4- The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, May 27, 1992
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00 P I N N I
Unsigned editorials represent the opinion
of a majority of the Daily's editorial
board. All other cartoons, signed articles,
and letters do not necessarily reflect the
opinion of the Daily.
420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Edited and Managed by
Students at the
University of Michigan
_ _-,
Midnight run
Without Safewalk, Northwalk, and the Night Owl,
the University is not doing enough to protect students
A moral outrage
Bush's recent executive order typifies his attempts
to force his moral code upon the entire country
D uring thesummer"vacation"therearemany
students who are unable to avoid working
on campuslateintothenight.Unfortunately,the
administration has not developed a satisfactory
way of ensuring that these students are able to
get home safely.
During the regular school year, students on
campus whocannotfindsomeone with whomto
walk homehaveoptions that willenable them to
get home safely: Night Owl buses leave the
UGLi every 20 to 30 minutes, while Safewalk
and Northwalk volunteers are ready to accom-
pany students to destinations that are within 20
minutes of campus. None of these three pro-
grams is operating this summer.
A few years ago, the Night Owl ran during
the summer, but a perceived lack of demand
caused the Department of Transportation Ser-
vices(DTS)toabandon the program despite the
possible risks to student safety. In addition,
Safewalk - whose organizers had expressed
interestin operating during thesummer-isnot
running due to a lack of volunteers. Students
who are in Ann Arbor still need the availability
of nighttime safety services, if for no other
reason than that, with fewer people in the area,
walking alone after dark is potentially more
Before suspending the Night Owl's opera-
tions for the summer, DTS made clandestine
arrangements with the Department of Public
Safety (DPS) to offer an unofficial emergency
escort service that would temporarily replace
the Night Owl. Under this agreement, any stu-
dent whoisstranded oncampuslateatnightmay
call DPS, which would send an officer - if
available -to conduct the student to any loca-
tion on the Night Owl's route. This is certainly
an excellent substitute, but for some question-
able reason the administration has failed to
publicize the availability of this service.
In the past few summers, organizers of
Safewalk have attempted to establish a summer
version of their successful program. In order to
operate at even a minimum level, however, a
large number of volunteers are needed. While it
may be too late to organize Safewalk and
Northwalk for thissummer,therearea few ways
that participation could be encouraged in future
summers. Walkers should receive academic
credit ora smallstipend-perhaps the program
can qualify for work-study funding.
Safewalk andNorthwalk, which can operate
withnomore than a telephoneandsome walkie-
talkies, provide the most efficient and inexpen-
sive means of ensuring that students reach their
destinations safely. Money that has heretofore
been spent to support the summer Night Owl
andemergencyescorting by DPS shouldinstead
be usedtofund these volunteer programs during
the summer months.
The University may also wish to incorporate
a program that has been successful at the Uni-
versity of Vermont, which has a student-driven
fleet of cars whose drivers will pick up anyone
who feels unsafe walking alone. The drivers are
paid an hourly wage, many through work-study
programs. Under this system, public safety of-
ficersarenotburdenedwithhaving toleavetheir
posts or patrols of campus in order to escort
stranded students. Since the cars only go out on
calls, there is not the waste of time and fuel that
DTS encountered when it ran the neglected
summer Night Owl in the past. Perhaps this
program would besosuccessful thatit would be
used all year round.
If it is indeed too late to activate Safewalk
and Northwalk, the administration should en-
sure that students know about the availability of
DPS's escort service. In addition, it is time to
start planning for future summers, so that stu-
dents will never again feel that they have no
choice but to face the prospect of walking home
alone after dark.
L ast weekPresidentBush signedan executive
order prohibiting the use of aborted fetal
tissue in medical research. It is comforting to
know that Bush thinks the moral center of the
United States lies in Washington, D.C. It is just
as comforting to know that Bush will not let the
general welfare of American citizens stand in
the way of political self-gratification.
On Tuesday, Bush threatened to veto a bill
that would lift the ban on using aborted fetuses
forresearch,initially imposed during the Reagan
Administration. With the current ban in place,
acceptable tissue is difficult to find because
tissue obtained from spontaneous miscarriages
or unviable pregnancies often is genetically
The federal govemment plans to open be-
tween five and 10tissue bankcenters. However,
Bush is tuming a research initiative intoa politi-
calissueon abortion, for the sakeof wielding his
"pro-life" moralistic sword. Ironically, Bush
stands in the way of helping those whoareliving
-living with pain and crippling physical afflic-
tions. Tissue from aborted fetuses can be used in
the research of Alzheimer's Disease, diabetes
and other disabling injuries and illnesses.
The ban on aborted fetal tissue in medical
research is just one manifestation of the Bush
administration's attempt to impose its morality
on therestof the country.The bestexampleis his
tendency to nominate for the Supreme Court
judges who are more conservative than they are
qualified. With the Court swiftly tilting toward
the right, Bush's presidency will be affecting
moral and ethical decisions years after he has
stopped inflicting immediate damage on the
The administration has drawn a distinct line
between those who adhere to its moral code and
those who do not. Bush is critical of people on
welfare who "don't want to work,"even though
3,000 people stood in line at the Marriott in
Chicago in the dead of winter for 200 jobs.
