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June 09, 1993 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1993-06-09

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6- The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly- Wednesday, May9,1993



............ . .. . ... ...

tween Rackham & Frieze Bldgs. 668-1332. 845 Brookwood, #3 - $510 + elec. (heat Furnished
included) ($495 for one person). A small,
.. . . . .. . . .:quiet building, convenient to the Law & 3 B e d ro o m A p t
' MUSTANGTxsa t . Business Schools. Brookwood is a 1 block, $700/month for Fall
cyl. auto, A/C. $3600/best. 662-4819. uistreFurihed or neafurnished, as iyyou One Mile South of Campus
'81) MUSTANG Looks like a ragtep, runs like - parking - Iaundry - Sept.-Sept. lease. Copi Properties - 663-5609
like a top. $1200/best. 662-4819. No pets - 769-1534.
BICYCLES: All speeds, men/womens. $25- *2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS: 1313 S. STATE Avail. immediately. Bright
$50 good cond. Also parts. 475-3238. 807 W. Madison, #2 ($575 + elec. & cook- & sunny oversized apts. in quiet brick build-
CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED ing gas), #5 ($600 + elec. & cooking gas) ing on athletic campus across from Ferry
89 Mercedes......................$200 Sept.-Sept. lease: A small quiet building in Field. A/C, free Idry., 2 pkng. spaces, tremen-
86VW.............................$50 the Old West Side, one mile west of the Law dous closet space. A real value, $745! Call
87Mercedes......................$100 School. Fully furnished (#5 could be rented Judy, Heather, or Todd @ Oppenheimer
65Mustang........................$50 unfurnished) - New kitchens & appliances - Properties, Inc. 995-5575.
Choose from thousands starting at $50. Nice carpet & some hardwood floors - Park- 2 BDRM. APTS. in quiet well maintained
FREE Information-24 Hour Hotline. ing - Laundry - No pets- 769-1534. bldg. $610-$760, Idry. heat. 665-4930.
801-379-2920 Copyright #M1041110. *5 BEDROOM HOUSE: 2 BDRM. ON S. DIVISION Heat, wtr.,
FOR SALE! '86 HONDA ELITE 80 1335 Sheehan $1500 + utilities. (Sept.-Sept. prkg., Indry. $675/mo. Sept. 668-2817.
Very low mileage. Needs battery. lease). A lovely 5 person house just off 2-3 BDRM. APTS.; 1600 Packard, modern,
$350. Call 769-2554. Dewey, one mile from the Law School. Tons remodeled. Furnished/Unfurnished. May &
LARGE FORMAT 4 X 5 cameras, complete of natural woodwork, hardwood floors with Sept. Ise. 769-7025 or 995-8952.
4 x 5 darkroom, photo lights, copy stand, rugs in the living-dining rooms - carpeting 200 PACKARD
much more. Call 313-549-5305. throughout the rest of the house. New kitchen 6+Bedroom home. Pkng., Indry., furn. 2
MOO COE,8 uui$0 rwith dishwasher, disposal, 2 modern +ero hus.Pn, drEr.2
MOTOR SCOOTER; 87 Suzuki $300 or bathroomsflly frnshe, landry, parking. baths. $1300. Oakland Mgt. 761-7491.
best offer 994-4435. Large bedrooms. No pets. 769-1534.
1 BDRM APT $540. Free heat, parking, Furnished
> < hardw fuarn. new punt. 227-0651.
DAE BDRM. AS n bc dg Eff. & 1 Bedroom Apts.
_ idry. $515 - $64. 665-4930. $400-$450/month
For Fall - No Parking
DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE CopiProperties- 63-5609
Edited by Trude Michel Jaffe 3-6 BEDROOM
ACROSS 5 Churchill's 41 Six-line poem 55 Sit Apts. & Houses available September 1993.
1 Eiffel, "Few" 44 Mimics 57 Yorkshire All include heat, water, parking, dishwasher,
for one 6 Accordingly 46 Media giant's river microwave, laundry.
6 Put a lid on 7 Actor Alan inits. 59 Offensive Keystone Properties. 608 Packard
9 Wanes 8 Annoy 49 Factory-made 60 Taj Mahal site 663-2284
13 Musical 9 Overhead trains structure 61 North Sea 3 BDRM APT $925. Free heat, pkng, ldry,
drama 10 Sign of an old 51 Of the stars feeder furn, new pamit, bsmt. Fall 227-0651.
14 King of rhyme wound 52 Inquired 63 Hither and - 3 BDRM. APT. on Catherine- for 3/4, pkng.
15 Julie Christie 11 Danish 54 Eight, in 65 700, Roman furn. dry. $1000 + util. 449-4797.
role astronomer Barcelona style Furnished
16 Heated debate Tycho
18 Doe's mate 12 Wise one 6 Bedroom House
19 Toboggan 14 String ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: $1700/month
20 Printed 17 One who HOPS STEM STOLE For Fall
mistakes models I D E A A I D A CAPE R .
22 Tea inToulon clothing. eg. R 0 L L L A I N ARENA Copi Properties " 663-5609
23 Outwit 21 Nerve-cell T R EAS U RE I SLAND
25 Banish process 3PEOPLE LOOKING FOR ANAPT..?Our
27 Noisier 24 Former G.I. DATA TAP 1000 sq. ft.r2 bdrm. apts. areeideal! 1 L-
30 Moved with 26 Thought P A L N E S T 0 R C L 0 G shaped bdrm. is perfect as a double. Closet &
assurance 27 Part of an ear A W A I T A B A 0 0 Z E storage space must be seen to be believed.
C P A I N KAN G A R Lge. windows overlook Huron river. New
32 Possess 28 Was in debt P T A KA3NG 0 carpet, lighting, & contemp. farn. $900 incl.
33 Rate of speed 29 Beleaguered E R S E C 0 E 0 L A N D heat, water, pkng. Call Judy, Heather, or
35 Aeries 31 Carry DEEM H 0 R T ON NE E Todd @ Oppenheimer Properties, Inc. 995-
38 "Venerable" 34 "D1'Man --" L 0 N E R E S 5575.
Benedictine 1938 song O S C A R T H E G R O U C H 321 N. THAYER 5 bdrm.apt. fern. dwshr.
40 Carrots, beets, 36 Daughter of & disp. 2 baths, carpet. $1350 + electric.
etc. Uranus CR GO K ION A BRIE Phone: 663-3149.
420chanagram 37Estern HA L VE MAIN EDNA
43 Plant swelling European A L D E R E X E S R U E D at THOMPSON STREET ___
45 Show disdain 39 Give forth -another one of our SEVEN
Distinctive Campus Locations-
47 Air: Prefix We still have a few l - 3 Bedrooms
48 Torn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -call741-9300
50 Egyptian 13tu-15 - Contemporary in Every Way;
talisman Family Owned and Managed-
52 Fall flower 16 17 18 aEXPERINCETEFRaCE! J
53 Specks 350 THOMPSON: Fabulous location! 1, 2
55 Greek letter 1 2i 21 22 & 3 bdrm. apts. Contemporary in every way
56 Gathering of w/free copies, exercise room, recreation room
spiritualists 23 24 25 2& & much, much more! 741-9300.
58 Waiter's aid 27 2 293 3 4 -BDRM FURN. 806 Sybil. Prkg., free

