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July 01, 1992 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-07-01

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Wednesday, July 1, 1992 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 7

Continued from page 2
is confident he will come to Michigan.
"Redtalkedto Ryan before the draft,
andhe seemed excited about coming to
Michigan at this point," Wolverine as-
sistant coach Mel Pearson said. "The
Flyers haven't said anything about
signing him. He won't be ready in
Philadelphia for a year or two. Hope-
fully, they have confidence in us and
tell him this is a good place to play.
to sign a card contract and get endorse-
ment money. If he goes to Juniors, he
can have a card contract and a signing
bonus. There is a lot of money in-
volved, and it will be a tough decision.

Hopefully he willvalue the education."
Sittler does value the education and
he said that whether he plays in college
of professionally, he will pursue his
degree.Sittlerhas talked with Berenson
about the differences between college
and Juniors, and after talking with the
Flyers, will make his decision.
"In Juniors, there is a lot of clutch-
ing and grabbing, and college is much
more wide open, fast-break style
hockey,"Sittler said. "I talked with Red
about next year at breakfast before the
draft, andI tookhisknowledge. Now, I
have to weigh things out and see. I'll
probably decide sometime in July."
The three other Michigan players
selected were defenseman Tim Hogan
(Chicago, 113th pick), defenseman Al

Sinclair (Ottawa, 121), and incoming
recruit Steven Halko (Hartford, 225).
Halko is a defenseman from Bolton,
Ont., who also committed to Michigan.
Because of the influx of Europeans,
both Hogan and Sinclair were drafted
far below their Central Scouting Bu-
reau rankings which projected them in
the second and third rounds respec-
tively. The Bureau ranks North
Americans and Europeans separately,
but there have been discussions about
creating one list for next year.
"All the waiting was really diffi-
cult," Hogan said. "I was frustrated
about all the Europeans who went, but
I was happy when I got drafted.
Chicago's a nice big city and a good
hockey town."

Like Hogan, Sinclair was a disap-
pointed in how far he fell, but he was
pleased about being taken by Ottawa.
"I was getting madder and madder
when all those Europeans went,"
Sinclair said. In Montreal, the fans like
to see the home-country players get
picked. It was a blip in the system
because a lot of the guys were older,
like 27 or 28. So it was a one-shotdeal.
"I was really happy with the team.
Living in Toronto, it's not far from
home.Being an expansion team,it gives
me amuch better chance of making the
lineup (when he leaves Michigan) than
with an established team.'
Throughout the draft,Berenson gave
his players encouragement and advice.
"Coach was really good at keeping

things in perspective," Sinclair said.
"He wantedme to keep in mind, that the
draft is not the be all end all, but it's just
another step. He made us think about
priorities as well."
Hogan, Sinclair and Halko are ex-
pected to remain at Michigan until they
use up their eligibility. However, be-
cause they are collegians, they will not
be able to attend camps the teams hold,
but their teams will monitor their
progress throughouttheir collegiate ca-
"We'll have people watching
(Hogan) all the time," Chicago assis-
tantgeneralmanagerJackDavison said.
"Every time we see him, we'll talk to
and how he can improve."


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