According to Vice President Dan Quayle,
another group that morally offends the Bush
administration is single mothers. Quayle says
they mock "the importance of fathers, by bear-
ing a child alone." At the same time, the admin-
istration does not propose aid for children of
single mothers, when 43 percent of these chil-
dren live in poverty.
Furthermore, the Bush Administration's
moral code became evident during the riots in
Los Angeles.Quayle attributed the Los Angeles
riots to an emergence of a' poverty of values" in
the inner cities. Itis easier to blame the problem
on a supposed lack of values, rather than a lack
of government programs designed to combat
the problems of the inner city.
Bush and his self-proclaimed wholesome
administration choose to glaze over real prob-
lems by addressing the non-issue of mandated
morality. At the same time, he perpetuates divi-
siveness with an "us" versus "them" mentality
that mires the country in dissatisfaction and
disillusionment. It is clear by Bush's low ap-
provalratings that Americans are unhappy. And
yet,PresidentBush does not get it. He continues
to believe that the only thing necessary is to
revamp previously proposed solutions while
refusing to accept real change.
Still, the problems of society continue, de-
spite the moral rhetoric of the Bush administra-
tion.When abipartisan coalitionofRepublicans
and Democrats, including Senate Majority
Leader George Mitchell (U-Mass.) and Senate
Minority Leader Rooert Dole (R-Kan.),support
the use of aborted fetal issue for medical re-
search, Bush is truly out of touch with the
American public. He should realize that al-
though the President of the United States is
certainly supposed to be this nation's leader, he
must not impose his moral code by means of
vetoes, executive orders, and appointments.
King was manly
To the Daily:
I would like to respond to the letter
by Scott Goldberg ("Why was King
manly?", 5/20/92). Mr. Goldberg, as
you are a senior at this prestigious uni-
versity, Ilam surprised that during your
years here, you have never had to refer
toadictionary whenyoustumbledupon
a word that you did not understand.
Since you have not had this privilege,
please allow me to give you a hand.
Webster'sdefinesthe word"MANLY"
as "having the qualities generally re-
garded as those that a man should have
such as strong, brave, resolute, honor-
able," and so on.
WhileIdohavethetime togiveyou
a definition, I do not have the time,nor
the patience to educate you as to why
Dr. Martin Luther King exhibited these
qualities. However, the brothers of Al-
pha Phi Alpha, along with numerous
groups here at this university, sponsor
programs during Dr. King's birthday
each January. Theseprograms educate
the campus about Dr. King's outstand-
ing qualities and accomplishments.
These events also serve to illustrate
how all people - even YOU! - can
not only benefit from, but also apply,
Dr. King's principles to our daily lives.
While you DEMAND that we educate
YOU as to why Dr. King's contribu-
tions can be described as "manly," I
CHALLENGE you to take the time to
educate YOURSELF.
In addition, the quote on the quali-
ties listed on the plaque which your
arship, and Love for all Mankind" -
are the "National Aims" of Alpha Phi
Alpha Fraternity, Inc., which is proud
to claim the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King,Jr.,as one of our most prominent
Paul D. Ashley
Engineering graduate student
Not all Germans can
be held responsible
To the Daily:
I was perturbed by the headline of
Matt Adler's column on the Holocaust
4/21/92). Surely, I thought, this head-
line was written in haste, for it seems to
implicate all Germans,even those who
were unbom in 1945. But as I read on,
I realized that I had been mistaken.
Adlerwrote,"IpityGermansmy age.It
must be difficult for them to accept the
crimes of their ancestors. I have no
sympathy,however,for those who deny
the collective guilt of German society."
Doesn't Adler realize that this is
libel, the same classoflibel and slander
that have been directed at the Jews for
centuries? Doesn'the realize that some
people walk the earth in hatred of Jews,
because they are convinced that "the
Jews killed Jesus,"just as Adler is con-
vinced that Boris Becker gassed the
Jews? Doesn't he re
person responsible f
ceeded his birth defi
justice, and perpetu
Germansof allagesk
past, and are trouble
degrees; it is not fo
them further.
Daily sinks t
To the Daily:
After the VC
"Sexpose" on the cle
illicit interludes, I t
could go no lower.
the April 16th Week
"Best Sex on Camp
ceived that I was
disturbing article of
Daily reached newl
and discretion. I m
the opening paragra
alize that to hold a and in the hands of a real writer - the
sr events that pro-author of this piece, notsurprisingly, is
es physics defies never mentioned - and not some de-
es hate? Today ranged lunatic who derives inspiration
tei ation' solely from a warped libido, the "Best
w Place to meet a Date"and"Best Rejec-
d by it to varying tion Lines"could have been interesting
r Adler to trouble and humorous.
e.s thesBut suggesting that intercourse in
Steven ior the Arb graveyard is the extreme in
LSA senior titillation, and ever including a cheaply
drawn "comic" furthering this recom-
D new loWS mendation, only further demonstrated
the increasingly pitiful attempts by the
alentine's Day Daily to incense its readers into contin-
ever "how-to's" of ued reader loyalty through manufac-
hought the Daily tured controversy. What are scholarly.
Well, after reading students left to do but discontinue their
end Etc. article on readership of this pathetic paper?Good
us," I quickly per- riddance!!
wrong. With this Christopher Dorais
"journalism," the Rackham graduate student
lows in both taste
st admit, however, WRITE THE DAILY
phs had potential,