OGb Liditganiuig
One hundred three years of editorial freedom
Wolpe to
FormerU.S. Rep. Howard Wolpe
won the Democratic gubernatorial
omination early this morning after a
nip-and-tuck battle with state Sen.
Debbie Stabenow.
The political science professor
used the backing of labor and a strong
showing among Detroit voters to go
with his political ^
baseinhisold dis-
trict to build an
edge over
With 85 per-
cent of precincts
reporting, Wolper
had 34 percent or
197,364 votes.
Stabenow had 30 Wolpe
percent or
175,689. FormerEastLansingMayor
Larry Owen trailed with 26 percent,
151,368. State Rep. Lynn Jondahl
as a distant fourth with 9 percent, or
52,797 votes.
An optimistic Wolpe told sup-
porters early in the evening he would
wage a tough campaign against Re-
publican Gov. John Engler, who had
no primary opposition.
"John Englerhas got to go. We're
going to pack himup and we're going
to move him out," Wolpe said.
A 102-hour nonstop campaign
wing the last weekend showed en-
thusiasm building for him, he said. "I
really felt the momentum with me the
last couple days," he said.
Stabenow stayed optimistic, say-
ing early returns included many pre-
cincts from Wolpe's old congresThe
See GOVERNOR, Page 2
Physics department staff member David Reynolds fills out his ballot yesterday at Community High School.
Democrats to face Abraham for Senate
U.S. Rep. Bob Carr held a narrow
lead over state Sen. Lana Pollack for
the Democratic nomination in the U.S.
Senate race early this morning, while
Spencer Abraham received the GOP
nomination over Ronna Romney.
Pollackan Ann Arborsenatorsince
1982, had 24 percent of the vote, and
Carr, a nine-term member of Congress
from East Lansing, had 25 percent of
the vote with 85 percent of the pre-
cincts reporting.
Pollack had 133,165 votes and Carr
had 136,646 votes.
Pollack, who managed to close a
substantial lead that front-runner Carr
held in the polls all year, was thrilled by
the early results. "Clearly, it's a nip-
and-tuck race," she said.
Four other Democrats were well
Lansing execu-
tive Joel Ferguson
had 107,527 votes,
or 20 percent;
former U.S. Rep.
William Brodhead
had 77,580 votes,
or 14 percent; state
Sen. John Kelly of
Grosse Pointe Abraham
Woods had 59,904
votes, or 11 percent; and Macomb
County Prosecutor Carl Marlinga had
34,040 votes, or 6 percent.
Abraham had to overcome strong
name identification associated with
Romney, the former daughter-in-law
of former Gov. George Romney.
"We're not going to stop, this is
only the beginning," Romney said.
By Naomi Snyder
The federal government is investi-
gating the University's involvement in
full-body radiation experiments that
took place after World War II.
Last week, the Federal Advisory
Committee on Human Radiation Ex-
periments released a 1975 list of 45
institutions, including the University,
that had participated with the govern-
mentinfull-body radiationexperiments
dating to the 1940s.
The committee was set up by the
White House in January to study feder-
ally sponsored human radiation ex-
periments and to determine if any vic-
tims should be compensated.
According to a 1981 congressional
document obtained by The Detroit
News, the University participated with
the U.S. govemnment in 312 full-body
radiation treatments on human beings.
It appears that most of those ex-
posed to the radiation were cancer pa-
tients who were receiving therapeutic
treatments. NASA later used the re-
sults to try to predict the effects of
radiation on astronauts in space.
The University responded to the
federal investigation by establishing a
committee ofitsowntolookintoitsrole
in the human-radiation experiments.
"We're going to dig up a panel of
faculty of expertise inthe areaofradia-
tion and the history of health science.
We want to figure out what were the
standards of the time," said Walter
Harrison, vice president for University
The University's role in the ex-
periments remains unclear. The docu-
ment obtained by the News lists almost
200 more radiation treatments at the
University than the original 128 ac-
counted for by the federal advisory
Dan Guttman, executive director of
the federal committee, said he still has
questions about the University's in-
"Did U-M scientists know about the
dangers of full-body radiation? Were
the patients told the nature of the
Lar rollni
"Tonight we have lost a race but we
also celebrate a great victory."
Abraham had 250,354 votes, or 53
percent, to Romney's 225,521 or 47
percent with 73 percent of precincts
The two said they would forget
their disagreements to fight against
See SENATE, Page 2
Minority Student Services transfers two employees
By Joshua Ginsberg
The Minority Students Services
office has presented two of its mem-
bers with what it calls a "win-win situ-
Both Michael Dashner and Barbara
f binson are in the process of being
nsferred to new positions within the
University to meet increased staffneeds
n other departments.
Barbara Robinson, head of the Af-
rican American section of Minority
Students Services, will be working at
the adaptive technology site until the
fall, at which time she will change her
position once more to work at reading
services, a University program for vi-
sually impaired students. Robinson
declined to comment on the transfer.
Michael Dashner, head of the Na-
tive American section of Minority Stu-
dents Services, will be working in the
Student Organization and Development
Dashner said this change will ben-
efit for both the University and for his
"It will open up a position in the
Native American office, and at the
same time it will move another Native
American to a new position," he said.
After being in the same position for
nine years without any significant ad-
vancement, Dashner said he is ready
for a change.
"If there was one word to describe
how I feel, I think that it would be
liberated," Dashner said.
"For whatever reason, I haven't
been able to move up," he commented,
even though he has watched other
people in the office advance past him.
Dashner has been in charge of the
largest pow-wow in the Midwest for
the past nine years, and he hopes to be
able to remain involved in it. He said
See MSS, Page 8