2 -The Miigan Daly &Smmr Weekly - Wednesday May 6,1992 Kempf House a ", ~ Centering s program around the large manolia tree n spth r ingwtan gdnp yuyard, the Kempf House for Local Hstory wel Events included a hou tor, queston ad answer priod with MasrGrdenerDoug Vok an adareading lit by author David Willims. In his recently published bok, The Doctors Moue Willimsliik two of Ann hro's historic Iandmrk 0 Kempf Houead Cobblestone Frm. Originally built in 1853 for Henry Bennett, the house Ar becae the home of Reuben ad Pauline Kempf. Since 983, the house has benowned ad maintained by the City of Ann Arbor, with the purpose of promoting Victorian * themes and historic Ann Arbor lifestyles. Y 4, Antiques adorn Kempf House in period room displays. I "When the Kempfs died, their children wanted to see the r ~hou kept in good condition," said Zatha Brns, a volun- a ., teer. _ " -' se mpf House volunteers consider it more than a mu- .,. seum,as the House is visited by students and others curious 'hores r und USHRJ~aly aoutAnn Arbor's past. Brin rou d th dan ing"It is important for children to have knowledge about Dave Kelley and Susan Connors relax in the infield of Churchill Downs at the Kentucky Derby Saturday afternoon. After losing five local history. The Kempf House can help provide that races in a row their only comment was The track's making a lot of money from us education," said ane Schwertfeger, avolunteer coordinator. GRADUATION Wha itmeans to excel"he said."There "A MAJOR FANTASY SAGA..."Cnnudfo page1 question, 'Why are we satisfied with -qhi ago T ibunecountrys educational, social, and po- the way we are?"'" -C ia o T iu elitical problems rest unsolved. Vest closed by invoking Rodney Headd rges nepeneto King's plea' "People, can w all get developing n humanc capabilesities and along? In short, choose to serve your ideas. "This nation mus regain its will fellow men and women as well as your- KI N GS of the BROKEN WHEEL to excel. In fac, many don't even know self." Written by Wendy & Richard Pini, PROTEST (with ouractics),wehaven't hadany- ilutae y W n y Pini thing that comes in the ballpark of the ilusrte b en yConinued from page 1 King incident," he said. The march continued to the police The proestdrewpeople from cross- The utimate adventure department and Federal Building. racial backgrounds. begins with the ultimate betrayal' Staff Sergeant MarkHoorstrawas "In this crowd there are Blcks, * The Wof rid ers--th at hardy, forest blocking the street in front of the Fed- whites ... and everything. Across the dwelling band of elves--have been ct}_mrl Building. board, people rcognize the deision scattered n redfo red before, paretnt from child 'The entire sitution has been a wasjustbull," saidUniversity alumnus adfedfofe ndeutnver hldlke 7 black mark to the eyes of the police Cornelius Harris, who march in the this. Stranded in a strange newt officers who have done a good job rally. lan, uttr nd fw tibsmaesthroughout the years," said Ann Abor The demonstration was orgnied land Cuter ad afew ribemate 44Police Staff Sergeant Mark oomnsr, by an ad hoc committee of members of must face the horror of seeing their who was blocking the street in front of the Baker Madela Center for Anti- loved ones stolen from them, not " k x the Fedeal Building. "We have a very Racist Educationthe Homeless Action over distance, but across endless w stringent use of force policy. Committee, the Homeless Union and time itsttlfl""Although not everybody ares other grups. The elves spanned a world, to find a home. Now they must II ', ; survive untold centuries before they - V 111 U 1111 can be reunited with uthei r lost kin. Journey with the Wotders on the TeMl 506, nDilyOumner Wekly ISSN 074.967) is pubiNhd WdHneasdring tesriOngasumr motambitious Quest ever in Kings -tfrIR$bNo ttt ti OA, f mo..O-,HN0NHSR pp/4lH~Rl 1 HIO - ng n ~~Setember via6:6U.S. mail are $155. Fa trHHonli5On-c 0amusNsubscriptions forHfl/Hot,, ar of the Broken WheellokEgt IC VCKNW FL 3.Alsbcixosms epead Full color " 160 pages " 8.5x1"s ADDRESS: TheMhignDaily, 420 Mynrd Stret, Aror, MiAhigR 461091327 PHONE NUMERS (ra ode0633): New 764-0552 Opiion 7632459; Arts 7630379:0SprN 47336 Crulto 764-0556; CsidAN erisiO Rng 7640557; DiplRayRNAdvrig74054;1Bil 764-0750 Read the ongoing saga of Cutter and his *.,'' intrepid hand of family and friends. NEWS Purvi Shah, Managing Editor STAFF: HRpecai, Lurn Derer, En EiRhom, TraiM RyoRds,Shlly o ri sn Elfquesf 1 " Fire and Flight .................$17.95 OPINION all Renberg David Shepardson, Edtors Elfquest 2 " The Forbicdden Grove ......$17.95 STAFF: Yael CiO, ChreEwing Elfquesf 3 " Captives of Blue Mountain......$17.95 SOT ohDbw Managing Editor Elfqest4 " ues's Ed ................... $1.95STAFF: Mg BelsoR, ORRI0urs. MARe Hill, 6466 Mile,,Grg Rhrson. Elquesth54"*SQeetBlend......n..........$1.95 AT lnJ. Hogg, Editor Elfuef * Siee t lu Montin$1.9 ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITOR:Anet trs Elfquest 6 " The Secret of Tw-Edge........$ 1 6.95 00FF: M~a r iRAi, ArewR Cahn, Nma HodRei, St Strlig, Mihal JoR Wson. Elfques 7 " The Cry From Beyond........... $16.95 POTO Sharon Musher, Editor Elfquest B * Kings of the Broken Wheel......$17.95 STAFF: K NNOffer Gillett, Hather Lortpl Father Tree Press SALES Laurel W llidsesn, Manager Avaiabl atCom unit Ne sce ter andWeb ters B oksACCOTEECTIVES: o,0JenB058 ~ , Katey, 6610Lisa M er, Marle nNa. Avial tASSISTANTS: :Hat t AimoR, JeRniferBaHsN, Jennifer ChRApeiMolinaDe, Lsa Mc~anelNRtashaMris. A1,979111 ANALYSTS~ Mat McLean. Sean Swede =1! OTORCMO AIVAUTOfO elm"%%