2--The Mihn aiSumnerWeedy -Weuesday, June 2,1993 SAUINAS Continued from page 1 event organizer, said, "People in this country have to work and they have to live. Every time they close aplant here they open one in Mexico. If this bilgoes through, a lot morejobs will go to Mexico." Peterson rallied to protect the gains that he and his generation made in labor negotiations. Salinas answered criticisms that the passage of NAFTA will harm the environment, "It is to our benefitto clean the environment and raise the standard of living of our countrymen.' Pam Blnch, a SNRE graduate student who works at the Ecology Center, said she feared NAFI7A's effects on the environment. "I don't think the policy makers can stand up to the money Mexico is going to spend unless they see that everybody is against it," Bloch said. The protesters, many wearing jackets embla- zoned with the symbols of the United Auto Work- "NAFTA * ajob creation agreement It will increase competitiveness ... and for :Mexicans it's a wage increase (and a) migration reduction agreement" Car/os Salinas tde Gotar i Mexican' President graduate school to the doors of the Power Center voicing their anger at G3ov. John Engler's role in NAFTA. They chanted, "Hey, hey, ho, ho, send John to Mexico." Enagler, whorecentlyled a 1O-memberMichi- gas trade mtissio to Mexico, shared the stage with Salinas. MariaFranks from the Woodhaven Ford plant brought her daughter to the rally. "We have to let him know that this can't happen. This is our country and jobs," she said. Her high-school danghter, Jamie, said, "A lot of the jobs that she and her friends got won't he available for me and my friends." Salinas received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree and presented The William E. Simon Lecture in Public Affairs established by former President and Michigan alum Gerald Ford. q 0 I EVAN PETRIE/iDaily Former presidential candidate and California Gov. Jerry Brown autographs a poster of a NAFTA protester. G~tti . C.SCR Pi El-T 9C " MULTI COLOR SPECIALISTS - "-ARTIST ON STAFF -- _ " RUSH ORDERS - " "EAR U OF M CAMPUS n_ 1217 PROSPECT, ANN ARBOR 665-1771 - ,OFF with this ad. o* m Large round or o( deep dish pizza ; V'I alidony at Pal with one topping. (pludtax) L ne Expires 6/15 $2.99 Lunch Specials Inn ackard/Hill769-5555 e995-9101 upon pr order. 393 HUNGER Continued hrorn page 1 their files. "It seems only fair to them and those who entrusted them with information," Simon wrote. Shaila's office said the general counsel of the HHS is currently inves- tigating the future status of Feder and Stewart's now-classified files. "I am very interested in having the government take a look at all the facts I have raised," Stewart said. The move to shut down Feder and Stewart was approvedhby Shalala. Co- Religious Services AVAVAVAVA LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY LORD OFULGHT LUTH5ERAN CHURCH, ELCA 801 South Forest (at Hill Stret), 668-7622 SIDAY Woship-10 u.m W5EDNESDAY: Bible Study-d p.m. Enening Prayer-7 p.m. ST. MARY'S STUDtNT PARtSH IA Roman Catholic Community at U-M) Cornerh'William and Thompson St. Across from Cottage Inn Weekend Liturgies- MONDIIAY&k W5EDNESD3AY: 5:10 pm FRII2AX: t2:15 pm SUNDAY: 8:30 am, 10 urn, 12 noon, and 9pm TtMPLt BETH tMtTH A Reform Congregation 2309 Packard Road Rabbi Robert teny FRIDlAY ervices 8:00 pm 665-4744 UNIVERSITY LUTHtRAN CHAPtL, LCMS Summer Schedule May-August SUNaDAY: Worship-9:30 a.m. WEDNESDAY: Supper/Acivitie"-6p.m. 1511 Washtenaw, near HilSt. Pastor Ed Krauss, 663-5560 incidentally, itwas Stewart whoraised questions at her confirmsation hear- ings about her competence to serve as HHS secretary. When Shalala was chancellor of the University of Wisconsin, Stewart publicly criticized her for mishan- Wling allegations of research fraud at Wisconsin. Shalala denied in a media state- ment that her agreement with the de- cision to shutdown Feder and Stewart was a vendetta against Stewart. "Absolute, false denial," Shalala said. She added the investigative com- mittee cleared her of any wrongdo- ing. "She rigorously, vigorously pur- sued the Lucas case," said Victor Zonona, Shalala's press secretary. Irwin Goildstein, IUniversoity asso- ciate dean of Research and Graduate Studies, said the order to shut down the fraud-busters was one that would please many scientists and researchers. "Stewart and Feder were regarded by most scientists as self-appointed guardians," he said, "who operated without oversight or a credible pro- cess." He added most scientists would not he sonry the two were relieved of their investigative duties. However, Phinney said the two sci- entists had not been granted due pro- cess by the NIH. "'fis is not acommunist country," Phinney said. "I consider these repres- sive actions by the NIH to he very frightening." -Daily Managing Editor Jen DiMascionrbuteood to tis reort. Everyday of the week. A complete meal for only $2.99. Better and cheaper than fast food. Mon: Smoked Turkey Sandwich & Ssup Tuet: liLT & Fries Wad: 1/1bt Cheeseburger & Fries Thusrs: Grilled Turkey Dijon & Fries Fri: Fith Sandwich & Fries Saturday: Tuna Melt & Snap Sunday: 1/31b Cheeseburger & Fries Expanded Beer Selection!f t Now 20 Beers on Tap Happy Hour M-F 3-7pm Kitchen Open Late Every Nightt 338 State St. 996-9191l 5/4 Thr Mhn ailyaSummnes Weky ISSN o745-96)os:: ub6ish65 Wedresdasdurgthesprguend summer temsb sudts rtatthe Uriversityofchigan. Or-canpussubsriptiosfrusersirg/summ Ieremarre aalal for510. Nooff-campuststbscrptios rt aailablefrrsprg/summer.S.u0:critionsfortfall/ointertrms, starting inOeptembervia 0.0. mail arer$160. Falterm only is $90. Witer termenlr5is 595. Or-canpus subsctonsfor o fa/winer are$5.l A Isubsorcrios must berpaid. A00RE00. The MichiganrDaipy, 420 Maprard Street, Anr Arbor. Michgan48r109r1327 PHONE NUMBERS (Area Code 313): News leDAILY, Opnior 763-245; Arts 763-0379; Sports 741-3336; Circulaton 764-0158; Classflted Advertiin 7640507; Displap dvedtising 764-0554, Bilrig 764-0550 NEWS Jan DiMacio, Managing Editor NEWS EDITOR: MicheeHatty STAFF: J.B. Akins. Michelle FFie, JuleGarrmt, Anddea MacAam..Bryn Micley Emil Nwan. OPINION Sam Goodatain, Flint Wainesa, Editora STAFF. Jule Becker. Amy Flamekbaum. (SPORTS Kan Davidoff, Editor STAFF. Rachel Bachean, BretS Forrst, Brett JosonAntoire Fitts, Jamsn Rosenel~dJ.L RstamdAbadi, Tim Spolar. 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