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May 05, 1993 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1993-05-05

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d Summer Weekly 1a
One hundred two years of editorial freedom
Volume C111, No. 2S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, May 5, 1993 (-o1993 The Michigan Daily!



Public Health dean

resigns, P
Requesting a reversal of a December mora-
toriumenactedby Schoolof Public Health Dean
June Osborn, a University committee recom-
mended that PPIH remain open. One day later,
effective September 1, 1993.
The committee was formed by Provost Gil-
was administered within University guidelines.
Disgruntled PPIH students and faculty
launched a vigorous campaign to insure PPIH
would not be the first academic department to be
closed in over a decade. Whitaker convened the
committee to evaluate the behavior of PPIH and
Osborn's decision to close the department.
Director of University Relations Walter
Harrison called the committee's report, which
criticized PPIH as well as Dean Osborn, "very
thorough and even handed."
The report triggered a chain of events.
In a memorandum distributed to all depart-
ments at the School of Public Health - except
PPIH - Osborn said she would be taking one
year of administrative leave before returning to
faculty status.
Since Osborn enacted the moratorium -
which froze recruitment of new faculty to the
department andrestricted enrollment of incom-
ing students - the campaign to keep PPIH has
largely become a personal attack on her.
PPIH Prof. Jason Finkle noted, "Osborn got
trapped by not knowing the rules and standard
procedures for closing a department."
lent of due process.
Osborn left town on businessuntil tomorrow
and could not be reached for comment.
The committee's decision to liftithe morato-
rium left many PPIH faculty members ecstatic.
One PPIH faculty member, speaking on
conditions of anonymity, commented, "Even

3IH spared
Even when Nixon fell, Ifelt
some sadness,.. although I
laughed my head off.
PPIH faculty member
when Nixon fell, I felt some sadness ... although
I laughed my head off."
If the University would invest as much time
helping departments as it does hiring bureaucrats,
the entire PPIH fiasco would have been avoided,
the faculty member added.
But some felt sympathy for the dean.
Speaking to the Ann ArborNews,PPIH Chair-
man Yuzuru Takeshita said, "It's hard for her,
I'm sure. I feel bad about it ... I'm going to reach
out to her in some way."
PPIH students said they were equally thrilled,
if not surprised, about the recommendation to
keep the department alive.
'Three weeks ago nobody in PPIH would
have thought that this was possible .:. but a series
of fortunate circumstances allowedit to happen,"
said Christine Kolars, a recent PPIH graduate.
While some students questioned the
administration's handling of the episode, Kolars
was surprised that the University "had the guts to
reverse the decision."
The lifting of the moratorium was the culmi-
nation of four months of intense campaigning on
the part of PPIH faculty and students.
Afterspeakingatregents' meetingsandMichi-
gan Student Assembly meetings, writing letters
and distributing fliers around campus, those op-
posed to the decision refused to doubt them-
"I honestly knew that we were 100 percent
right all along," said Kolars.

Hillary Clinton receives an honrary Doctorate of Laws at the University's 174th
commencement ceremony Sunday.
Artist waits for Law School
censorship settlement
By BRYN MICKLE The settlement resulted from a lawsuit filed
DALY STAFF REPORTER by the American Civil Liberties Union, after
TheUniversity'sLawSchoolmayteachlegal membersoftheJournal dismantled an exhibitby
issues, but one Ann Arbor resident does not feel Jacobsen at a Law School sponsored forum on
it practices what it teaches. pornography last fall.
CarolJacobsen, the Ann Arbor artistcensored Jacobsen had taken down her exhibit after
by the Law School feels that neither the Law Journal members attempted to alter portions that
School nor the Michigan Journal of Gender and some forum participants found offensive.
Law are abiding to the terms of the settlement In exchange for dropping the lawsuit, the Law
reached last March. See SmuLMu, Page 2

University's Summer of Service program turned down

The University's application for President
Clinton's Summerof Serviceprogramwas turned
down recently by the Commission on National
and Community Service.
The University Task Force on Community
ServiceLea*ing devisedaprogramwhich would
have placed students from the University's Ann
Arbor,Dearborn, andFlintcampuses andEastern
Michigan University students at sites in Ypsilanti
and Detroit.

The program had a $1.8 million price tag to
employ 350 students and 700 volunteers.
"I would bet that ours was among the very
largest that weresubmitted,"said task force Chair
Barry Checkoway. "We werehoping that at least
300 college students and young people would get
involved with a wide range of community is-
Fifty-five students applied from the Ann Ar-
bor campus, said Jeffery Howard, director of the
Office of Community Service Learning.
The program would have placed students in

"We are disappointed that we could not get
support in this first summer," Checkoway said.
He added that the task force is motivated to
bring Clinton's program to campus.
"I feel very confident that the University will
again search for other ways tormake community
service learning available on this campus. If it
doesn't happen through this program ... we'll
find other ways," Checkoway said.
Howard said, "We are still deliberating about
offering a scaled down version of the Summer of

Service program."
The program would employ people on a part-
time, voluntary basis.
In a speech at the University of New Orleans
lastFriday, President Clinton announced both the
service program and a program in which the
federal government will provide direct loans to
Rep. Bill Ford (D-Ypsilanti), chair of the
House Committee on Education and Labor, is
scheduled to submit National Service legislation
tomorrow moning.

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