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May 04, 1994 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1994-05-04

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8-The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, May 4, 1994
Fall from Packard St.
window kills student

By Lisa Dines
Christopher Garcia, an LSA
sophomore, fell out of his Packard
Street apartment April 20 and later
died of complications from the fall.
Garcia fell through the third-story
window while wrestling with LSA
sophomore Evan Goldschneider.
According to the police report,
both students were conscious and
communicating with the officers who
arrived at the scene of the accident.
Garcia suffered a broken leg and
back as well as several lacerations
causedby theglass.Goldschneidersus-
tained minor injuries and was released
from the hospital on the same day.
According to the police report, al-
cohol was not a factor in the accident.
The window in the apartment ex-
tended from the ceiling to the floor
without any protective guards to pre-
vent an accidental fall, according to
the police report. A follow-up police
investigation found the other win-
dows in the apartment were "not loose
or otherwise unstable."
According to the Ann Arbor Hous-
ing Inspectors Office, there were no

outstanding building code violations at
the Packard apartment.
The code requires landlords to add
screens to all windows after May 1.
if the same accident took place now,
the screen could help prevent a fall.
Prime Student Housing, which
owns the apartment, declined to com-
ment on the accident.
Although there is no current legal
action, tenant rights advocates said
Garcia's family may have grounds to
file suit against the landlord.
"Even if something is not a code
violation, if it is clearly a violation of
common-sense safety than the land-
lord may still be liable," said Pattrice
Maurer, the Ann Arbor Tenants'
Union director.
Nicholas Roumel, an attorney for
Student Legal Services, said the li-
ability for the accident will probably
be divided among the landlord and
the students. Any court award would
be reduced by the percentage of "con-
tributory negligence" under the law.
Mary Perrydore, senior housing
adviser for off-campus housing, said
accidents like this one are very rare.

JUNE 19 -AUGUST 20, 1994
This Intensive Arabic Program offers proficiency-
Its characters form based instruction in Modern Standard Arabic, the
some of the most literary Arabic used throughout the Middle East for
ancient literature
known to humanity. official communications, including broadcasting
It is the devotional and publishing. Six hours of daily instruction in the
language of more classroom and the language lab, in addition to
than 1 billion supervised study, will help you master the intricacies
Muslims through- sueved hl
out theworldand of conversation, reading, writing, and listening
thedaily language comprehension at the elementary, intermediate, high
ofnmore than180
million people in intermediate, or advanced level. Three-course
more than 20 Middle sequences at each level provide 300 credit units,
Eastem countries. equivalent to 15 quarter hours or 10 semester hours.
Current events Students will enjoy weekly lectures in Arabic and
indicate its roe as
the language of a English on Middle East topics by leading experts in
region of cucial the field, and participate in Arabic-language extra-
ietn curricular activities including drama, poetry, story-
telling, debate and newspaper groups. Instruction will
This summer the ... .
Universityof also be supplemented by cultural activities including
Chicago isonce lectures, films, outings, and performances to broaden
again offening understanding of various facets of life in the Arab
an extraondinary
opportunity to earn world.
a full years credit To request a Buletindescribing this program and
in the study of this
fascinating and other summer courses, call (312) 702-2450 or write:
beautiful language.

The Dalai Lama brings a message of harmony and spiritual awareness to the University community April 21-23.
Dalai Lama encourages world peace

By Flint J. Wainess
A stream of cars on State Street tongues.
said it all.
Donning bright bumper stickers
that screamed "Free Tibet" and li-
cense plates reading "HOWL," in-
formed observers knew the cars were people of all re
welcome mats for the visit of the The Dalai L
Dalai Lama to Ann Arbor. sponsored by t
In athree-day extravaganza, events Jewel Heart, e
ranging from a general speech calling theme during th
for demilitarization and world peace Speaking to
to discussions about what spiritual rium, the Tibe
oneness means, the spiritual and tem- pearing eloque
poral leader of Tibet spent April 21- ease in both Ei
23 meeting Ann Arbor residents. language - ou
But for students, the coming of the "We are fro
Dalai Lama happened to coincide with speak different
an unusual weekend of beautiful but all humans h
weather and finals looming on the structive potent
horizon. Nevertheless, LSA sopho- He went on ti
mores Katy Fensch and Angie Palmer birth to death, v
attended the Saturday discussion. on others' care
Fensch said they went to the event the need to stri
because they are both interested in and tolerance it
other cultures. The Dalai L
Palmer said the Dalai Lama's consisting of iml
message of universal compassion and ing from Ann
human rights is an important one for Sheldon to the1

rom all directions and speak different
- Tenzin Gysato
14th Dalai Lama

ligions and cultures.
-ama, whose visit was
he Ann Arbor-based
mphasized a similar
he talks.
a packed Hill Audito-
tan Buddhist - ap-
ntly peaceful and at
nglish and his native
tlined his philosophy.
om all directions and
tongues," he noted,
ave "tremendous con-
.o say that since "from
we are heavily reliant
," there thus follows
ve for "non-violence
n daily life."
Lama sat on a panel
pressive persons rang-
Arbor Mayor Ingrid
poet Allen 'Ginsberg.

The life of the Dalai Lama has
been one riven with paradox. On one
hand, he is the 14th Dalai Lama, a
bodhisattva who is supposedly ex-
empt from the banes of humanity, and
is on his earth merely to help others.
Bat the Dalai Lama has also been
forced to deal with political realities*
In 1950, as China invaded East Tibet
and began systemically tearing apart
its cultures and traditions, the Dalai
Lama fled to India and has ruled in
exile from there ever since.
Tibetan Buddhism was popular-
ized on Western college .campuses in
the 1960s, as the counterculture and
the student movement embraced many
of the teachings of the Dalai Lama
But if the small sampling of student
at the festivities surrounding the Dalai
Lama's visit to Ann Arbor was any
indication, student interest has waned
since then.

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