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May 13, 1992 - Image 12

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-05-13

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12-The Michgan Daily Summer Weekly-Wednesday, May 13,1992
Water polo wins regionals; moves on to nationals
by Greg Richardson tion.TheWolverineshavenotlostaBigTengame strong in the Midwest as it is in the West or on the third place. Russell concedes that UC-Davis and
Daily Sports Writer since February of 1988. East Coast. As aresult, Michigan did not receive Slippery Rock are by far the best teams in the field.
All season the Michigan women's water polo Michigan's 13-game winning streak will be as much respect from the selection committee as However, he said he feels the other six teams are
team proclaimed it was the best team in the on the line when it takes on top seed UC-Davis in it would have liked. fairly evenly matched.
Midwest, as well as the class of the Big Ten. At itsfirstoffive games atnationals. TheWolverines Russellcitedsomereasons whyhis teammight Michigan has a few players who are in their
Midwest regionals, the Wolverines proved they are seeded eighth in the eight-team field, and that make some noise in nationals. fourth season - Lori Barnard, Becky Luebke,
could walk the walk as they trounced their compe- is exactly where Michigan coach Scott Russell "We've got probably the second or third best Gomy, and two-time All-American Candice
tition, winning all five of their games to capture said he would like to see his team start. goalie (Karen Gorny) in the country, and possess Quinn.
the Midwest title and the automatic berth to the "It's perfect, because there's no pressure," tremendous team speed," Russell said. Russell and assistant coach Bruce Murden
national toumament in Vienna, Va., this coming Russell said. "We've got a good mix of veterans and young said they also like the improved play of Jenny
weekend. Despite Michigan's strong showing through- people," he added. McNiven. Russell said these players must be at
Michigan's overall record stands at 21-6. It out its season, and its Midwest regional champi- The Wolverines will need every bit of the their best if Michigan is to perform well at the
finished the season 14-0 against Big Ten opposi- onship, most people agree that water polo is not as experience they have if they are to contend for national competition.

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Continued from page 11
should've had a ring before now, buta
lot of things have to happen and they
finally did."
Senior second baseman Sue Sieler
eaed Big Ten player-of-tc-week
honors ater her prformance in the
Minnesota series. Sieler went 12-for-
16 over the four gaines. She tallied six
RBt, a double, a
Sieler also came
though in thse se-
riesopener, driving
in the game-win-
ning run in due 1-0
Michigan, Cal
and Western Illi-
nois, comprise the Kovach
three teams debuting in the champion-
ship. UCLA hasdominated the touma-
ment as it makes its 10th appearance.
The Bruins have advanced to thecham-
pionship game nine times, winning six
The Wolverines will be without
pitcher Julie Clarkson who suffered a
end with two outs in the seventh inning.
Clarkson underwent arthroscopic sur-
gery yesterday and will be traveling
with the team.
The Big Ten award winners were
named recently and Michigan domi-
nated the awards, winning more than
Kovach were named All-Big Ten first
team, while the second team featured
Mary Campana,KariKunnen,andKarla
Kunnen. Rookie pitcher Kovach was
named Big Ten Freshman-of-the-Year
wasnamedPlayer-of-the-Year. Seniors
Shelley Bawoland HeatherLyke,along
withjuniorKelly Forbis were named to
the Academic All-Big Ten teamand to
In addition to the conference-wide
successful season at their annual awards
banquet last night. Among the award
winners was Michelle Silver who was
named Rookie-of-the-Year.Kovachre-
ceived the Outstanding Pitcher award.
The Kunnen twins were also honored,
Karla received the Maize and Blue
award, while Kari received the Out-
standing Player award.



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