Wednesday, June 17, 1992 -The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 7
Ypsi's Frog Island Festival features Vinx
Percussionist of eclectic rhythms and almost Olympic athlete vocalizes soulfully
by Mark Binelli used to say, 'Vince with a bunch of such luminaries as Herbie Hancock,
Yeah, yeah, I know: The last thing extra stuff behind it,' so itbecame 'Vin BranfordMarsalis,TajMahalandSting.
popmusicneedsis another pretentious, X' and the next thing I knew, it was But Vinx is quick to dispel rumors that
self-absorbed singer-songwriter with Vinx." he was discovered by the King of Pain.
one name. Vinx cites his "very musical" fain- "I had three different choices for
But Vinx - a percussionist whose ily as a deep influence - particularly record deals," Vinx says. "I chose
* unique combinationofeclecticrhythms his father, a singer and the inspiration Sting's label (Pangaea) because he of-
and soulful vocals wowed audiences at for the title of his 1991 debut, RoomsIn fered me a forum for my entire band to
the Ark last fall - makes dense, com- My Fatha's House. The album sizzled open for forty-five minutes on a suc-
plex music, music that's a far cry from with tracks like "Tell My Feet," "I cessfulworldtour(theSoulCages tour).
the "P" word. Should Have Told Her" and the sar- Butunfortunately,hedecided,for what-
BominKansasCity,VincentDe'Jon donic "My TV," on which Vinx sings, ever reason, that he wanted me solo,
Parrette says that his stage name comes "I don't got nobody/ To come home to after I had made the deal.
fromliving inTexas."They couldnever but you." "Theperfonnancewasn'tdifficult,"
savmvwholename."heexnlains."Thev Rooms also featured cameos from he continues. referring to nlaving for
large arena crowds. "The problem was
assimilating with Sting's organization
... (But) I learned what not to do in my
own career."
Vinx was actually "discovered" by
a local celebrity, Detroit radio legend
The Electrifying Mojo.
"I think my aunt sent him the tape,"
Vinx says (his mother's side of the
family comes fromInkster)."Hestarted
vocal pyrotechnics, including a guest
shot by Belgian ensemble Zap Mama.
"The experience is always first,"
Vinx says of his songwriting process. "I
just sit down and I tell you a story,
simply and cleanly, and in my own
style, artistically and lyrically.
story is accompanied by an already-
existing rhythm," he continues. "Your
'My athletic career was geared for my music. At the
time I was competing for the Olympics, I was also in
Taj Mahal's band. I was the only musicianathelete in
the world, so was an obvious special interest story,
and it would have been very easy to launch the music.'
- Vinx
playing it, and a lot of other radio sta-
tions in the country followed suit."
Vinx has also been an Olympic-
class track and field star, qualifying for
the second best indoor triple-jump in
the world. Buthis music never became
"My athletic career was geared for
my music," Vinx says. "At the time I
was competing for the Olympics, I was
also in Taj Mahal's band. Iwasthe only
heart beats a certain way when you're
lusting as opposed to when you're
breathing, sothere'sacertainmoodthat
already dominates your story anyway.
So it's about identifying it and trying to
make it make sense musically."
Thus far, Vinx has been successful
in identifying and making sense out of
hismanystories.SeveralEuropean film-
makers are even working on a tour
documentary about the musician. The
next Truth or Dare?
'The experience Is always first. I just sit down and I tell
you a story, simply and cleanly, and in my own style,
artistically and lyrically.' - Vinx
musician-atheletein theworld,soIwas
an obvious special interest story, and it
would have been very easy to launch
the music."
Musically, Vinx has managed to
retain his vision, with total artistic con-
trol on both his debut and his latest
release, ILove My Job, a slightly more
experimentalworkwhich featuressome
70 different instruments (listed in an
expansive liner note index as "What
Dey Be Doin' It Wif") and plenty of
"The music is king here."
VINXperformsthisSunday, June21, at
in Ypsilanti'sDepot Town. The Festival
runs all weekend, and includes perfor-
mances by Terrance Simien and the
Mallet Playboys, Koko Taylor, the
Holmes Brothers and Arrow. Tickets
are $12.50 per day or $25for the entire
weekend, available at Ticketmaster
(p.e.s.c.). Call 487-2229forinfo.
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Vincent De'Jon Parratte (aka. yinx) is really, really, really, not (we cross our heart) pt all pretentious. Really. Center For A dvanced Research