M- trT m I --m Wednesday, July 8, 1992 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 5 Viewpoint Pax n'h cana 1 1 Armenians criticize Daily Ad To the Daily: of the truth. replicates what happened to the Ar- I was recently informed of your menians in those years. This was not decision related to the fullpage ad Edward Flanagan genocide? This was not a massacre? placed by the Armenian Students' Vista, Cal. Did your business manager under- Cultural Association of the Univer- take objective research before stat- sity of Michigan. From my under- To the Daily: ing that the term genocide was "de- standing,theMichiganDailyrequired Living in Oregon, I do not have batable"?The 1.5million Armenians the Association to change their ad to immediate access to all of the facts who lost their lives "were not vic- remove such words as "genocide" regarding the Daily's refusal to run the tims"? and "murder." Additionally, it ap- Armenian Students' Cultural Associ- Frommy own experience, Iknow pears the decisionto force the change ation's ad publicizing what happened that Armenians and Turks and all did not come from the paper itself, in Turkey in 1915-6 unless the group Near-Eastemers, forrthatmatter,share but from members of the Turkish made certain changes in its wording. many cultural characteristics. We Students Association. Let me say at the outset that I have tend to be hot-heads, we're excit- This entire issue angers me been happy to observe Turkey's west- able, we resort to inflammatory lan- greatly.First,historyhasproven what ernizing influence in the Near East in guage, and, sad to say, as the Arme- atrocities occurred against the Ar- recentyears,and Iappreciatethestaunch nian/Azerbaijani conflict shows all menian people at the hands of the support given the US by Turkey's lead- too clearly, prone to violence. That's Turks from 1896 to 1917. Several ers. Howevernocountry that refuses to why we make fine artists but have cases of "murder" and "genocide" admititspasthistory willeverbeableto not yet learned how to reach mutu- have been documented by your own hold its head high in the family of ally agreeable politicalcompromises. government, as well as the United nations. All the great so-called "civi- The Turkish Students' Associa- Nations. lized" countries on this earth have had tion is following the Turkish Second, I question the integrity shameful episodes in their past. government's "politically correct" of any paper, and its staff, that buck- In 1915, my mother's father, broth- line. The Daily has either been in- les under the pressure of a special ers and uncles and all the menfolk in her tmidated or brain-washed. I'm sorry, interest group. If any member of the village were taken away in the night because the Daily in my time was a Michigan Daily bows to any group, never to be seen again. My mother at fighting student newspaper - and, what will happen in the future when age 12, her mother, sisters, aunts, and naturally, always in hot water with they have a controversial subject allthe other women andchildren in that the Board of Regents! while on the staff of amajornewspa- village were told to pack what they Please tell the Turkish Students per? could in sheets, pillow cases, etc., and Association that when they and their I have always had great respect were herded back and forth across the government can face the truth of for the University ofMichigan, espe- Syrian deserts for four years. their own past, they've truely grown cially its ability to open the minds of The suffering, the atrocities and the up. And the world will forgive. by Jesse Walker The current buzzword to throw at someoneone dislikesis"isolationist,"a label I have adopted proudly. I am an isolationist because of a deep-seeded desire not to increase the number of corpses in the world. I suppose that this is a moral position, though it may be merely an aesthetic preference. To the perpetually chic, of course, it is neither moral nor aesthetic, but irre- sponsible and naive. Hence the current spate of isolationist-bashing. America has a responsibility to assume global leadership, they say. Otherwise, our new world will not be orderly. I have suggested to interventionist acquaintances that no such responsibil- ity exists, that we need not take on any such role. But that does not satisfy them. If the US doesn't lead, they cry, someone else will. And who would I put in our place? The answer, of course, is no one. No one else could do it. Japan has no real military. Europe can't settle its own internal disputes, let alone the world's. The USSR has gone the way of the Holy Roman Empire. And who does that leave in the global driver's seat? Iraq? Panama? CNN? It leaves nobody. The seat is empty. There is no driver. And that is what is so fearsome to the advocates of global collective secu- rity: the image of a driverless car spin- ning out of control on a slick nuclear highway. "In the absence of a world order imposed by the west," Charles y. Krauthammer once said, the world at "would be chaotic, and highly danger- st- ous. The most salient feature of the ed international environment in the post- re Cold War era will be the possession of n weapons of mass destruction and the al means to deliver them by a range of n- countries, some of which will be un- e- stable,aggressive,andreckless."Hence, ed he argues, intervention is a necessity. re Guess what, Mr. Krauthammer: It's n- probably even worse than you think. If he you're frightened by the thought of ld unstable, aggressiverecklesscountries ild getting the Bomb, just wait 'til it gets or into private hands. Countries like Iraq and North Koreaare bad enough, but at in least they're located on a definite place f, on the map. A terrorist groupcan move. ss Theydon'thavecitizenstoworryabout. nd They can nuke whoever they want and al not fear retaliation. ("Retaliation" may li- come, of course, but all the retaliatory its students. However, I now ques- horrible deaths are too numerous for tion the University's ability to teach this letter. Television coverage of what journalism students the importance the Kurds were going through recently Summer crucial for *State Rep. elections To the Daily: Reporter LauraPotts' first articleon Ann ArborpoliticsintheJune3rdDaily ("Four democrats to compete for 53rd district seat") was a very good effort. SheandtheDailyshouldbecommended for covering this crucial race early in the campaign. Unfortunately, either I misspoke or she misunderstood me, as *a word was wrong in one of my quotes. The quote should have read, "Unlike the other candidates running in the Democratic primary, I have worked for 13 years in state government." Instead it read, "... for 13 years