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July 27, 1994 - Image 13

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-07-27

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Wednesday, July 27, 1994 - The Michigan Daily - 13

Captain Quad
Bass Destroyer
Attitude Records
Ready for a new bass-filled party
mix? If you are then Captain Quad's
your man and "Bass Destroyer" is the
CD for you. The debut solo by this
member of Quad Force will definitely
tickle your fancy and test your Pines.
"Mix by Bass Part 2" has great
beats and a nice tempo. It is definitely
true to the name "party mix." On the
other hand, you can hear the slowed-
down, bass-wielding sounds of "Turn
Up the Bass." "Barney's Bass" is a
funny, interesting version of the famil-
that purple monstrocity perform.
and "Deeper and Deeper," are rather
monotonous and boring, but overall
"Bass Destroyer" is a very nice CD.
-Eugene Bowen
Warner Brothers
Well this is Seal's second release.It
is also his second eponymous release.

ing, it might also just show that the
album isn't all that different from the
first one. In his overly angsty liner
notes (which have no lyrics), he im-
plies thathe has a different sound. This
is not entirely true. While close listen-
ing may reveal subtle alterations (he is,
after all, bald now), the overallsoundis
stunningly the same as the first album.
That is to say, the album is very
peaceful and musical. It is very much
mood music and lacks any stand out
songs. It slips peacefully around. Per-
haps the most memorable song is
"Dreaming in Metaphors," because of
wise pretty monotonous, but in a good
way if you're in the mood for it.
- Ted Watts
See REcoss, Page 14

Ah yes, it is the Boredoms. Freshly live from Lollapalooza (and returning for a fourth show this Friday), this Japanese
noise group is the most alternative act on said looza's main stage. Their newest release, a single named "Superoots," has
four tracks of abject insanity. Eye Yamatsuaka, leader of this band and many other similar Osaka bands, is a frentic leader
very much like the Tazmanian Devil. This work is a crazed jazz-punk-rock-funk thing which is relatively similar to the
bBoredoms' live show. Get the disc, attend the show, sell your soul like jelly roll. Bore now!

tined from page 12
ther as women). The statement is
asically a denouncement of women's
ntentions of subverting men. But al-
w the words of an unnamed charac-
ter in "Women" to explain: "A not-
so-nice way of putting it is that women
rape men's minds the way men rape
women's bodies. It's not an exact
analogy, of course, because rape is
invasion and invasion is the man's
, not the woman's way; absorbtion
and consumption are the woman's
way; what they're built for. Consider
the two genders; one that invades and
violates and the other that absorbs
and consumes. The nice way of put-
ting it is that they are complementery.
The not-so-nice way of putting it is
that they deserve each other; serve
each other right."
*Now that the NOW members have
stopped reading, you should be in-
formed that Ann Arbor is one of the
largest "Cerebus" strongholds, if the
.etter column in the monthly comic
Big savings on newsletters for
all clubs, businesses, and

that "Women" is colle
any indication. So go
comic store and pick thi
controversy. Or startin
comic book "Cerebus"c
the other collections. B
Ty Cobb: His
Tumultuous Li
Richard Bak
Taylor Publishing, Dallas
Tyrus Ramond Cobb
scorned superstar athlet
tury. Fans hated him, tea
not stand him, family m
doned him.
Yet Cobb's name ca
awe-inspiring weight t
man will forever emb
leled excellence. What
In his biography of1
who played 22 seasons
Tiger uniform, author
balances reportage of C
ary on-field exploits w

tcted from is look at his persona.
to your local Through his research, Bak relat
s up for a little anecdotes and information from t
g buying the Georgia Peach's earliest years un
or get some of his dying days. The reader gait
etter yet, do it glimpses of what made Cobba
uncomprimising competitor as we
- Ted Watts as a generally difficult man.
We learn of Cobb's struggle wit
his father over a life in athletics,a
fe and well as his father's untimely death -
two incidents that had a profoun
impact on the youthful Ty.
Bak pulls no punches when tellin
was the most ofCobb'sbigotedmindandoftenmea
e of this cen- spirited demeanor.Buttheauthorshe
immates could light on why his subject turned out tI
embers aban- way he did. Poor treatment by his fe
low Tigers and unfair reportage by ou
rries a certain of-townpress contributed tothegrow
o it, and the of Cobb's bitter side.
ody unparal- WhileBakdoesnotseemtoforgiN
an enigma. Ty's combative ways, he seeks to gi%
the outfielder abetterunderstandingofthem. Itisth
in a Detroit graspingofCobb'ssituationthatmak
Richard Bak his athletic achievements all the mo
obb's legend- remarkable.
vith a candid Cobb left baseball with a .367 lif

time batting average over 24 seasons.
es He led the major leagues in batting
he average 12 times (nine in a row), runs
til five times, RBIs four and stolen bases
ns six times. The Georgia Peach gained
an more votes than any player - includ-
ell ing Babe Ruth and Cy Young-for the
inaugural class of baseball's Hall of
th Fame.
as While Bak's structure at times
- lacks luster, this look into the psyche
id of one of America's most infamous
names is worth the read. The author
ig provides a balanced analysis of both
n- Cobb the player and Ty the man that
ds helps to explain the Georgia Peach's
he troublesome reputation.
l- - Brett Forrest

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