra has such a hellish result
that neither classical music buffs nor
fans ofrock could possibly be satisfied
by it.
Indeed, while the London Sym-
phony Orchestra tries gamely to make
the best of it, the arrangements of the
songs are so poor that not only do they
sound silly but some of the Rolling
Stones' greatest songs are mauled in
the process.
Most of the album just sounds me-
diocre and not fully realized, but the
absolute nadir has to be Jerry Hadley's
ahem, theatrical vocals on the over-
blown version of "Sympathy for the
Devil," which sounds like Andrew
Lloyd Webber on a bad day. There are
decent tracks, however; "Dandelion"
and "She's Like a Rainbow" are toler-
able, and Marianne Faithfull's vocals
on "Ruby Tuesday" are affecting.
Jagger himself appears on an epic ver-
sion of "Angie," but one can't help but
feel thathe'slaughing allthe way to the
bank with this novelty piece.
- Heather Phares
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