Wednesday, August 3, 1994 - The Michigan Daily - 7
WE WILL FIND you money for college. EARN $3000 WEEKLY stuffing 1000 en- SPECIALTY MEN'S STORE accepting
Call 1-800/600-0961 for recorded message. velopes at home. For info. send SASE to: i E fY M ENe sto Flexible
WORD PROCESSING-term papers, etc. D.B., 747 Amana #1806, Honolulu, III br.Send your resumen or applyat Tuxedo
Word Perfect 5.1, later printing.Call 96814. World, 993A W. Eisenhower Pwky., Ann
Stephanie at 668-8447. EARN COLLEGE TUITION loading or Arbor, MI 48103. Attn: Ron.
Ii 7fI4ELP WANTED ~unloading trucks. 3 shifts avail. 56-$7/hr. SUETMNGRpsto pno
/ P S LEiingour circlrs plus tuition assistance. Apply in person at opTUDENT MANAGER position open at
00/HR. POSSIBLE mailing our circulars. Roadway Package System, 296 Jackson 5o2 f ISR. Contact Charles at 764-
oexperience required. For information call Plaza, Ann Arbor, MI 48103, 1-3 daily. 5512, MF 8-3.
203/221-2011. EARN HUNDREDS of dollars before STUDENTS WANTED to ram $6/hour cal-
school starts in September! Property manage- ling UofM alumni. Michigan Talefnd is now
meat firm needs a responsible, cheerful, g o mmer e - Ga hoprinra for
available person so field calls, show houses, your rsame. Flexible evening hours in a fan
r b and take rental applications. You will work & friendly environment. Stop by 611 Church
from your own home & show houses often. St. #304 or call 998-7420 for more ifo.
Flexi ble You must be home most of the time and have SUBJECTS NEEDED for reaction time
an answering machine when you are out. experiments. Corrected to normal vision/
Catering (Alteration of your outgoing message may be hearing. Native English speakers, at.-handed
necessary.) Also, access to a fox machine is males/females. Hourly pay & bonus. 764-
- * *sty key. If you are interested & you qualify, call 9275 leave name & number.
810/851-1111. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: $5 for one hour.
hiring enthusiastic EXCEL 5.0 TUTOR wanted. Expertise in First impressions study. 747-3613.
waitstaff to start m - VB Macro language required. 761-3227. WORKING COUPLE SEEKS employee
FEMALE MODELS WANTED for for beforeand/or after school childcare of 1st
y 764-2142 glamour art photography, also artist for & 3rd grade sons. On Iake 20 mins. north of
"u - P rendering. 663-0561 day 517/522-8715. Ann Arbor. Will consider live-in. Additional
FUL L A ND PART-'IME: School-age income avail for additional duties. Attractive
FULLANDPARTTIM: Scoolage salary. Call 810/231 3560.
$6/HOUR for sitting arond and taking on childcare. Early childhood or eleentarya~x-
te telephfor s Micga rTlefnd is now ine ferrd for full-time position. C BUSINESS SERVICES
environment, evening and weekend hours, GREENPEACE JOBS Promote/educate CAMERA REPAIR all ty pes. Free
great resume experience. hat more could global ecological sanity. Call 761-1996. estimates. Experienced. Call 697 7750.
UofM student want? Stop by 611 Church St. H yELl! My busiess is exploding! Part or
#304 or call 998-7420. full time. N xp. needed. $500-5,000/mo. .
AFTER SCHOOL & lunchroom supervisors Everyone should call 313/262-6805. LOW FARES Purchase your airline ticket to
r K-5th grade. Part-time, M-F, 3:15-5:30 or LOVING PERSON to care for 5 yr. old Europe and obtain a 5% discount on rail
:30-5:30. Send resume to Daycroft about 10 hrs./wk., mnomings in our home, Europe pass.
