Wednesday, July 8,1992 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 3 'U' fills police ;. 3* } board f " positions by David Shepardson Daily Opinion Editor All six members of the Ann Arbor - ~Campus Polc Grnevance Committee have beenelected anda "Convener" as beenappointedastheUniversitymoves tofinalize the police oversight board, so it can begin work ibis Fall. The Oversight Board was created by the University in accordance with Public Act 120, which mandates that public universities who deputize cam- pus police through the university re- gents must have an oversight board to address citjzen complaints with the police. " Royster Harper, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, has been V appointed as Convener of the oversight committeeforaone-yearterm.Maureen Hartford, Vice President for Student Affairs, characterized Harper's rote a one of "observer and facilitator of dis- cussion." James Snyder, professor of Archi- tecture and Urban Planning, has been asked to assist Harper in the committee development. Snyder currently serves as chair of the University Safety and Security Advisory committee.' Edith Lewis and Ira Schwartz, both KAISHA HALCU/Daly professorsin theSchoolofSocialWork, Monster madness fbeat out two other candidates for the Matt First of Alexandria, Va. and his buddy, Godzilla, celebrate the Senate Advisory Connitt on Uni- Fourth of July near the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. versity Affairs' (SACUA) main office conducted the election, without outside squeaking past six candidates, receiv- electionobservers. SACUA declinedto ing229 votesof971 returned.Andrews release election results. is the non-union staff member. The " AssistantVice President for Person- personnel office sent 12,386 ballots to nel James Thiry ran elections for both non-union staff members. the union and non-union staff members Staffers in the personnel office sent CAMPUS APAR on the Oversight Committee. out over 20,000 ballots at a cost of StephenJaynes,chiefstewardof the nearly $5,000. Every ballot received building trades union, won a close was counted without a verification Efficiencie election in the race for union board process to assure that ballots received 1 0203 Be member. were from staff members. Thiry said, Thiry expressed amazement at the "If a union member gave someone his Various Locations and Ameniti lowtumout-only 235votes were cast, (or her) ballot, they could have voted." Furnished + Unfurnishe although 7,266 ballots were sent out to Last April, Christiana Ochoa, an Listings available at U-M O union members. LSA senior, and Michael Dorsey, a Archie Andrews, Associate Direc- School of Natural Resources senior, WILSON WI tor-Student Housing Residence Opera- were elected to fill the two student tions, won another close election, positions on the committee. 9g 'U' sti in idst of police contract negotiation taks by David Shepardson . resume negotiations.*A member of the Daily Opinion Editor Police Union who'wished to remain The University administration and anonymoussaid, "The possibilityexists the Police Union are stillnegotiating to for the situation to degenerate into a finalize a contract for campus police strike if no progress is made this sum- officers - who have been wqrking mer." without a contract since November - Critics contend that Leo Heatley, but it appears that both sides are no director of Public Safety, and the Uni- closer to resolution than they were in versity are in no hurry to finish negoti- October. ating - especially since the police Since October 29, 1991, the Uni- budget is not expected to increase next versity of Michigan Law Enforcement year. Association and the University admin- Thiry noted that the University has istration have met-nine times for an agood recordon negotiating contracts. average of five hours per m'eeting. As- "In 25 years, we've never had to resort sistant Vice President for Personnel to binding arbitration," he said, adding James Thiry declined to discuss the that this good faith is why the police are specifics of the negotiations, but said, working without a contract. "Westillhave philosophical differences Currently, the University chapter of to solve." the American Federation of State, Amongthegeneralareasof concern County, and Municipal. Employees are overtime, benefits, and proposed' (AFSCME) hasbeen working without salary increases. - a contract since the end of June. The Thiry is the chief negotiator for the Graduate Employees Organization's University in the renegotiation of the (GEO.) contract is up for renewal this police contract. The heads of public summer. safety at all three University campuses, along with additional members of the administration, are on the University's SHLRHPCNETO bargaining committee. 200.00 Financial Aid Guaranteed Thiry has the sole responsibility to Free Information agreetoacontractwiththepoliceunion. Wrhe His decision is not subject to further 5322 Dixie Hwy. Ste. 130 review by the University administra-Waterford-Ml 48329 tion or regents. C rptvnn nIhc pnett i as Studios rdroom Apis. es 8and 12 Month Leases ed Apartments Available )ff-Campus Housing or Call: HITE CO. INC. 5-9200 :30-5 Sati 9-2 ENO r i i MOn-Fn : "Hamomm r(pimmirgirg- Imi L Ira 51 CI1NA GARDEN SZECHUAN, HUNAN & PEKING CUISINE 'IlfF 1. R ATED No. ) in Carry Out Service by The Ann Arbor News 2. Selected the Beet Chinese Restaurant by the Michigan Daily NEW: DIM SUM 11:00-5:00 Daily More than 300 selections * Menu changed every day RESERVATIONS, 971-0970 3035 Washtenaw Avenue, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104 Sun:Thurs., 11:Ci a.m.-10:00 p.m. Fri.-Sat., 11:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m. P_..P.P*bv "Madnwof Pmb * P*w Wkeome r2if G--j X92 ~te .0 tn in' / oen o li- ' " 'v ' tOautt isa e ash t -lAA- Services FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1432 Wahtenaw A e. (BetweenHiil& hoi uthUniversdy) THUSDAYS: Campus Worship & Dinner-5:30 p.m. SUN~DAYS: Worship-9 30 am. TUESDAYS: Campus Film & Dessert-7 p.m. For information, call 662-4466 Amy Morrison, Campus Pastor LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY LORD OF LIGHT LUThERAN CHURCH, ELCA s01 S. Forest (at Hill) SUNDAY: Worship-l0 am., 668-7622 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH WELS CAMPUS MINISTRY 1360 Pauiine Bind. SUNDAY: Worship-9 am. Robert Hoepner, Pastor, cali662-0663 ST. MARY'S STUDENT PARISH (A Roman Catholic Parishat U-M) 331 Thompson Street (at William) MassSohedale SUNDAY-8:30 a.m., 10a.m., 12 noon, and S p.m. MONiDAY & WEDNEGDAY:-5:10 p m FRIDAY:-12:10 p.m. 663-Os57 UNiVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL-LCMS 1511 Washtenaw (nar Hill) SUNDAY: Summer Worship--930a m. Pastor, Ed Krauss, 663-5560 Li =FJPJ DRUM *9 pipirojIME-3, h