2- The Mchigan Daily Summer Weekly- Wednesday, May 27,1992
Downsized tent
city perseveres
by Joey Barker
Daily Staff Reporter
Salvation City is persevering, albeit Larry Brown said, "Things seem to be
with a dwindling population and fewer going quietly over there, and they seem
tents. to be abiding the restraining order."
A Washtenaw County judgeissued,
a restraining order last Friday, limiting, 'Things seem to be going
the number of tents and the number of quietly over there, and they
people allowed on the site. seem to be abiding (by) the
Salvation City organizers are per- . ,
mitted to have four tents on the site - restraining order.'
including onelargetent-butonly two - Larry Brown
people are allowed to stay from 14 Washtenaw County
p.m.-8a.m.Theserestrictions willcon- administrator
tinueuntil their June 3 court date, when
the lawsuit brought against the Home- A sheriff's deputy is kept on the site
less Union by the county will be heard. from 10 p.m.-8 a.m. for security and
Washtenaw County administrator safety purposes.
Continued from page 1
sees it as an opportunity for positive
change in the county.
"Now that I've decided to run,
I've thought a lot about the kind of
platform I want to put together that
would make Ann Arbor and
Washtenaw County a better place to
live," Dolgon said.
Dolgon said he feels that Murray
has been putting too much emphasis
on development and speculation in
Ann Arbor during her 20 years in
office. He said in addition to the
environment, homeowners also suf-
fer from development, due in part to
an increase in property taxes. He
added that when office buildings are
built instead of affordable housing,
those with low incomes suffer.
Due to Dolgon's work towards
his doctorate, he feels he has come to
understand how Washtenaw County
and Ann Arbor fit into the larger
scheme of things in Michigan.
munity and how Ann Arbor and
War II gives me an informed per.
spective on how the different areas of
the county relate to each other and
how the county as a whole fits into
the state."
Dolgon said he feels that politi-
cians who have been in office for a
long time tend to lose touch with
their constituents and get caught up
LSA senior Kyle MacDonald holds the microphone for Corey Dolgon at
a Salvation City rally two weeks ago. At the demonstration, Dolgon
announced plans to run for county commissioner
in the routine of bureaucracy.
"To Meri Lou Murray, her experi-
ence is her biggest asset. ButI say it's
her biggest liability," Dolgon said.
Dolgon said he hopes that people
will not immediately dismiss him as a
He said, "The most important
thing to me is that people in the
community are willing to listen to my
analysis and my explanation and will-
ing to question the status quo when it
comes to arriving at unique solutions
for the problems in the community."
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Continued from page 1
for candidacy, Gov. John Engler en-
dorsed her, saying she is, "... the best
candidate for the U of M Board of
John Truscott, Engler's press secre-
tary, said, "Governor Engler has been
very active in seeking out the best can-
didates to serve on the boards of our
universities and he feels that she is an
excellent candidate for the job. He has
known Nancy and he believes that her
qualifications make her quite suitable."
Neither Nielsen nor Smith could be
reached for comment
Laro has also been endorsed by six
former Republican regents - one of
whom is her husband, David Laro, who
served on the board in the late '70s.
Gas explosion
This is what remains of a house that blew up in downtown Rochester
last Wednesday after workers on a beautification project hit a gas
main. The explosion killed one and injured 17 others.
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