41vS rWeeklyai
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
Volume CIII, No. 6S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, June 2, 1993 -1993 The Michigan Daily
clash on
While dignataries and observers
gave Mexican President Carlos Sali-
nas deGotari a standing ovation inside
the Power Center last Thursday after-
noon, bus loads of picketers protested
with megaphones and labor union
chants outside.
The Mexican president's involve-
ment with the controversial North
American Free Trade Agreement
gan into a polarized debate about
whether the propsoed trade pact be-
tweenMexico, Canadaand the United
States would boost the economy and
create jobs or send industrial labor
positions below the border.
"NAFTA is a job creation agree-
ment," said Salinas who argued that
thepactwillenableindustry inallthree
countries to expand. "It will increase
wage increase agreement (and a) mi-
gration reduction agreement"
If approved by U.S. lawmakers,
NAFTA wouldcreate theworld'slarg-
estfree-tradezone byeliminating tarrifs
on products and removing barriers to
U.S. Trade Representative Mickey
Kantor said he expects the agreement
to go to Congress by September.
Mexican President Carlos Salinas
American Free Trade Agreement
Center Thursday.
Canada's House of Commons ratified
the agreement Thursday.
Former California Gov. Jerry
Brown, leading more than 400 union
members in protest against the agree-
ment, said the opposite.
"NAFTA is bad for the people of
America and it's bad for the environ-
ment," Brown said. "I'm here because
the Mexican president is here. I don't
want him coming to the heartland of
Michigan where so many jobs were
lost and try to pretend he's not cul-
Salinas argued that NAFTA is
neccesary for North America to com-
pete with European and Asian coun-
tries which have established trade
agreements. "It will mean that North
America willhave the capacity tocom-
pete. To face the challenges of the next
The 85 million Mexican citizens
will benefit from higher wages for
Mexican workers, Salinas said. "We
s de Gotari praises the North
amid protestest at the Power
NAFTA is badfor
the people of Ametica
and it's bad for the
Jerry Brown
former California governor
want them to have better economic
Mexiconeedseconomic growth to
support its expanding population, he
Salinas said higher trade barriers
have stifled Mexico's economic
this trend and moved toward freeing
trade restrictions.
"Why NAFTA? Because we want
to export goods and not people," Sali-
nas said. "We want trade and not aid."
John Peterson, a union retiree and
See SAums, Page 2
foregoes food
By BRYN MICKLE gan State University,
MVLlY STAFF REPORTER a commitment from NIH to bet-
Two scientific fraud investigators, ter investigate cases of scientific mis-
who were instrumental in helping a conduct and fraud
University research assistant win her and a reopening of Stewart and
fraud case against the University, have Feder's lab.
been silenced by the federal govern- In 1990, Stewart and Feder began
ment. Researcher Carolyn Phinney full-time investigations of scientific
claimedhermentorMarianPerlmutter, and research fraud - with the full
stole her scientific ideas on wisdom approval of the NIH. As recently as
and aging. March 26 of this year, both men had
The National Institutes of Health been given excellent job ratings by
(NIH) took action against the investi- their supervisors.
gators on May 10. Walter Stewart and When the men ventured outside of
Dr. Ned Feder were sanctioned for science fraud, their work came into
using governmentresourcesforinves- question.
tigating non-scientific activity. NIH Feder and Stewart tested their pla-
administrators changed the locks on giarism machine - a computer soft-
Stewart and Feder's lab, sealed their ware program capable of scanning
files and reassigned both scientists to documents for evidence of copied writ-
other positions. ings-on Stephen Oates' book "With
"This is ethically and completely - Malice Toward None: The Life of
wrong," Stewart said in a phone inter- AbrahamLincoln."The scientists con-
view. "NIH has never said we've done cluded that Oates had in fact plagia-
anything wrong. " rized parts of the book.
Included in these now-sealed files, Their claims of plagiarism were
officially considered classified infor- not without credence. In 1991, the
mation by the NIH, are the last five American Historical Association
yearsof Stewart andFeder's investiga- (AHA) investigated claims that Oates
tionsintonationalscientificfraudcases had plagiarized parts of his Lincoln
and the software for their "plagiarism biography. AHA did not accuse Oates
machine." of plagiarism, but instead charged him
Stewart and Feder developed the with failing toprovide enoughattribu-
plagiarismmachineinresponsetothen- tion to another Lincoln biographer.
University Researcher Marianne Stewart and Feder, using govern-
Zorza's accusations that then-Univer- mentstationery, as wellas government
sity professor L. Cass Terry had pla- mailing privileges, sent a 1,500 page
giarized Zorza's work. plagiarism accusation to Oates. Horri-
The investigators' supervisor, Earl fied by what the two federal scientists
Laurence-the acting deputy director had done, Oates contacted Sen. Paul
of the National Institute for Diabetes Simon (D-Ill.) to fight back.
andDigestiveandKidneyDiseases- Simon, whohasauthoredabiogra-
said the two scientists had been re- phy on Lincoln, requested an inquiry
moved fromtheirduties at this division by NIH director Dr. Bernadine Healy.
because they had "gone beyond the Two weeks later, NIH made the
mission of the NIH." decision toreassign Stewart and Feder
Stewart has been on a hunger strike to different positions. Stewart works as
for the past 22 days to protest the NIH a research chemist in the Biophysical
order. He has asked NIH to consider a Chemistry Section Laboratory. Feder
list of requests before he will end his is working in the ReviewBranch of the
fast. Division of Extramural Affairs, where
Included in his demands are the he reviews grant applications to the
following: NIH.
M A fair and thorough NIH inves- Simon, in a letter to Department of
tigation of Marianne Zorza's scientific Health and Human Services (HHS)
fraud case against the University, Secretary Dr.DonnaShalala,requested
a fair and through investigation the two scientists be given access to
ofJeffreyWilliams' caseagainstMichi-
See HUNGER, Page 2
No change in state funding for 'U'
The University willnotreceive any
increase in state funding for the '93-
'94 fiscal year. Yesterday the Senate
Higher Education Appropriations sub-
amendments to the Higher Education
Bill. The revised bill will be heard by a
conference committee today.
Director of University Relations
Walter Harrison could not be reached
for comment.
Subcommittee Chair Sen. John
Schwarz (R-Battle Creek) said, "Be-
cause there arenomore dollars coming
into the state there are no more dollars
for higher education.
'The danger isif(tuitions)don't go
up the quality of education will go
down," Schwartz said.
Schwarz said the state of Michigan
has moved from 36th to 21st in per-
student appropriations in the last three
He compared Michigan's higher
education budget to those in California
and Illinois where the higher education
systems have suffered cuts.
The subcommittee struck down a
House proposal that supplied equitable
funding for state colleges anduniversi-
Schwarz is strongly against using a
formula to determine funding because
it would not take many variables into
"This is the first shot fired in a civil
war in this state," he said.
Sen. Vernon Ehlers (R-Allendale)
called for an investigation of the effi-
cacy of formula funding in other states.