to focus
on AIDS,
by Janet Wayne
An international conference will
focus on such issues as housing for
single-parent families and the elderly,
shelter for battered women, special
needs of women with AIDS, and
The conference, entitled "Shelter,
Women and Development: First and
Third World Perspectives," presents
speakers from more than 17 countries.
It begins tomorrow and ends May 9.
"The traditional family concept
where the father works and the mother
stays home with her 2.5 children is no
longer valid," said conference Chair
Hemalata Dandekar.
"Though the nuclear family is not
representative of a significant number
of the world's families, the design of
public housing and the eligibility re-
quirements to occupy public housing
assume a traditional family structure,"
she said. "Poor women with children
have limited options to avail them-
Abstracts for each topic will be
published and available for sale to the
public approximately 90 days after the
A public art exhibition, organized
in conjunction with the conference, is
on display until May 12 at the Slusser
Gallery inthe Art& Architecture Build-
slide shows and videos document the
current status of shelter and housing.
"The exhibit is intended to illus-
trate current housing conditions, and
to explore architectural solutions to
womens'shelter problems,"saidexhi-
bition co-chair Melissa Harris.
Harris explained that the architec-
tural structure of the exhibit itself is a
metaphor for the current conditions
Wednesday, May 6, 1992 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - 3
Runners streak through area
streets in annual Nude Mile
by Gwen Shaffer arrested the group. Huffman said the original meaning
Daily News Editor The following year, other team behind the run has been lost. "There's
I clearly recall my first exposure to members spread the word they would no shock valuein itanymore," she said.
the Nude Mile as a first-year student. be repeating the nude traipse through "People used to see us and scream,
Just after midnight, I was making my campus.But this timethe dateremained 'Those are naked people!' But now its
way home from a party. Inebriated stu- secret to avoid police harassment. like'Tonight's the Nude Mile.Where's
dents waited in bar lines and shrieked LSA senior Jennifer Huffman and my camcorder?"'
wildly,celebrating thelastdayofclasses. Art School senior Sandy Smith ran in The special feeling of community
Leaving the party atmosphere on their fourth Nude Mile this year. They has disappeared from the Nude Mile.
South U, I passed through the West said they were initially hesitant about "The first two years, we were a cohe-
Engin arch into the Diag. Through the participating. In fact, the first time they sive group of people. This year, it was
darkness, I heard a faint thumping. As ran, the two women started out holding so big, we weren't even all together,"
the pounding escalated, a pack of stark hands because they were nervous. Huffman said.
naked (with the exception of running Huffman and Smith said the event Incorporating athemeintotheNude
shoes, of course) men and women has changed significantly since they Mileisbecomingincreasinglypopular,
whizzed by me. I turned to my room- participated as first-year students. This especially as more people participate.
mate and exclaimed, "Oh my God, year, whatoriginatedasan intimatejog HuffmanandSmith"wentformal"three
STREAKERS!" among friends had evolved into a free- years ago and ran sporting bow ties.
Most everyone hasa funny story to for-all with more than 200 runners. Last year, along with another woman,
tellaboutfirstencounterswiththeNude HuffmanandSmith,whowerecrew theyraninformationtospellout"Michi-
Mile. But what compels the runners to team members when they first ran with gan Crew" across their rear ends. As
bare it all to a gawking campusof thrill- about 60 other people, said the entire graduating seniors,Huffman and Smith
seeking students? attitude enveloping the Nude Mile has wore their mortarboards and tassles.
The Nude Mile began eight years changed. Many women reported being Despite the disappointment of this
ago when sixfriends from the crew and grabbed and having lewd comments year's run, both Huffman and Smith
track teams ran naked through campus yelled at them this year. "The specta- said they are glad to have been part of
during the last week of classes-just to tors are completely disrespectful," the Nude Mile. "The whole concept is
do something nutty. Cops chased and Smith said. just crazy!"
Architecture junior Lisa Kulisek
writes on a black slate in the
center of her exhibit "Approaches
and Interpretations of Housing for
women face in development and shel-
"As you enter the exhibit, you see
the hard edges and finished surfaces.
Moving along the exhibit, the struc-
ture reveals itself and shows raw con-
struction andrough surfaces,"shesaid.
"Thisrepresents the underlying prob-
lems and real conditions that women
face in obtaining shelter, that on the
inside, the situation is not so clear
The exhibitis intended to be inter-
active. Chalk is provided for visitors
to leave their thoughts on a wooden
platform interlaid with slate, which
will then become a part of the exhibit.
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