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May 27, 1992 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-05-27

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8- The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly -Wednesday, May 27,1992
SII , , Q: Who is the youngest major league baseball player to capture a league
" , " batting title?
" 'o90e io e Wm1! LflM a UM 0 99~JM~6T Ut
SKass bows out in NCAA quarters,
'M' tennis captain falls to San Diego's Noriega, 7-5, 5-7, 6 2

by Adam Miller In the first game of the third set, Kass
Daily Sports Writer experienced cramping of his right hip. Eisner
Michiganmen'stenniscaptainDavidKass said that this "limits his mobility, which is his
ended his collegiate careerat the NCAA Divi- strength." Noriega made quick work of the
sion I Championships in Athens,Ga.as one of hobbled Kass, taking the set and the match,6-
college tennis' elite. Elite eight, that is. 2.
"He really did an outstanding job - far "What people don't understand about the
superior to what he has shown in past NCAA NCAA Tournament," Eisner said, "is that it
tournaments," Michigan coach Brian Eisner takes atremendous amountof skill and luck to
said. win. David was certainly playing champion-
Kass, who entered the tournament ship-caliber tennis, but the breaks just didn't
unseeded with an at-large bid, bowed out in go his way."
the quarterfinals, losing a tough, three-set It was the second straight year Kass has
match to the No. 2 seed from San Diego, Jose been eliminated in the NCAA quarterfinals.
LuisNoriega,7-5,5-7,6-2.Noriegalostin the O'Brien's singles victory - a 6-3, 6-2
semifinals to No. 3 seed and eventual cham- drubbing of Georgia's Wade McGuire, who
pion Alex O'Brien of Stanford, 6-0,6-3. was seeded sixth -capped Stanford's domi-
Kass led Noriega,4-1 and 5-3, in the first nance of the NCAAs. The Cardinal swept the
set, and had four set points. While Noriega team, singles, and doubles championships. It
escaped, winning the set, 7-5, Kass won the was the firsteversweepofalldisciplinesin the
second set by an identical score. tournament, which began in 1977.

O'Brien and partner Chris Cocatos, the
No. 2-seeded doubles team, defeated fellow
Cardinal teammates Vimen Patel and Jason
Yee, 7-6 (7-4), 6-4, for the doubles crown.
Kass won his third straight two-set match
in the round of 16 over Pepperdine's Charles
Auffray, 6-1, 6-1.
Kass wasted little time in the second round
Thursday, disposing of Arkansas' Marcus
Hilpart, the nation's No. 22player, in straight
sets, 6-2, 6-2.
Kass began the tournament last Wednes-
day by upsetting Mississippi State's Daniel
Courcol, the tournament'sNo.s11 eed,6-3,6-
Kass has often mentioned a desire to the
professional tennis circuit. Eisner confirmed
that Kass will start play on the "satellite"
circuit in Europe this summer. Kass will join
former Wolverine captain MaliVai Washing-
ton, who is active on the pro tour.

Michigan tennis captain David Kass fell at the
quarterfinals of the NCAA Championships last
weekend. Kass won his opening three matches,
before falling to Jose Luis Noriega in the quarters.

'M' track teams finish eighth at Big Tens

by Wendy Law
Daily Sports Writer -
The Michigan men's and womNs
track teams were in Minnesota lastFri-
day and Saturday tocompetein the Big
Ten Outdoor Track and Field Champi-
onships. The men finished in eighth
place with 35 points this season, after a
fourth-place finish last season. The
women also finished eighth with 68
points, improvingon last year's ninth-

place finish.
Though several people from the
men's team placed third in their events
and one second, only one Wolverine
took a first-place finish in the tourna-
ment. Brad Darr won the pole vault
eventwithaqualifyingheightof 17-71/
4, after entering the tournament ranked
fourth in the Big Ten at 17-61/4. He is
a provisional qualifier for the NCAA
Track and Field Championships held

June 1-6 at Austin, Texas. The other
men's qualifier at this point is javelin
thrower Stan Johanning.
For the women's track team, sev-
eral took first-place in individual heats.
However, no one took first overall in
any of the events.
Two Wolverines placed second in
their events - Carrie Stewart in the
javelin with a distance of 155-5 and
Laura Jerman in the heptathlon with a
score of 4969. Jerman led Michigan
with a second-place finish in the
heptathlon in last year's Big Ten cham-
pionship meet.
At this point, three women are pro-
visional qualifiers for the NCAAs -
Amy Bannister and Kristine Westerby
in the800 meters,andCarrie Stewartin
the javelin.
all, Ohio State took first place in the
men'scompetitionwithascoreof 141.5
points. Illinois placed first with 122
points in the women's competition.



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The Michgian men's and women's track teams both finished eighth at
last weekend's Big Ten Championships

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