6 BEDROOM APT. close to Med. Campus.
Great location on Lawrence at Ingalls. Call
Judy, Todd or Heather at Oppenheimer
Properties, 995-5575.
618 & 624 PACKARD Eff. & 1 bdrm.
Avail. Fall. Semi-frrn. Utils. pd. 747-6895.
Huge 6 Bdrm. House.
Pkng., lndry., 2 baths. $1500/mo, avail. fall.
Oakland Management 761-7491.
820 E. KINGSLEY, furn. 1 bdrm. apt. for 1
person avail. June 23. 663-6138.
or Sept. Spacious 8-bdrm 2 kitchen furnished
5-car park in rear, coin washer & dryer. Com-
plete renovation 2 yrs ago. Packard & State.
973-6072 $2600 + util.
Efficiency, 1 & 2 bedroom apt. starting $350.
Oakland Management 761-7491.
.from yoar Fall 1993 apartmsent. We offer:
*More sizes--Efficiency, studio, 1, 2
and 3 bedroom apts.
o More locations--All dlose to campus
More features--Choo e furnished or
unfurnished, A/C, balcony, laundry, parking,
For MORE information, call:
Wilson White Company, Inc.
Equal Housing Opportunity.
Student Housing, Inc.
Great Campus Apartments
for Spr/Su & Fall '93
Hurry! Call Today!

