2 -The MichgaDaiySun Wee~y-Wednesday, June9 ,1993
Continued from Page 1
these waste disposal sites or their
contents. Each of these sites repre-
sents a potential risk to the commu-
nityandanunknown future environ-
mentalliability for the University."
Christopher Graham, a local
landscapearchitect familiar with the
Oak Way area, and amember of the
Committee, said the dumpsite is pol-
luting the surrounding wetlands
"It is a degraded wetland,"he said.
"The ecology is totally obliterated."
dayhe pointed to a dry creek bed near
the landfill, seared with an ugly red
streak.Grahamsaidthered color marks
an area of high contamination.
The nearby oak grove is pristine.
The trees stand in an area that Graham
said has not been cultivated, devel-
oped or polluted. He estimated their
ages between 150and 250 years.
Graham pointed east toward the
polluted wetlands. 'The road belongs
in a place that's already degraded, not
through these trees."
public discussions of the University's
proposal. Atacaucusmeeting Sunday
night,athirdalternative was mentioned:
close the present Oak Way and allow
the Veteran's Hospital expansion, but
not to rebuild Oak Way. This would
save trees and force the University to
take responsibility for its leaky land-
Safewalk saunters
through summer
By JULIE GARRETT able for both men and women. A
DAILY STAFF REPORTER or all female team of two peopl
For the first time since its begin- walkany student, faculty orstaff
ning in 1986 Safewalk is operating for ber within a 20-minute radiust
the Spring and Summer Terms. Diag.During theFallandWinter
"We are always looking for new Safewalkoperatesoutofboththe
ways to expand the program," said and Angell Hall. Northwalk op
David Zaft, co-coordinator for out of Bursley Hall.
Safewalk. Northwalk is not operating f
In response to a Daily editorial Spring and Summer Terms be
from last spring, Zaft said Safewalk Bursley Hall is vacant.
organizersworkedhardtopulltogether Fifty volunteersarepresently
volunteers to continue the invaluable ing for the program this sprin
service during the spring and summer. summer, but organizers are still
The response has been slow, said ing for more volunteers. For tho
Zaft, because many don't know terested, a mass meeting is bein
Safewalk is operating for the Spring in the Union on July 7 at 7 pm.
and Summer Terms. The new hours for the nigl
"Butthatisn'timportant,"said Jim walking service are Sunday th
Sullivan, DPS security officer and ad- Thursday nights 9-11:30 p.m.r
visor for Safewalk and Northwalk. who need to use the service can<
"Being able to offer this service (dur- stop by the office in the UGLi. I
ing the spring and summer) is the im- renovation, the office has
portant thing." temporilymovedtotheback oft
SafewalkandNorthwalk are avail- floor in the UGLi.
NOVELLO conceming women.
Continued from Page 1 "The health care systemc
mented on its significance and the im- begin to care for women until i
portance it holds for her. izes the social aspects of their 1
"Thisawardisimportantbecauseit she said. "This is not a choice t
is given by my peers and by my alma absolute necessity."
mater that has helped me get to where Novelloaddedthatminorityw
I am today," she remarked. areespeciallyvulnerabletothesys
Throughout her speech, Novello shortcomings because of the d
advocated the need to accept and em- portionatenumber of these wom
brace the country's changing ing in lower income environme
demography especially where health "Poverty means limitati
care is concerned. choices that minority wome
"If weare going tobeonenation we make," she asserted.
have to take care of all ethnic and The Alumnae Council
cultural groups into a new partner- awarded five women with Re
ship," she said. "In this country we tion awards for their dedicatic
cannot cling blindly to the perceptions commitment to local Alumnae
of the past" and to the University: Ros
Novello also criticized the current Barker,MargaretEibler,CindyI
stateofhealthcareanditsinadequacies Amy Karcis and Bonnie Miller
le will
of the
for the
g and
ose in-
ig held
Due to
he first
t real-
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The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly(ISSN 0745.967) is pubshed Wednesdays during the spring and summer
terms by students at the University of Michigan. On-campus subscriptions for spring/summer term are available
fr $10Nof- caps suscripts e avalabefor sprng/sume.Subscritins for fllwinterterms,.startn
in September via U.S. mail are $160. Fall term only is $90. Winter term only is $95. On-campus subscriptions for
fa/wite 35.As b'spton-utbeprnpa
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STAFF: Julie Becker. Amy Flamenbaum, Jordan Stancl. Allison Stevens.
SPORTS Ken Davidoff, Editor
STAFF: Rachel Bachman,. BrettForrest. Brett Johnson, Antoine Pitts. Jaeson Rosenfeld. J.L. Rostam-Abadi.
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PHOTO Evan Petrie, Editor
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ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES E Btti JenniferCowan Sunita Dutta. Jennifer Pine. Monique Rusen. Robyn Van
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