in the district." The quote in the paper was wrong. Lyon Rivers and Mel Laracey both have worked for many years in the district, and Rich Birkette may have but I do not know. The Daily's excellent early cover- age is important because many of your readers will finish up their studies or work by the end of June and leave town for two months. Voters who will be out of town for the August 4th primary election should contact the City Clerk at 994-2725 and request an absentee ballot application. In all likelihood, the Democrat who wins the 53rd District primary on August4th will goon to win n November. Thus your vote this sum- mer will be more effective for State Representative than in November. Bob Alexander Democratic candidate, 53rd District Reader deceived by Gelman Sciences To the Daily: I'd like tocommend DavidJacobson and Pat Ryan for doing investigative work on the Gelman Sciences toxin piece which appeared in the June 10th issue ("Toxins in the water"). Being oneofthose gullible persons who signed such apostcard when given the line that Citizens for Cleanup wants something done about local toxic waste, I was outraged after reading this article. I think Gelman has stooped to an all time low in using deceptive tactics to trick people who really care about the envi- ronment into signing their postcards. I didn't expect this sort of thing to happenonacollegecampussuchasthis one. But, alas, like probably hundreds of others, I got taken advantage of be- cause we want to believe society really cares about the environment we live in and birth more children into. It's not only toxic waste that con- taminates and makes us sick - it's being made a foolof.I'm sure Icouldn't get my name off the postcard if I tried, so I'm writing this objection in hopes that others will know they weren't the only ones. Debi Bonam Psychology Department staff member On 'Ole Superspook' To the Daily: The local paper provided an amus- ing, anecdote recently proclaiming the Violet Oulbegian Portland, Ore. "Cold War" to be over. Very funn The only functional organization th may be left in the Russias of the pos Sovieterais the one previouslyreferre to as the "Black Market." Who a they? This matters little. In our ow country we are assured by offici sources that similar organizations cot trot vast economic empires, labor r sources and political influence. Indee ifsomemetaphysical"Godfather"we to decide in favor of positive enviror mentalreform and take action todayth emissionof toxicindustrialwastescol endin thiscountry overight.This wou make a difference and be good f business. Unfortunately, Ole Superspooki the White House and government o by and for the people would seem le approachable. Military tacticians an advisers may mumble about nation security while economists and polit cians belabor investment profilesa "for-our-own-good" but the continue suppression of effective non-nucle energy resources discovered in spac weapons research and elsewhere arti cially limits the options already avai able to address the problems of energ production, petro-dependence an ozone depletion with the attendant ec nomic chaos and ecological catastm phe. It is a near-sighted policy of sho term profits and pilfering econom strategies that ignores or suppress fundamental discoveries in the facec global holocaust. In every previous age military r searches have brought tpchnqlogic advances into civilian life. Steel strikes against terrorists in my living memory have bumped off more inno- cent civilians than the original act of terror, while harming the guilty, if at all, only incidentally.) ButI persistin demanding an empty driver's seat. My position might be better understood if I explain that I want the passengers' seats to be empty, too. The world being the explosive tinder- box thatitis,itis sheersuicidalmadness for everyone to pile into one car. A conflict between Iraq and Ku- wait, Bosnia and Serbia, or Israel and the PLO is containable. A conflict be- tween any of the above and the entire world, led by the United States, is not. I'm not saying that we should ignore such conflicts. Any American or group of Americans that wishes to involve themselves, on their own time and with their own money and manpower, may do so. But for the American govern- ment to involve itself, in the namecof all Americans -or, worse, for the United Nations to involve itself, in the name of the whole world - is to make each one of us a legitimate target in the eyes of the enemy. Would Palestinian terrorists so of- ten target American citizensifthe United States were not Israel's biggest sup- porter? Would Saddam Hussein have taken hostages and used them as human shields if the United States had not already sent troops tothe region? Would North Korea be so intent onjoining the nuclear club if Allied troops were not massed atits border? And are any of these threats worth the moral cost of mass slaughter-which is, afterall, the one predictable result of military inter- vention? When hell freezes over. So Ilam an isolationist, ornonimer- ventionist,oradvocateof"strategic dis- engagement," or whatever you want to call me. If we must have troops, they should be kept at home. We must not expand local blood baths into global ones. And we should beespeciallycare- ful not to start any blood baths, local or global, ourselves. The Cold War was bad enough; ina multipolar world, the last thing we need is a would-be global hegemony. Forget the New World Order. Let Old Local Disorder reign supreme. Walker, afornereolumnist and associ- ate editor of Weekend, is a recent ISA graduate. space. This technology is science fiction no longer, yet the mortal greed of cer- tain Captains of Industry, Church and State pinion the planetary population upon the precipice of eco-devastation in their manicassaultonlife,libertyand the pursuit of happiness for ourselves, our progeny andallintelligentlife as we know it on this planet. If I were the wind I'd bring the clouds to cleanse this evil reign... Anthony Petris Candidate for President Clarkdale, Ariza. as ed ar Ce fi- .i- nd ;o- o5- xt ic ;es of re- al is harder, cars go faster, airplanes go higher, etc. Although some projects like THOR, the so called "Hammer from the Sky" that has made mass ar- mor formations obsolete in the space age, would not be practical as an alter- native to mundane methods or tying rebar, other projects such as KIWI, a solar cannon, have demonstrated a vi- able solar energy alternative available forindustrialapplications.Particlewave technology designed to make use of the "solar winds" to generate destructive beams of energetic matter could direct these beams toantennaeproviding clean energyresources bothplanetside andin