Montessori, 100 E. Oakbrook, Ann Arbor starting mid to late Aug. Possible house London frorn $439,
48103. Begins August 31st. cleaning too, if interested. References. 668- Frankfurt frost $598,
AFTER SCHOOL SITTER: Two boys in 2627. Paris from $642.
my home near Stadium, M-F, 3pm. til 7pm., Regency Travel, 209 S. State. 665-6122.
some nights, light cooking. Must have car. STUDENTS ANYWHERE in the U.S. on
996-9635. ~ ~ ~ II Continental $179 or $239. Bring your Con-
ATTENTION: AMERICAN IMPORT/ex- ftinental voucher & AMEX card. Marti at
port bosiness looking for contas in China ~Regency Travel, 209 S. State, 665-6122.
and other countries for persons wanting to es-
tablish a second income. Phone 517/536-
0102 or message at 810/333-8568. MATURE, RESPONSIBLE, nurturing per- FEMALE TO SHARE nice house on Wash
CATERING WAITSTAFF NEEDED. son to care for delightful toddler girl, 11:15 tenaw bus route. 973-7165.
We're looking for reliable people to work a am. -4:15 pm. and 7 yr. old brother 3-4:15 MAER O AT EN DDatS
,inimum of 10 has, a wink daring Fall Term. p.m. begmnnsng mid-Aug. Non-smoker, pay MoetaaLErOm.Marc NEED/7D8031 .
'M"ust boab" e to work one weekday lueh. negotiabe. 662-3003, days. F nt Patk 6165
Experience preferred. Please apply at Rm. MODELS - PRINT, trade, T.V., Assoc. NEED A PLACE for fall only. Graduating
1310 Michigan Union. Models 810/788-8760. early. Please call 1-702/256-6098 (can call
CHILDCARE PROVIDER needed for 5 & NANNY FOR AFTER school care for 10 & collect).
3 yr. old sons starting Sept. for 10-15 hrs. per 12 yr. old girls. 2:45-6:3Opm. M-F. Must ROOMMATE NEEDED for Fall. Own
week. Non-smoking, own car, references drive & have own car. Call Barb 662-3341 room. $275/mo. + utilities. Marc 994-6057.
requested. Call Sharon, 741-9088. eves. & weekends. ROOMMATE NEEDED for fall to share 3
CHILDCARE in my home 3-6psn. M-F. NE EDED: EARLY CHILDCARE bdnn. apt. own rm. $280/mo. Orlando 996-
Aoe 8. 10. need reliable car 763-0682. providers at Beth Israel Con r c ation for the 2890 after 8PM.
Continued from page 1
treatments? What were the long-term
"It's perfectly plausible that the
University of Michigan was treating
cancer and NASA came along and
said, 'We'd like to see your data."'
Philosophy Prof. Carl Cohen, who
teaches medical ethics in the Medical
School, said he does not know of any
evidence that the University did not
follow the highest existing standard.
"We have no reason to think (the re-
searchers) deliberately deceived any-
one. People didn't know the complete
effects of radiation. It may have been
that people did not appreciate then as
we do now the full consequences of
full-length body radiation."
The highest existing standard for
thetimewaslikelytheNuremberg Code,
which was developed in 1947 by U.S.
judges in response to the Nazi experi-
ments on people. The code states that
the experimental subject should be
aware of the experiment's purpose and
all possible health hazards.
"There was no such standard until
the late 1970s. The Nuremberg Code
in this country," Harrison said.
In April, The Michigan Daily re-
ported on other radiation experiments
conducted by the University between
the 1940s and 1960s.
Many of the applications submitted ,.
totheSubcommitteeonthe HumanUse
of Radioisotopes, which approved all
radiation research on humans, did not
detail how many volunteers would be
involved, their ages, or whether they
knew they were involved in testing.
It was not until 1956 that the sub-
committee began requiring the use of
consent formsstatingthatsubjects were
aware they were taking a dose consid-
ered within permissible limits by the
subcommittee. Several of the Univer-
sity radiation experiments involved
young children, including healthy vol-
unteers. The extent to which scientists
knew radiation was harmful, and espe-
cially to young children, is debatable.
