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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
VolumeCIN.6An Arbor, Mcia Wedlnesday, Jn 10, 1992 0c1992 The Michigan Daily
Library Sciences
na es n . wdean
Former interim Engin. dean picked
---------- 7
by Rachel Katz possible candidates, though not hadthevisionofwhatistocome."
Daily Staff Reporter all of these people applied for Pao said that the pool con-
The search foranew School the position. In addition, 10 re- sisted of sitting deans, people in
of Information and Library sumeswerereceivedinresponse computersciencesandresearch- Atkins
Studies dean has ended. toan ad placed by the committee ers. She also said that there was
Vice President and Provost in several publications. agoodrepresentation of women the profession, she said. She
for Academic Affairs Gilbert The pool of candidates was and minorities. also watched to see howcandi-
Whitaker will recommend to very diverse, said Miranda Pao, Leslie Riester, the student dates responded to students'
the Board of Regents at this committee chair. "We wanted representative for the commit- needs. "There are some people
week's meeting that engineer- to look at people who had a tee, was also pleased with the who forget about the student,"
ing professor and former in- broad background," Pao said. search process. As the student she said.
terim dean of engineering "TheProvost(Whitaker)andthe representative, her major con- Riesterfeltthatshehadbeen
Daniel Atkins be appointed to committee agreed that we should ceins involved student funding. treated as an equal member of
replaceRobertWarner.Wamer notlimitourselvestopeoplefrom "Thisisaveryexpensiveschool, the committee. She said that
served as dean of the School of the field of information and li- and Wayne State is just right she had been involved in every
Information and Library Stud- brary sciences" down the road," she observed. level of the process with the
ies for six years. "Information technology is Her questionsofteninvolved exceptionofcalling references.
The Dean Search Commit- going 15 miles a minute," she the curriculum and the Riester said that her only
tee beganinDecember with 104 said. "We wanted someonewho candidate's view of the future of See DEAN, Page 2
Atkins brings enthusiasm, new ideas to SILS
by Rachel Katz recorder. uptofindmaterialshe felt would mation."
Daily Staff Reporter Atkins' persistence and en- be of interest. Atkins first came to the uni-
As serendipity would have ergy made it clear that when he Hisvisionofthe futurebrings versity asanassistantprofessor
it,my taperecorderbrokeinthe takes over in July, he will bring together two fields that he feels of computer engineering in
perfect place - the office of with him valuable technical arecomplementary."TheSchool 1971.In1981,hewasappointed
DanielAtkins,professorofelec- know-how,avisionof the future of Information and Library Sci- to the newly-created position
tricalengineering andcomputer of information technology, and, ences will continue to produce of AssociateDean for Research
sciences, and soon to become most of all, boundless enthusi- trained professionals to provide in the College of Engineering.
the new dean of the School of asm. service in libraries," he ex- He also served as interim dean
Information and Library Stud- While outlining his vision, plained, "but it will be broad- for the College of Engineering
ies (SILS). Atkins did not sit still for a mo- ened to also participate more fromJanuary 1989toJuly 1990.
Without hesitation, he ment.Hedrew diagrams,pointed fully in electronic media and the Miranda Pao, chair of the
searched the office for his mini to results of past work, and got new forms of delivering infor- See ATKINS, Page 2
by Travis McReynolds
Daily Staff Reporter
Some members of the
Michigan Student Assembly
and the University administra-
tion are at odds over whether
the MSA fee should be in-
creased this year.
LastMarch,MSA proposed
a referendum - which Uni-
versity students approved -
limiting MSA's ability to in-
crease the mandatory $6.27 per
pay in order to fund MSA, Stu-
dent Legal Services, and the
Ann Arbor Tenants Union.
Engineering Rep. Brian
Kight helped draft the fee cap
amendment. Kight said the
Board of Regents are the only
group capable of actually rais-
ing or lowering the fee.
"We (MSA) could only re-
quest a fee hike, that doesn't
Under thenew amendment,
get of $149,150 - cannot ask
for a fee above the $6.27 initial
limit set by the University
Board of Regents in July 1991.
If the regents allocate a
See FEE, Page 2
Two republicans to vie for shot at 53rd district seat
by Laura Potts
Daily Staff Reporter
Two candidates will run in
theRepublicanprimary for53rd
district State Representative
August 4.
Candidates Terrence
Bertram and David Firestone
will compete for the Republican
The winner will oppose the
prevailing Democrat in the No-
vember election.
Currently alawyer, Bertram
has worked on the campaigns of
Govs. William Miliken and
James Blanchard.
Bertram has also served on
the County Planning Commis-
sion and formerly ran federal
and state job programs in the
Bertram said said he sees a
"breath of fresh air going on at
the federal and state level" and
that he thinks the electorate is
angry and ready to shake the
existing status quo.
"The reason I am running is
absolutely for change,"Bertram
improve educational quality to
drive spending," he said.
Bertram said he also feels a
welfare system with graduated
steps is necessary. "Right now
we have a system that's all or
Individuals should not have
'The reason I am running is absolutely for
- Terrence Bertram,
Republican candidate
"amazed that for 14 years in a
row Michigan has stayed above
the national average for unem-
Bertram said he believes an
adequate job base is needed to
help solve taxproblems,andthat
the state can achieve these re-
forms with the existing tax base.
tion, Bertram saidhe is opposed
mainly because he has "found
no evidence that life begins at
some later specific point."
be offered proper prenatal and
postnatal child care as well.
Bertram also extends his
viewpoint of a person's right to
live tothedeathpenalty,towhich
he is opposed.
The second Republican can-
didate, David Firestone was un-
As 53rd district State Repre-
sentative, Bertram saidhis chief
objective would be to maintain
an effective govemment.
Bertram mentioned educa-
tional reforms as a means of
achieving this goal."Weneed to
to surrender all benefits when
they obtain employment, pro-
vided that the employer does not
supply these benefits, Bertram
Bertram also said a job base
must be created, and said he is
available for comment.
Firestone ran against Steve
Carey in the primariesfor State
Representative two years ago.