Wednesday, Jay 14,1993 - TheMihgasy SummeWel -5 VIEWPOINT 'Asian Americans want By VARISA BORIBOON and JASON T. WANG Excerpt from the Michigan Mandate: The purpose of this Mandate is to guide the University of Michigan in creating a community that: Values, respects, and indeed draws its intel- lectualstrengthfromthe rich diversity ofpeoples ofdiferent races, cultures, religion,nationalities and beliefs. The word "community" implies a symbiotic relationship. However, university communities -amicrocosm of the real world-must work to create such arelationship. The University cannot seriously expect that by reaching its projected quotas for Asian Americans (or any other ethnic minority)thattheir questfor"intellectualstrength" is over. The University's retention efforts have been minimal and therefore mustbe increased in order to create a truly diverse, multicultural com- munity, which respects its minority populations. The Universityhas applaudeditself forreach- ing its target quota of Asian American students. Yet it makes minimal effort to help the commu- nity grow and develop. Asian Americans, an ethnically and economically diverse group, is still seen as a monolithic "model minority" com- munity. The University still has no disaggregate data available reflecting this ethnic diversity. Such statistics would help dispel monolithic ste- reotypes.The "modelminority"myth ignores the spectrum of talents Asian American students possess. Asian American students are pressured into tracking programs by counselorsandprofes- sors. Students are discouraged to pursue fields that are non-science or mathematically related. Those who defy societal and academic pressures are left unsupported by the faculty and adminis- tration. Furthermore, the stereotype of Asian Americans as "curve breakers" causes undue resentmentandharassment fromnon-Asian peers. Because the University is not sensitive or recep- tive to Asian American concerns or needs, there is also no support structure for Asian Americans who are seeking counseling or tutoring. This lack of resources may correlate with statistics indicat- ing that Asian Pacific American youths have the highest suicide rates in the nation. Many Asian Americans are constantly work- ing toward discovering an identity which incor- porates their Asian background within the con- text of an "American" upbringing. Some Asian American students' desire to continue their na- tive traditions and language though they are constantly discouraged to do so since assimila- tion as defined by white American culture re- quires minorities to relinquish their own culture. Programs like the Tagalog Language Program are threatened with extinction because the Uni- versity is not fulfilling its promise to actively search for the much-needed Asian American professors, the lack of resources sensitive to Asian American issues also makes it difficult for Asian American students to deal with the internal conflicts caused by their minority status. A pro- posed solution is an Asian Pacific American change, criticize 'U' Studies Program, which would provide classes, Asian American student community. One is the books, role models, faculty, counselors and ad- great deal of apathy within the community. Stu- ministration for Asian Americans as well as non- dent activists feel it increasingly difficult to Asians. convince Asian American students that racism Thetmisconceptions of Asian Americans held and discrimination do occur behind the facade of by the University are reflections of those held by societal "acceptance." This facade is supported society. Asian Americans are viewed asa buffer by the lack of economic and ethnic diversity at the between white mainstream society and people of University of Michigan which deludes Asian color. We are labeled as "assimilators" by non- American students into believing the monolithic Asian minority groups yet outcast by white main- "model minority" myth themselves. Also with- stream society as "foreigners." The monolithic out the resources which an Asian Pacific Ameri- image of Asian Americans is also often used to can Studies Program would provide, student ac- justify acts of anti-Asian American violence or tivists are leftto educate a University community harassment.For example, American-bornAsians which is ignorant about Asian American history. are still assumed to be "foreigners" and An Asian American Studies Program would in- complimented for speaking "such good English" stitutionalize the program currently being ex- despite their native status. The business world ecuted byunderfundedstudentorganizationssuch also pigeon-holes employees of Asian ethnicity as the United Asian American Organizations, as into technical roles. Asian Americans are over- well as an overtaxed handful of Asian American looked for promotions beyond the middle man- faculty. agement positions. The stereotype of Asian The Asian American community at the Uni- Americans asineffective communicatorsignores versity is trying to contribute to the University. the diverse talents of Asian Americans. Lastly, However, minority students should not be re- Asian American students must deal with the sponsible for fully educating themselves. Until verbalandphysicalharassment whichoften times the University makes an active effort in thereten- stems from the resentment ofnon-Asian students tion of Asian Americans and other people of who believe the monolithic "model minority" color, the University's relationship with minori- stereotype. ties will not be symbiotic but parasitic. Asian American student activists must deal Boriboon is the programming director of the with problems which are not unique from those University of Michigan Asian American Student experienced by other minority activists. How- Coalition. Wang is the financial officer of the ever, there are some problems specific to the United Asian American