Faculty concerned about free Sy ANDREA MACADAM - IJILY STAF fEPORIER........,; ?:::>:. .::.:... "JQ G.ynw~womw In 1954, three University profes- sorsrefusedtotestify before the House st;b ti n : #a:aJ 4;".>;Iaet ae, the Committee on Un-American activi- :X ties. Instead of supporting their ac- $ftidCI$$, etc?" tions, theUniversity suspended them.. Since the days of McCarthyism, a _ i_____________i_ .. __________________ professor's right to free speech in the classroom has become less controver- using racist and sexist examples. The silencing those dealing with contro- sial. Butrecently, this issuehasresur- students also alleged he intimidated versial issues, so also a defense in faced,creatingconflictsaboutpolitical those who approached him about the terms of academic freedom can be correctness. matter. used to avoid dealing with classroom Many faculty members are con- Two weeks ago, the sociology de- actionsunrelated to the ideas a faculty cemed that allegations of discrimina- partmient reached a decision to let member is expressing," he wrote. tory practices are a threat to academic Goldberg teach the class, while offer- Other faculty members also ex- freedom. ing a second section that would be pressed concemover the Goldberg al- Free speech has become a source taught by another faculty member. legations and the issue of ensuring for debate at the University in the Goldberg declined to comment on academic freedom. administration's attempt to strike a the issue. Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- balance between academic freedom Although the incident brought up bor) questioned the validity of the and student sensitivity. questions relating to Goldberg's teach- charges and the manner in which they The case of sociology Prof. David ingpractices,thewiderissuethatmany were handled. Goldberg is one incident that has fu- faculty members were concerned with "(Thesewere)anonymouscharges, eled the controversy. was the preservationof academic free- when given credence, tend to take on a InearlyApril,agroupofGoldberg's dom. reality that they may ormaynothave," Sociology510studentswroteananony- In aletter to the University Record, he said. mous letter stating allegations that Department of Sociology Chair Baker defended the professor, ex- Goldberg made racist and sexist re- Howard Schuman discussed the need pressinghisopinionthatGoldberg"was marks. They requested that he not be toprotect a faculty member's freedom trying to show that various kinds of allowed to teach the class in the future. of expression in the classroom. conclusions can be reached whether Students said they addressed the "... Just as charges of sexism and they're correct or not." letter to Goldberg because he taught racism can be employed as a way of Chair of the Senate Advisory 'U' employee suspected in Eberwhite By BRYN MICKLE izedformoiethanaweekinUniversity Streets. DAILY STAFFREPORER Hospitals. AAPD said although the man de- The Ann Arbor Police Thesuspectwastakenintocustody nied any involvement in either crime, Department's (AAPD) extensive after AAPD officers arrested him on his muscular build and general de- search for theEberwhite Woodsrapist suspicion that he robbed a Michigan scription fit AAPD's profile for both mayhaveconcludedintheUniversity's Union employee. the assault and the Eberwhite rape. He own backyard. Police say the man grabbed the willbe given aseries of tests to tryand A University food service worker, woman by the hair, told her he was lletermineany involvementintherape. arrested for the robbery of an Ann armedwithagun andtook$7fromber. The suspect faces an examination Arborwomanlastweek, isconsidered He then reportedly tried to drag the todayinl5thDistrictCourtonafelony byinvestigaterstobethetopsuspectin woman toward a nearby cluster of charge of armed robbery. lastSeptember'srapeofanAnnArbor bushes. AAPDinvestigato srequestedwar- woman. The woman broke free, losing a rants for charges of both armed rob- The suspect is the ninth man to be handful of hair in the process and ran bery and attempted criminal sexual formally viewed as the rapist by the towards the Washtenaw Dairy. Police conduct, but the Washtenaw County AAPD. were notified and began a neighbor- prosecutor felt more evidence was re- The survivor suffered a concus- hood search for the man. quired for the charge of sexual con- sion, extensive facial wound, and the A short time later, the suspect was duct. loss of three teeth. She was hospital- apprehended at South Main and Hill Investigatorsadmittherapecharges Write . or- I W 4wwlau , , iom -- T1... m i .,... t ..C. t , ,ei.y- Yyemesaay, may 1Z, is' i -- ine Nitiop Ugly 51imffie' vie" --3 I speech Commitee on University Affairs (SACUA) Henry Griffin said the Goldberg incident is not a dear-cut issue of racism versus academic free- dom. "It's too complex to make such a pronouncement,"he said. SACUA iscurrently working on a policy that would monitordiscrimina- tory practicesinthe classroomwhileat the same time would protect a professor's academic freedom. Griffin said, "(be policy is)being carefuilly craftedtoaddress those com- peting interests." He added that while there is an awareness about the Goldberg allega- tions within SACUA, the developing policy has not been altered or affected by the incident. At the May meeting of the Univer- sityBoardofRegents,Bakerexpressed the need for such a policy in order to ensure academic freedom. "I suggested that what the institu- tion needs is a device that would pro- tect the professor," he said. He also stressed the detrimental effect that the hindering of academic freedom would have in the classroom. "If one cannot speak freely in the classroomthensubstantialdamagecan be done to the teacher, the student, etc.,"he said. Woods rape are weak, but feel the armed robbery charges have enough foundation to warrant atrial. The suspect, unable to post a $10,000 bond, is being held in the Washtenaw County Jail. I AMM ....._ _AML, i Derek Rooda andBrian Blancuoci, Engineering snors, try tB out- mnnuver one anothwr in a gam of hoops at a park on South U and Walnut St. r I . ~WEDNSDAY:ONIIor c .6 Barber Stylists THURSDAY: Beef on wet eNo Waiting!!! FRI Chicken kb DASCOLA STYLISTS 1220 South University Libert off State 668-9329 * - .. :_JIM WEAR-HbI-RTSiBYm T~IRNWAY rink $4.89OR JIM WEARS NOTHING AT ALL drik, $4.8j CLASSIC DOORS, BEATLES,HENDRIX, ZEPPELIN, MARLEY & DE 4SHIRTS 665-7777 STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN 344 S. STATE (UPSTAIRS) ACROSS FROM THE DIAG ANN ARBOR 994-3888 a.