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June 03, 1992 - Image 9

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-06-03

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Wednesday, June 3, 1992 -The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 9
tudents racing to finish second solar car
by Carey Bohjanen sors,many peoplearecountingonMaize determine the outcome of the compe-
University members hope the sup- & Blue's performance in the Sunrayce. tition.
port, high expectations and time and Nazeeri said involvement by all the The course is digitized on disks
energyradiatedintoanupdatedversion differentsponsorsandorganizationson through the use of space reflectors.
ofthe first Universitysolarcarwillhelp campus was particularly important to This enables the crew to calculate el-
the new Maize & Blue outshine its theproject.Hecalledita"neatmarriage evation, hills and curves without evei
competition. between academia and industry." seeing them. By determining when to
The previous solar car Sunrunner Maize & Blue resembles a bullet. use certainamountsofspeedondiffer
won theGeneralMotor(GM)Sunrayce The crew is not releasing any technical ent types of terrain, the energy can be
USA in 1990 and went on to place third details on changes from the old car to used more efficiently.
in last year's World Solar Challenge in thelatestdesign, but itis torunbasically At the Regional Qualifier for the
Australia. the same way - on solar energy. East Coast in Indianapolis next April,
The next Sunrayce - from Dallas Three-quarters ofthecarconsistsof Maize & Blue is expected to exceed
to Minneapolis -is being held in June 14,000 solar cells that convert sunlight the current solar car world record of
1993, when universities from across intoelectricenergywhichisthenstored 101 mph.
the nation will compete to be the best in battery packs. The car with the best qualifying
both on the race course and in design The batteries are importantbecause time will not only get the best pole

GM will sponsor the top three solar
cars from the Sunrayce to compete in
the 1993 WorldSolarChallenge, which
will again be held in Australia.
{ -Maize & Blue designers claim the
${: 5caris not only far ahead of the compe-
tition in advanced technology, but is
also predicted to be ahead of the com-
peting teams on the road.
Project Manager Furqan Nazeeri
said the University has "a very good
shotatbeing numberone, atleastin the
The University hopes to capture another Sunrayce tttle in 1993 with its top five." With the work of more than
new solar car Maize & Blue. 150volunteerstudentsanddiversespon-

'(The University has) a very good shot at being
number one, at least in the top five.'
- Furqan Naieeri,
project manager

on a cloudy day the car has no way to
generate electricity. In the event that
there is little sun on the starting day of
the Sunrayce, the racers are permitted
to begin with their batteries half-
charged. Aerodynamics, energy effi-
ciency and race course strategy then

position in the Sunrayce, but will also
be one of two honorary pace cars for
the Indianapolis 500.
Despite the ability to reach such
highspeeds, speedlimitsonroadways
wilconstraintheaverageracing speeds
to between 40 and 50 mph.

Duck, duck, goose
A family of ducks cool off in the pond outside of the Music School on North Campus yesterday.



fisheries. Earn $5,000+/month. Free
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tion preferred call Carrie 971-2172
BE ON T.V. many needed for commercials.
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BUY TEXTBOOKS on campus. $20/hr.
Work 10 or more hours per wk. For details,
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REPRESENATIVE: customer phone con-
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company. Articulate conversational style &
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Heathy indiv. are needed as bone marrow
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Call 747-2898, M-F, 8 A.M.-5 P.M.
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Monday-Friday. Full/Part time. $209-350/
Wk. Full time. EOE. Great summer job. Call

ste ages of 21 and 45 needed for the Univer-
sity of Michigan Smoking Study involving
blood sampling. Requires approximately 3
,hrs. on 2 separate days and pays $150.00. For
any additional info. call Mary, Jill, Ann, or
Emily at 764-7152.
area home at $5/ hr. Duties incl. dust, mop,
vacuum. Call 426-9199. Ask for Amy.
SUBJECTS NEEDED for psych. reaction
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Warm, enthusiastic, well-organized
childcare/household assisting person needed
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ning July or August for one year. Maximum
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Heading for EUROPE this summer? Jet
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ONE MALE ROOMMATE needed for fall
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now ask for Tom.
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Panasonic 386, multi-sync. $1499.
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PC's & Clones. DEMO $6, Registered Copy
$29. Stare which one and 5 ar 3 inch disk.
Send to:
Mathewson Enterprises
P.O. Box 44272,
Oklahoma City, OK 73144-1274
Write it. Read it.
Recycle it!
The Michigan Daily

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