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July 01, 1992 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-07-01

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2- The Michan Daily Summer Weeky- Wednesday, July 1,1992
Fiiyers take Sittler seventh from ge 1
by Josh Dubow who played for the Flyers during his (Berenson)is agreatcoach,but(Wings Posby dadnotresistarrest in ahall-
Daily Hockey Writer Hall-of-Fame career. coach) Tom Webster is a great coach way adjacent to the first-floor examin-
In a draft dominated by Europeans, "This is the greatest feelgin my too. no, gbmoreut a toward Michhgan unir Browning semi-automatic
MichiganrecruitRyan Sittlerledacon- life," Sittler said. "I'd have been happy righ now, but I still have to talk with handgun from a table inside the blood-
tingent of four Wolverines who were anywhere I went, but theFlyers are a the Flyers.g spattered room.
selectedintheNationalHockey League really good organization." The Flyer front office has been in Despite efforts to save him in a
entry draft June 20. Eleven Europeans Despite committing to Michigan, the midstof an arbitration hearing since nearby emergency room, Kemink was
were selected in a first round in which Sittler is undecided about whether he thedraftover the future of Eric Lindros. pronounced dead about 30 minutes af-
Sittler was the first American to go. will come to school or play Junior A Yesterday, NHL arbitrator Larry pr the shooting
The Philadelphia Flyers made hockey. The Detroit Junior Wings of Bertuzzi, upheld the Flyers' deal for "r . Ketin. was a wonderful per-
Sittler, a 6-foot-2 forward from East the Ontario Hockey League selected Lindros. Because of the hearings, no son," said Dr. Robert Kelch, chief of
Amherst, N.Y., the seventh pick in the Sittler in the Junior A draft last season. one in the Flyer front office was avail- clinical affairs for the medicalcenter. "I
draft. Sittler signed a national letter of "Next year is still up in the air," able to talk about Sittler. can't emphasize enough what a tragic
intent last November to play for the Sittler said. "I'll need to talk to some WhileSittlerisstillundecidedabout loss this is, not only for us but for his
Wolverines this season. Sittler is the people to see the advantages and disad- next year, the Wolverine coaching staff
son of former NHLer Darryl Sittler vantages. (Michigan coach) Red See DRm, Page 7 SHAW

r-... .-- -- ---=====--=- == =----- -- --- -1 .
1 t
1 1
Vl only at
1 1
U of M Central Campus
546 Packard /Hill I
1 I

Continued from page 1
am leaving one great university for
While at the University, Shaw has
been integral in implementing the
to help increase diversity at the Univer-
Shaw has also helped develop a
better relationship between the Office
Continued from page 1
the core area near GSI on Wagner, the
Westover-Evergreen subdivision area,
and the western area near Jackson Rd.
Plans for remedying the pollution
on all sites involve purging the con-
taminated ground water. Water from
the core is proposed to be treated with
UV/Oxidation to 100 parts per billion
1,4-dioxane, which is stated in a publi-
cation by GSI as below standards for
safe human and animal contact. The
water is discharged to Honey Creek
Purged water from the Evergreen
to the Allen Drain stormsewer, and
water from the western area willalsobe
discharged to Honey Creek.
Use of Honey Creek is currently
under legal challenge and will only be
allowed if a permit is obtained. The
proposed alternative to Honey Creek,
is to use the Ann Arbor Sewer System.
Some area residents do not feel ei-
ther of the proposed options are
feasible.Drew Lathin, member of the
Northwest Ann Arbor Coalition of
Neighborhoods, said he thinks if the
core treatment is not able to be com-
pleted and it is "necessary to purge at
Evergreen, that GSI should build a
dedicated line to use rather than the
leaky Allen Drain."
.Prwll p +

Posby is being held without bond in
the Washtenaw County Jail and was
arraigned onan open murder charge
Friday in the l5th District Court of Ann
Upon hearing news of the shooting,
Kemink's friends and co-workers were
devastated. The out-patient treatment
facility was closed Friday because em-
ployees were too sad and upset to work.
Kemink was a professor of
otolaryngology, in addition to heading
the University Medical Center's divi-
sion ofearsurgery. Kemink was widely
renowned in his field. CHILD maga-
zine named him as one ofthe country's
top 10 pediatric specialists.
of Undergraduate Admissions and the
Financial Aid Office and personalize
the admissions process for students and
their parents.
Spencersaidhe willcontinueShaw's
efforts in these areas, and that the Un-
dergraduate Admissions office will
improve other programs if necessary.
Spencer added the search for a new
director of Undergraduate Admissions
will be nationwide, and that he will be
eligible to compete for the position.
GSI officials refused to comment
on the issue. However, in a letter to the
city, the company listed several con-
flicts with this plan, including destruc-
tion of trees, problems with obtaining
rights-of-way from railroads, and dis-
ruption of traffic.
Butinamemoregarding thecleanup
around Evergreen,which William
Wheeler, Ann Arbor Public Services
Director, wrote to Robert Bauman, As-
sistant City Administrator for Environ-
mental Services, Wheeler stated that
letter are virtually meaningless."
Residents said they are also con-
cerned that contaminated water from
Allen Drain - especially the 20 year
old West Park-Miller Branch - may
leak into groundwater
Groundwater leads to drinking wa-
ter supplies which must conform to
government contamination standards.
Very limited studies have been con-
ducted to determine theamountofleak-
age possible, but Gruben said DNR is
"fairly certain that leakage will notoc-
But Washtenaw County Drain
Commissioner Janice Bobrin said that
although the West Park-Miller Branch
ofthe AllenDrainstormsewerhasbeen
partially repaired, itis still old,andthat


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ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327
PHONE NUMBERS (Area Code 313): News76440552 ;Opiono 763-2459; Arts 763-0379 Sports 7473336;



1A large round or deep dish
pizza with one topping. $4
Additional toppings t
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NEWS EDITOR: Gwen Shaffer
STAFF: Joey Barker, Hope Calati, Emily Fries, Victoria Kuohung, Maureen Little, Travis McReynolds, Melissa
Peerless, Laura Potts.
OPINION Gil Renberg, David Shepardson, Editors
STAFF: Reginald Humphrey, Daniel Stewart.
SPORTS Josh Dubow, Managing Editor
STAFF: Meg Belson, Jeni Durst, Mike Hill, Wendy Law, Adam Miller, Greg Richardson.
ARTS Alan J. Hogg, Editor
STAFF: MarkS inelli, AndrewCahn, Nima Hodaei, Scott Sterling, Michael John Wilson.
PHOTO Molly Stevens, Editor
STAFF:Raish~a Ral
NEW STUDENT EDITION Melissa Peerless, Editor
SALES Laurel Willdson, Sales Manager
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Christa Chambes-Price, Katy Kibbey, Lisa McAleer, Mark Tuinstra.
ASSISTANTS: Kate Alaimo, Jennifer Bayson, JenniferChapekis, Molina Das, Natasha Morris.
SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Matt McLean, Sean Sweds


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