In 1956, astudy wasreleased show-
ing that children who survived
Hiroshima had higher rates of leuke-
a radiation specialist in the pediatrics
department at Michigan State Univer-
sity, said that even before the study he
would have suspected this.
"If I had been a scientist in the '40s
or '50s and I was asked did I believe
that young people would be more sen-
have said: 'That is my gut feeling."'
-The Associated Press
contributed to this report.
n~ , a , tc . ~ui a .g [vmg , t1vUI t" u aitv ca v v .[
Jewish Iligh Ilolidays Sept. 5-7, Sept. 14-15.
Call Shawn Simon 769-1651.
1 person lawnmowing service looking for 1
or 2 assistants to mow lawns 20-40 hrs./wk.
Aug.l-Nov.l Must have flex. schedule and
drivers licetse. 56-$9/hr. depending on
esper. & ability. 747-8278.
Work for Building a PA RT-TIME POSITION for 5 yr. and 2 yr.
Sane, Humane, Ecological old girls in our home. N-smkr., own car,
cIprefer lang-term commitmntt. Start Aug. 22.
World Call 663-4918.
Canvassing Jobs PARTICIPANTS WANTED: $8 for 1 hr. in
ed. study. Female, UM student, good writing
Call Chuck at skills (task not writing intensive). Call Kent
Ilarber, MPTL, 747-3933.
(313) 761-1996 RECYCLE! Fall Work Study. Program asst.
to promote campus recycling. Good cosa-
CLEANING PERSON NEEDED for dental munication skills, computer literacy. Interest
fire. Part-time. Tues. 7-10pm., 1 turs. 7- in environmental education a plus. Start
10pm., W/c 4 hrs. $7/hr. Need car. Call 665- early! Call Waste Mgmt. Services at 763-
2020. 5539.
COLLEGE STUDENTS wanting part-time SALES PERSON WANTED: If your major
cashier work eves. & weekends apply at The is marketing, you like golf, and you are an
Produce Station, 1629 S. State Street. ' outgoing person, this is a good opportunity to
CRUISE SHIPS HIRING - Earn up to help with your college expenses. Call Vaso
$2,000+/mo. on Cruise Ships or Land Travel Golf Products between 5 and 9 pm. at 455-
companies. World travel. Seasonal & full- 7551.
time employmemnt available. No cxp. SEMEILN DONORS, Rh aegutive, are needed
necessary. For itfo. calI 1-206/634-0468 ext. and will he p-id $120 per acceptable
C5598. specimen because of their rare blood type.
DAYCARE P'ROVIDER: 8:30lasm.- Write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann Arbor, Ml
A:"3"pm. M-F. Own "ransporaion.Ex- 48106.
erience with infants & ood ay. 663-8759. SEMEN DONORS NEEDED for a well es-
DID YOU GROW UP in rural S.E. tablished infertility clinic. If you are a male
Michigan? Earn $5 by filling out a 15 minute student or professional 20-40 years of age we
questionaire. Call Amy at 663-2340. need you. Donors will be paid $60 per ac-
DISHWASHER EVENINGS, free meal. ceptable specimen. For further information
Walk to work. $6.50 hr. Apply at The Bella please write APRL, P.O. Box 2674, Ann
Ciao, 1185W. Liberty, 3-5 p.m. Arbor, MI 48106.
ADOPTION: Give your baby a happy home
with a UofM grad. and his lovsng wife.
Catholic, agency approved couple. Call Dan
and Marilyn at home: 1-800/848-4167.
Meet stew people
Compatible introductions
Call 9-9, Katy 1-313/945-9422.
let us help you choose Life. 769-7283.
WANTED: 100 STUDENTS to lose 10-29
lbs. No hips, thighs or butts about it! RN-as-
sisted program. P.S. I have the thigh cream.
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