Organizations. LETTERS Doctors overpaid To the Daily: Almost every American family is feeling the health cost crunch. But a lot of high priced medicalspecialistsarefeelingjustfine.Yearafter year, the rise in their pay has raced ahead of inflation.In 1991, forinstance,anesthesiologists' average pay increased by $14,000. That's some raise! Anesthesiologists' averagepay was$221,100 in 1991.Radiologistsaveraged$230,000in 1991. But Americans have no idea how much these specialists are overchaarging them. A recent poll found that Americansthinkthesespecialistsmake w about $100,000 ayear, and think $80,000 would be a fair salary. Many doctors deserve to make a good living. They have invested years of education and hard work, and they carry aheavy burden of responsi- bility when they serve us. But there should be some limits. Already, costs have risen so high that many middle class Americafisbave to post- pone desperately needed care because they can't afford it. Specialists aren't the only culprits, of course. * The average pay for heads of big hospitals was more than $235,000 in 1991! And many are making much, much more than that. The head of Brigham and Women's Hospitalin Bostonmade $872,000in1991.Andthehighestpaidexecutive in Califomia last year was the head of a hospital chain. He made $17 million! The head of CIGNA, the health insurance giant, made $1.3 million in 1991. And the head of Travelers Insurance Agency made $1.2 mil- * lion. They made that much while many families andsmallbusinesses werepricedoutofinsurance protection or had to drop their coverage because they could no longer afford soaring premiums. And four out of ten Americans have had to take a cut in health benefits in the last two years. Big drug company profits and salaries drive upourhealthcoststoo. In 1991, theprofitsofthe most important drug companies were five times as big as those of other large corporations. And money that should be going into research is being wastedonoutrageoussalaries.TheheadofMerck and Company made $3.3 million in 1991. But that's peanuts compared to what the head of Bristol-Meyers Squibb made: $12.8 million. It is easy to see why American families are drowning in health care bills. Those who profit from health care are swimming in our money! Ron Pollack Executive Director, Families USA Foundation Cost of government day To the Daily: If it seems like you've been working longer and harder to pay your bills and make endsmeet iarecent years, it's not your imagination playing tricks on you. The Tax Foundation calculates that if every year dollar of eamed income starting January 1 went to federal, state, and local govemments, the average American wouldnothave earnedenough topayhisorher 1993taxesuntilMay3-thedate the foundation calls "Tax Freedom Day." In 1985, Tax Freedom Day came four days earlier -April 3. Even that is not the full story, because it counts only direct taxes. Governments are mak- ing increasing use of hidden ways to "tax" citi- zens, with mandates and regulations. Adding those into the equation produces a date Ameri- cans forTax Reform calls "Cost of Government Day." It's not May 3. It's not even in June. Cost of Government Day in 1993 will fall on July 13, a full 10 days later than in 1985. That means that the average American spends over half his time laboring to pay the total price tag for govemment spending and regulations. In the past five years, Congress has presided overaregulatoryexplosion.Thenumberofpages in the Federal Register - where new federal regulations are catalogued - has risen to over 65,000 from 47,000 in 1985. For the country as a whole, a conservative estimate of the total cost of federal regulation is $619 billion, or about $2,500 per person. Law- makers seem oblivious to the fact that as these regulatory bill rise, so must prices, layoffs, or even bankruptcies. Wages also fall, or rise less than they would have in free and competitive markets. When regulations enhance competition, pro- tect individualrights, promote safety, strengthen the sanctity of contracts, or provide information necessary in the marketplace, they can yield a positive good. But thousands of pages of regula- tionslater,it'sdifficulttoimagine that Americans are all that much better off than they were a decade or so ago. In any event, our lawmakers focus most of their attention on regulation's per- ceivedbenefitsand very little onitsrealeconomic harm. These days, Congress not only tells private enterprisehow torunitsbusiness withincreasing frequency, but it is imposing ever high costs on state governments as well. Unfunded mandates fromWashington-requiringstatestoexpandor create programs and pay for them too - are soaring in volume and cost. A recent Mackinac Center study found that $95.3 million - the equivalentofone-thirdofMichiganstategovem- ment revenue growth in the 1992-93 fiscal year -will go to pay just the cost of federalmandates in one program alone, Medicaid... Alan Philip Americans for Tax Reform Religion is a paramount contribu- tor to human misery. It is not merely the opium of the masses, it is the cyanide. Of course, religions defend- ers are swift to point out the comfort it provides ... but Deity does not dawdle in the comfort zone. How lim- iting, how insulting to think of God as a benevolent warden. Tom Robbins "Skinny Legs and AfI" Reasons for mandatory national service: 1) To build character; in particular, to counteract the perceived selfishness of youth. 2) To repay a social debt. Requital for benefits inherited from previous gen- erations. 3)To salvage impoverished youths by giving them work experence, train- ing, and opportunitles for social inte- gration. 4) To provide needed services - car- ing for the sick, cleaning up the envi- ronment, etc. 5) To mix the classes in a common endeavor. Mickey Kaus The End of Equality' It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine). R.E.M.