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June 03, 1992 - Image 12

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-06-03

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12 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, June 3, 1992
R ECO SRDSthe deified CVB, does this new project
measure up? This question is sure to
Continued from page 10 annoy Lowery, because however much
can begin. he'sproudofhispast,itstillremainsthe
Virgin invites comparisons before past, and he's already moved on to the
the listener even opens the record. The future. But don't worry, here's the an-
plastic wrapping of the self-titled al- swer anyhow: Yes and no.
bum has a large sticker in the corner Yes, this is a good album, just like
proclaimingLowery'sformerband.The the Camper albums, but no, Cracker
press release doesn't waste any time doesn't burst with an ingenuity that
mentioning the "critically-acclaimed" makes it soar above the rather imitative
Campers. And one is bound to notice rock scene. The wit's still here, with
Lowery's distinctive voice and be re- song titles like "Don't Fuck Me Up
minded of CVB, especially since the (With Peace And Love)," and the
slick production is reminiscent of their music's good, too, but the album lacks
last two albums. the extra originality which made
Allright, fans say, now that Virgin, Camper so endearing. So, with all the
Inc. has brought up the comparisons to necessarynonsenseaboutcomparisons

behind, on to Cracker itself.
The first single off the album is one
of the better songs, "Teen Angst (What
The World Needs Now)." Its catchy
rhythm and melody build to a frenetic
climax, and the song has funny lyrics to
plays well with a solid, almost raw
feeling - standard rock-and-roll with
style becomes repetitive by the end of
the record.
"I See The Light," "St. Cajetan,"
and others also work their way to ener-
geticfinishes,an indicationthiat Cracker
basically exists as a way for these guys
to get down and jam. But their enthusi-
asm would sound even better if the

production wasn't so cris
There's a (bit) more
Cracker. "Another Son
Rain"isamelancholy ba
flippanttitle. Written by]
non-member Chris LeR
weaves and twangs, an
come close to gentlyv
Bernice" is also a sad,
though its cryptic lyrics
tener wondering if Crac
our leg.
The album itself cot
sleeve, made up to look
sardines, saying, 'Crack
"NET WT 1.2 OZ." The
sette even have diffe
printed! Neat touch.
But the name of the b
eats.Rather,it'saslang te
"white boy"-as in the s
Soul," which is how theb
itself. It's good to see Lo
at least some of his past1
new outing with Cracker
- Je
Indigo Girls
Rites of Passage
Rite of Pnvcn a, kt

p and orderly. going out on a limb here, since the last
serious side to one wasn't too special, and the other
g About The two haven't aged well.Like their previ-
Iladdespiteits ous discs, the recording mixes Amy
Hickman with Ray and Emily Sailers with an impres-
oi, the melody sive mix of guest stars, but the songs on
ad the guitars Rites of Passage are more creative.
weeping. "Dr. The larger than usual arrangements
slow tune, al- addsomuch totheirsound, it'sremark-
leave the lis- able theyneverdid this before.With the
ker is pulling string sections on "Three Hits" and
"Ghost" the compositions sound so
mes in a nice much more dramatic. "Joking"has the
like a tin of standard IG chord progression, but the
er Brand" and guitar playing on this track with drum-
CD and cas- mer Kenny Aaronoff driving the beat
rent weights along makes this one of their most
rocking tunes. Ironically, the one song
and isn't sup- played without any accompaniment is
"cracker"one their cover of Dire Straits' "Romeo and
rmnthatmeans Juliet."
ong "Cracker The most impressive number is
and describes "Airplane."Theharmony vocals by the
wery has kept Roches (at 1:30 into the tune, they do
humor for his something which will knock you out!)
r. and the ascending and descending riffs
remy Lechtzin played on the guitar and piano add
much to this song about trying to get
aboveit all.With songs like "Morethan
Words" and "To Be With You" as big
smashes, "Airplane" ought to have the
ae best Indigo same fate.
)n't think I'm -Andrew J Cahn

i .


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