6 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, July 27, 1994
'8TOYOTA MR2 white t-top, 39k mi., ex-
cellent cond. $7500/best. 663-7197. FULLER APARTMENTS
BICYCLES: All speeds, men/womens. $25- 1 and 2 bdrm. apts.
$50 good cond. Also parts. 475-3238.W
MUST SEE In-Line Skates used less than 10 Walking disance Inc mpus!
times. $190 with pads. 996-0358. Parking Laundry Storage
- FOR RENT Heat/Water paid
CALL 769-7520
$695 FOR 2 BDRMS., unfumished, at 1025 *
Packard. Spacious & sunny. 2nd floor w/ * A Security Deposit
balcony. Includes heat, water, laundry & Great west$ide locatio! Stdium at Pauline.
parking. Call Judy or Todd at Oppenheimer GretoweeytiOntA ATAuline
Properties, 995-5575. Close to everything. On AATA bus line
directly so camnus. Nicest luxuy 51 2 &r 3
2 B DRM. APARTMENTS. 2-4 persons.
Great location near CCRIB. Dishwasher, A/C,
parking. From $878. Campus Rentals 665-
2 BDRM. HOUSE + large study. Newly
remodeled for 1994. Great location.
Dishwasher, parking. Campus Rentals 665-
2 BEDROOM APTi.: living, dining, storage,
balcony, clean & quiet. Heat, water, prkg.
included. $650/mo. Call 665-4044.
$630/mo. Free heat & water by South Quad.
Room for 3. Onkland Mt '76,17d1
Large, modern 2 bedroom apts.
Special low prices,
Stop by our office at
625 Church or call 668-1100.
NOW OR SEP IMBER available 1
bedroom. 508 S. Division, furmshed. 761-
RACKHAM/MED CEN' IER 2 bdnn. for 2-
4 persons. snewly-renovated. Dwshr, A/C.
Ieat/water included .Parking. From $798.
Campus Rentals 665-8825.
ROOM TO RENT $250/mo. 3 blks. west of
"' -r- -,,, ^., , A, iuumlurj. a~inu yimt. io -1491.
bedrooms. Lease to suit. Small pets ok. Open DON'T DESPAIR, ITS BETTER IN
TOP CAMPUS LOCATION 8 am"-" " p.m., 7 days. yIotS
930-644. ®Grab your roommate and get two times the
418 E. WASHINGTON 1 & 2 BDRM. apts. Each unit has bath, convenience. Two bedroom apts. Split the
kitchen, heat & water included. 2 blks. from rent and save. Walk to UM Hospital.
* 1/2 block from Frieze Bldg. Central Campus. 1 bdrm. avail. Sept. 1; 2 s 662-2950.
bdrgavail. immediately. Call 663-0801 EFF. THRU SIX bdrn. apts. Fum., carpeted,
S 1 block from Dig and MLB evenings.wshr./dryer, central campus. Call Chs
* 3 blocks from Angell Hall 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. for rent. 2 blks. from cent. A AI AB Er/dyP.M.S.I 665-5552, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. C
LARGE ONE BEDROOMS cmps. $450 & $700. Heat & water incl. 439- FALL 3 BDRM. at 908 Oakland near Busi-
8666 or from 2-10PM 763-2100.-1 ness and Law Schools. Furnished, with
Excellent for two! 1 BDRM. & EFFICIENCY apartments near r ' parking. 994-5499.
Modern apts., balcony, A/C, storage Law School at 602 Monroe. Laundry, FALL: ROOM in family West Side home.
Stop by our office at 625 Church parking. $465-$595/mo. + electric. 663-6138. , g ' Share common rooms. Includes utilities. 995-
We'll show you the finest apts. today! 1020 CHURCH ' 0088.
Or call 668-1100 Huge 2 bdk. duplex. Fagn. prkg. Roum for .FRIEZE-RACKHA4-Hospital. Fall 1 per-
3._OakladManagment_76 -7491._____son or couple, no pets, 12 mo. lease, laundry,
parking, references req. 665-4986.
4 BDRM., 2 baths, garage, ndry., hrdwd. yr. lease. Call Phillip 747-6302.
Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe firs., frpl. Packard/Bums Park, $1200 + utils. GEDDES LAKE CONDO: 3 bdrm., 2 1/2
ACROSS 3 Taj Mahal 35 Real estate 51 See 42 Across Call Doug 5-9 P.M. 747-6856. bath 3-6 people. Mrs. Chen at 810/375-0262.
