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June 29, 1994 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-06-29

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One hundred three years of editorial freedom
V C, AnnnArbor, ichigan - WedfesdayJune 29, 1994 ©1994 The Michig Daily

Richard L. Kennedy_
38 years of University service

State increases
funding to 'U'

Vice president
ends stint with
'U' tomorrow
By James M. Nash
Richard L. Kennedy once said his
ambition was to operate a hardware
store in northern Michigan and sell
worms. Instead, he entered the world
of university administration, a decision
the 61-year-old vice president looks
ck on without regrets.
In the 20 years since Kennedy was
appointed as vice president for state
relations - a position renamed vice
president for government relations -
the University's budget has expanded
by a factor of six. As the University's
liaison to the state and federal govern-
ment, Kennedy has pursued govern-
ment dollars in years of excess and
years of want. Nonetheless, he says his
now is much the same as it always
"There's been no dramatic change.
We're still worried about the same
kindsof things, and we go about things
in about the same way. You're either
successful or not successful based on
the relations you develop."
Kennedy's style is distinctly per-
sonal. Whetherscrounging for funds in
~nsing or deflecting charges of rac-
against the University over jokes
on a campus radio station, Kennedy
has often relied on his rapport with
other officials.
The University will lose Kennedy's
range of business relationships and
wealth of knowledge when the vice
See KENNEDY, Page 2

By Cathy Boguslaski
The University will receive a 2.3-
percent increase in state appropriations
thisyear,butitwon't beenoughtokeep
tuition from rising again.
The state Legislature on June 23
approved the increase, as well as a
special appropriation of $6.4 million
for building maintenance.
"We got what we expected, but not
what we needed," said Provost Gilbert
R. Whitaker Jr., explaining that tuition
will "probably" rise again.
"The 2.3-percent increase applies
only to a small percentage of the gen-
eral fund. Across the entire general
fund, it's about 1 percent, or less. We
needed something like 5 percent,"
Whitaker said.
Still, the University administrators
are happy to have the increase.
"We're pleased to get the increase,
since it's the first in several years,"
Whitaker said.
Lisa Baker, University spokesper-
we've had a 0-percent increase. We've
been mindful that there are lots of pres-
sures for the state to fulfill all sorts of
needs. We appreciate the Legislature's
desire to deal with these other prob-
lems, and we understand that certain
other parts of the state budget have had
some severe cuts. Higher education,
forthe mostpart, hasbeen spared those
severe cuts.
"We have been hopeful that when
times got better and the economy picked
up, and the state had the chance to deal
with someofthoseotherproblems,that
we would see some increase. We hope
that trend will continue," Baker added.

State Funds
The University's General Fund
will get $6 million more from
the state this year but probably
will still have to raise tuition.
With the increase, the state
money will make up 37 percent
of the General Fund. Last year's
How the two have risen the last
three years:
1992 1993 1994
State funds 0.1% 0% 2.3%
Tuition 9.9% 9.8%
* To be set at July regent's meeting
Vice President for Government
Relations Richard L. Kennedy agreed
that the increase is helpful.
"It's going to make a difference in
trying to make up for smaller appro-
priations in the past. While 2.3 percent
doesn't cover everything, it's a distinct
improvement. We're hopeful that tu-
ition will not go up as quickly,"
Kennedy said.
The increase in state funds makes it
See FUNDING, Page 2

In 1954, Kennedy graduated from the University.
In 1956, Kennedy started as a field representative for the
Development Council.
In 1961, he was recruited to serve as director of alumni
relations at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, but returned to
the University in 1962 as special assistant in the Office of
University Relations.
From 1963-67, Kennedy served as executive director of the
University's Sesquicentennial Celebration.
He served as director of state and community relations from
1968-70 and became secretary of the University and assistant
to the president in 1970.
In 1974, he was appointed vice president for state relations
and secretary of the University.
In 1984, Kennedy's title was changed to vice president for
government relations.

Committee to decide the fate of communication dept.

By Jonathan Berndt
The fate of the communication department
rests in the hands of a five-man, one-woman panel
appointed by LSA Dean Edie N. Goldenberg.
The advisory committee has been given a
Dec. 1 deadline to make recommendations rang-
from organization of the academic program,
faculty appointments and governance to
coursework and degree requirements.
"I have asked the advisory committee to con-
duct a wide-ranging review, to consult broadly,

and to make a set of recommendations that will
guide communication studies at Michigan for the
next decade," Goldenberg said in a press release.
"It is time to examine thoroughly the problems
faced by the department and to take decisive
action to improve our programs."
John Chamberlin, LSA associate dean for
academic appointments, will chair the committee
as well as take over as interim chair of the depart-
ment beginning July 1.
Chamberlin said most of the summer would
be spent examining other universities' programs

and talking to professional organizations. After
distributingthis background material, Chamberlin
hopes to hold weekly meetings in the fall.
"I'm trying to find out more about the field,"
Chamberlin said, noting that he and Vincent
Price, another member of the committee, at-
tended a conference in Texas a few weeks ago on
communication education. "I'll be meeting with
as many faculty in the department in the next
month as I can."
Chamberlin said recent alums will be con-
tacted and student input will also be solicited,

possibly through a survey.
Allaying some fears, Chamberlin said those
who have already declared majors in the depart-
ment should not worry because any of the
committee's recommendations will take time to
"The people that are current communication
majors will be able to finish their concentration,"
he said. "Students entering the ,University may
see an altered concentration. I don't see any
reason for current concentrators to be worried."

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