Great locations still
available for May & Sept!
Apartment! Great Locationst Newly
remodeled! New furnituret All appliancest
Rooms for Spring/Summer-$150/month, Ef-
ficiency at 702 Tappan for Fall-$695/month,
Rooms for Fall at 911 Vaughn-$350/month.
Call 930-9999 anytime.
521 Walnut St. - Spacious 2 bedroom apts.
between South U. and Geddes, furnished., A/
C, parking.
917 Packard - Modern, furn. 2 bdrm. apts.,
corner of Packard & McKinley.
668-1100 or 668-6906.
1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments
a 3 Bedroom House
" Rooms & Efficiencies
" September Leases
625 Church St.
Phone: 668-1100
Monday-Saturday: 9am-5pm
Sunday: By appointment
CAMPUS--near CCRB. Attic 1-bdrm., avail.
Fall. $560/mo. incl. heat, pkg. Big stor. area.
513 Elm. 761-5048 eves.
CAMPUS--near CCRB, large 5-bdrm. house
avail. 9/1, $1700/mo. w/ narking. 507 Elm.


62 Dokeyv
64 Go after
66 Lily of Utah
67 A Guthrie
68 Clique
69 Paradise
70 Turkish title
71 Weather word
1 Hauls
2 October stone
3 Had been
4 Worn

32 33 34 35 36 37
in 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47
48 49 5i 51
52 53 54
55 56 57 58 59 60 61
62 63 64 65
66 67 6

a a . a unN W .ANIOK r. a'aefa.,1 a L
bed. apts. near Central and/or Med campus in
houses are modern bldgs. from $450 w/heat,
water, pkng. mel. Some mel. all utilities, sor-
ry no pets. 769-2255.
AVAIL. NOW Furn. spacious 5 bdrm. hse.
$750/mo. til end of summer. $1500 for fall.
Lvng. rm. w/fireplace. Dining rm. Pkag. for
6. Call 769-6683 or 665-2723.
AVAIL. NOW - Gallatin Manor - E. Wil-
liam/Division. Effic. & 1-BR apt. Security
buzzer-laundry-storage. Gallatin Realty Co.
AVAIL. SEPT 1 - Packard/Division. 6-BR
house. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-0624.
3 bdrm. fern. house 15 min. to campus. Sept.-
Aug. $950/mo. + util. 663-7197.

ercis r^o", rereaouroo. ti-o
FOR 93-94 SCHOOL YEAR, large 3
bedroom furnished apartment with fireplace.
From $990. 1 & 2 bdrms. from $490. New
security system. New coin-operated washers
and dryers. Special short-term summer rental
rates on 2 & 3 bedroom units. 915 S.
Division. 665-4700.
GALLATIN MANOR E. William/Division.
Avail. Sept. 1 Effic.-1-2-3 BR apts. with
security buzzer, laundry, storage. Gallatin
Realty Co. 994-0624.
2 Blocks to Diag
Large 1 bedrooms
Washington Manor
Must see!
Varsity Management





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