1 Short attire abbr. 52 Coin of Kuwait 6 BEDROOM CLOSE to central campus. 2 HUGE 2 BDRM. apt. fall-New kit., bath &
1/2 baths, laundry, 6 parking spaces & more. carpet. Free Indry. & prkg. Burns Park, 5
commercials? 4 Filling food 37 American bald 54 Part of TAE $1800 + utils. Call John 769-6059. mm. to B & Law School. 761-7563.
4 Mining nail 5 Unusual eagle, for one 55 Popular brew APARTMENTS available for Fall as choice
8 Earns marital 39 African 56 Destiny Aeatn aaa efo.F761-7491.
12 George's practice antelope 57 Molecule asions. Oakland MgA . 761-7491.
lyiit 6Lively, in 40 Inlet part ARBORETUM AREA 4 bedroom, very
lyrici-lups 6usic for 41Tsne s B aclean, parking, 2 baths, laundry, full kitchen.
13 Pick-me-ups music, for 41 Trespasses 58 Bondage Call John 769-6059 (Fall rental). :-. d @0" $
16 Ersatz butter short 47 Tie, in tennis 59 Edgar of eerie ARE YOU LOOKING FOR...
17 Impair 7 Battle and 48 Rock's tales * Great location?' m d
18 Singer Price heavy - 62 Moynihan * Quality features?
Newton-John 8 Certain Arab 50 Finally from N.Y. * Exceptional value? E nC ps "os
19 Man from Man 9 Joie de vivre Stop looking and call us about our campus
20 Start of a 10 See to area apts. for September, 1994. N - *sng - *r Smb- 9-94
seasonal 11 Red or White ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Wilson White Company, Inc.
proverb, team E C C E AST 0 R C E N S 995-9200
with "A" 14 Odysseus' V E E P C H U T E 0 R E 0 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-6 Sat. 10-4
Equal Housing Opportunity JULY
23-on: goad sorceress A R N I C E N T E N N I A ATTRACTIVE R O OM on cam p s. Great selection of eff., one, two
24 Food fish 15-- -Coeur; S E T T ILE 0 E L A T E R S Kitchen, laundry, prkg. For males. $285. bedrooms, central campus, parking,
25 Importune Paris landmark R 0 0 D C R E P E 995-3276. laundry, furnished. 663-3050.
29 Auction or 21 Sea nymph S T A M P E D E C A N C A N ATTRACTIVE 3 BDRM. fum. house on LARGE, BEAUTIFUL BRICK house,
profit trailer 22 Hourly M E L E E A N E T T E N 0 Whitmore Lk. for 1-4 grad students. 10 min. corner of Packard & E. University. Un-
30 180° from SSE 25 Clio's sister E R I DEN T ST N T 0 commute 9/1-5/31, $950/mo. 663-7197. touched by student hands. Natural
33 At a premium 26 Nasal LAAS Nwood work, stained glass, fireplace, off-street
34 - culpa passages I A Z E N E E R A S T I N parking, laundry, furnished. Completely
36 Scandinavian 27 Part of NAFTA T I E R E D R E S P L I C E ®, e redone. Ample room for six. $2350/month
sea god 28 Eat another 1 T E R S H E A P plus water, electric and 1/2 heat. 475-3707
38 Proverb, Part 11 way? AR I S TA E CAR V E R S A anytime (localcall).
42 Popular stuffed 30 Mystery writer C E N T E R F 0 L D E D I T LOVEs eY LA RGE EFF IINCs ENasY
animals, with Marsh unfurnished, near Law and Business Schools.
51 Down 31 Athletic shoes H A R E E R I E R E T E Large eff., one, two bedrooms. Fall leasing. 663-1443 or 434-5604.
43 5 Pan 1Ahi32 Small E L E IC D R ROPS Y S ER parking laund NEARwCENTRAL CAMPUS: 1 & 2 bdn.
4 W aAlley 3SFurnishedoFrparkisggrd4pts. w/appl. $525-5775 prkg. avail. 747-
s4 Well, French songbirds 7/20/94 Great selection .° Great prices. 6895
style p14c1 NEAR MED. CAMIPUS: 2 bdrm., furn., w/
45 Sugar suffix 1 2 3 4 5 65 n8 9 01 Call Today 9663-3050. prkg., appl., S650+cle. 747-6895.
46 Navy VIP 1 31 1111
49 Perplexed
51 Run, as 17 18 19 BANDMEMBERS
madras August move-in! 2 bedrooms.
53 AAA 20 21 22 From $695. Parking-laundry.
suggestion 23 24 Call 663-3098 today.
54 Proverb, BEST ROOMS, APARTMENTS & houses! *
Part 1I s 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 All furnished! All nice! Rooms @ 911 " Spacious bedroom avaable in this 2
59 Lawyer's Vaughn, 1225 Prospect & 1216 Prospect pCUSbd0mvilbenth 2
concern 33 34 35 36 37 $349/mo. Stop by any house and ask to view bedroom apartment with large living
60 "Maple Leaf' te interior or call 930-9999. Also studio at.
countr 38 39 0 4 702 Tappun 595/mo. Call for 'hole house room and contemporary kitchen.
61 Spinner detals930-9999.* Jacuzzi, swimming, tennis, and aerobics
61 Finnhed 42 43 44 BEST SELECTION-2 BEDROOM-S. Air COnditioning
63 Finished 4Large enough for 4, central campus. "
64 Pleases 4aF46 47 48 49 5t Farmished, laundry, parking. * Washer/dryer
65 Orels river Great prices. Call 663-3050.
66 Corn units BIG DISCOUN T! Spring/Summer eff., one-
67 Musical '5'two-bedroom, furnished, parking. Call 663- * Easygoing roommate
symbol 3050. * Free parking
68 Convened 59 60 t 62 BURNS PARK FURNISHED 2 bdrm. apt.
Third floor of stately home. Close to campus/ Enjoy this entire package tar
DOWN 63 64 6s hospital, private entrance, A/C, $900/mo.
1 Between ready Call 668-8032 or 712-4321. $450/month (phus electric, gas).
and fire 6ad 6718 CENTRAL CAMPUS LOCATION. 3
bdrtn. duplex. Rent by room or take all for a
2 Sketch Iyr tion3E 37t/27/ask$850. Lre st arts At'. 31. all 68-3399.
.,9Sr 9. t1i .. s'- e-- - - ' /27/94> Y xph1.t" -,e rwFKx ,y' h"' -
*FIrnished & Unfurnished
1 & 2 bedroom apts.
*Preleasing for Fall 1994
*Some Available for Spring
769-11 11 t
Rms. avail. for immediate or fall occupancy.
Furn., unfurn., living rm., dining area, wshr./
dryer & dwshr. Locations serving Bus.
school, central and N. campus. Call Chris
665-5552, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
1601 Washtenaw
(corner of Hill & Washtenaw)
Million dollar restoration. Pristine living
conditions for 22 grad students in 6,000
square feet. 3rd floor for females, 2nd floor
for males. Single rooms $350-$375, double
rooms $500, 1 bdrma opts. $550 includes all
utilities except telephone. 8 month lease
available at $50 extra/mo. Early move-in
August 20. Cull Judy or Todd as
Opnheimer Pro pies, 995-5575.
SEPT. 1ST LEASE: 4 bdrm. apt. First floor,
parking & laundry. 908 Greene St. No pets.
SEPT. 1ST LEASE: 4 bdrm. apt. First floor,
parking & laundry. 908 Greene St. No pets.
U OF M CAMPUS 406 Packard, two bdrm.
apts. for 2, 3, 4 people from $750/mo., heat &
water included. Balcony, parking, laundry.
Randy 434-2350.
U OF at GREAT location at 603 Catherine.
One bdrm. apts. from $440/mo., parking,
laundry. A 3 bdrm. apt. for 3-5 people,
fireplace, etc. $1200/mo. Call Larry 434-
5787 or Tom 455-7451
.. . I B E ..
FALL SUBLET NEEDED for female, non-
smoker. Please call Sean at 930-1506.
FURNISHED, SPACIOUS 3 bdrm. apt. 1
yr. lease. Call Phillip 747-6302.
MODERN 1 BDRM. in a 4 bdrm. apt. for
Fall/Winter. Furnished, dshwr., micro., free
parking spot. 819 S. State. Call 1-201/467-
0271 or 1-708/677-2939.
Eff.-One, two bedrooms
Parking. Call 663-3050.
store. 206 S. Main, Ste. 201, Michigans osnly
full-time chess shop. 500 titles of chess
books. A full line of classical sets. Table and
clock rentals. Mention this ad for 10% off on
first purchase. Hours: Tues.-Fri. 12:00-8:00,
Sat. 12:00-6. 665-0612.
CASH FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 grants
available No repayments, ever. Qualify
iwmedately. -8001/243-2435.