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August 12, 1992 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-08-12

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Tha WAimin r1,;Iu Cimmar Wan6ki WnAntit nA w .irfi.cP


- inssmsieganursa y summerittevesisy - wenesay, Augus1i ,
What with the summer term about to end,
there are many issues that need to be addressed
but, as this is the final Opinion Page until Sep-
tember, these issues must be discussed in a great
pormanteau editorial if they are ever to make it
into the Daily.
This "Omnibus" Editorial focuses on many andOdy
trouble spots at the University. Some aunegeat, for Lite
someare small - but if each of these problems Lenin P:
were solved, the Utniversity would be a mus Cure
better place for all. Modem
by twoI
u junk mail rCAL1
Since you're here this summer, you are pro- million i
bably unaware that University President James separate
Duderstadt and Vice President for Student Af- by the en
fairs Maureen Hartford spent over $20,000 to studets
send home aletter detailing theatninistration's reeksv
biased position on the code atd a questionnaire em Gre
askitsg for student input. While any attempt to sake 5(
gage students' views is admirable, ie letter Universi
follows a pattern of Usiversity distortioss. a difficu
The letter states, "We cnnot rly excu- should b
sively on criminal proceedings bcause they de fedg
often do not respond it a tiely way to Ue Noti
University'sneedtomaintainapm-duciveleam- sites off
lug environment." This rationale is unfounded languag
and condescenditsg. It argues that Ue criminal atd one
justice system cannot be relied upon to amsin- tat sos
ister justice because it doess't respond fast guagesa
enough to satisfy the administration. Tis is here ae
absurd. When necessary, courts routinely isue thast M
injunctions to preventitsstediate ham toose of Michiga
the ptrties involved in a case. 31 unive
What if the govertuent stated te same fer Mod
qualmsaboutthecriinaljusticesysem asdoes theUsivi
the administratioss? Tegovernenest could sim- upper-le
ply have secret tribunals to routd up suspected atepogt
ciminals toadmisisterjusticeita"timely way." guage. I
This phony ratonale- athrow-away stence rouglsly
in the letter - detmonstrates the indefetsible have ex
position of the University administration. Greek; i
The letter states tat Ue policy was "devel- and clas
oped through consultations with studensl, fa- Greekie
ulty, and staff." The policy was actually drfted is unwil
by Hartford and Elsa Cole, te University's expand C
general counsel - not students. A few lucky stead cal
students picked by dieadministration were cosn-
suted. No public earings were held, and most Offe
students who were here during te sumerlad
no idea that the code was being rewritten by Te
selct members of the administration, footballl
Periaps most critical - and most diseart- difficult
ring - is Ue lack of any space its Ue letter missing
dedicated to the University's comumitment o tecessar
uphsoldinsg Ue First Amendmet rigts of stu- miues.
detnts on campus. The code states, "It ay be Ialfime
itappropriatefor theUniversity to ty to chage forte c
the students' convictions, however it remais mosslir
appropriateto askassudensstoelsangebelavior." Isor
Thse letter - ins typical fashioss - is a food, die
disappoitisgasdslanted atemptby Ueadmins- Ue lead
istrationt to cunry favor for its self-idulged costry
"honor~)5cLde sotwig
stads w
A Greek tragedy mewi
IThrLL years ag iiitheiUniversity hdso a nlit Ctlt
cous s i ModeLrns (ritk Ii1991, alte loby- sedyvst
ing byUseeIHelleinic Ssudenst Associtisniand wt uldtpi
ost etizenss ofiGreek osigi, te Unitve st peios
oflteredantitssdtolieytt s e iiCiMttitttt( ttk. ethic it
Sitethle pogaiishles bcomise etreely Is o tese
sitccessful ntl is ttsctijiL itr epanisitn.Be Ithish
cautse oftle skmspsbudigt5 pro\viedi Itsate its it i II
UiveIsity, sl ta sofrdkaIo er rr porn;tis itsthue pissiisity t Istidst it ,it- s
studyisng becomsing flusent itso fitslartiwithitt dditaI e
siodemssitieratusse IrosisGreece. Sudetsswsilt wi uissr
not be able ts readd Ue woks ofi Gere Sees topy iiis


Unsigned editorials represent tise opinions
of a majority oft/se Daily's editoriasl
board. All othser cartoons, signted articles,
and letters do nsot necessarily reflect te
opinion oft/se Daily.

sseusElytis,wissiers of theNobel Prie televisiosns are paid for, Ueir presence would
rature, or Yansnis Ritsos, who won a tremendouslyimnpovedsieexpesiesce ofattesss-
lize for Poctry. lg a Michigass football gme for silliossiof
ently there is o full-time professor of people in the cominsg years.
Greek; isstead, tese courses are taught
professors who also teach usrelated Vendn r s rto
Thse Usiversity has assounced Ua
rsoftiseprograsnwill have toraise $1.5 Studests oftess cosmplaiss about Ue isaely
st order to establish Modemn Greek as a highs prices of casdy asd ssacks iss Ue vending
departmestwids its owsschsair. Judginsg machises arnd campus. Studests sould also
Uusiasticresposseof Greek-Assericass be dismnayed to knowdshat mostUnsiversity vessd-
and Ue significaist percestage of non- isgsachises tno losger cary plaisscocolae
who have previously esrolled its Modl- bs. Now, evesythisg as peauts or almonsds.
,k, it does not Lovers of unadulter-
nse Uat tle ated chocolate will be
tyltassetsuclsdisappointed wess
It goal when it Us deydiscovertlattleir
,eeager to help C last basiosn of iope,
linsg prograsn. 4 UeTleeMssketeer,
many unver- hve beess replaced.
erthemngeof ~While we're ad-
sofferehere, dresiing Ue problesn
coud agu of "replacesnst," it
ne o di lan LMseems a grave over-
lrady taught ) 9 sigt lat Ue veding
fless useful -. m achises outside the
odemn Greek. C am. 4 " ' computing center its
aisoneofonsly S Angell Hall - prob-
rsalies Uat of- doe CJ Eably Ue msot active
rss Greek, but vesding sachises on
ersityoffersno 1 8 1 1 casmpus - are never
,vel or gradu- refilleduvertlewek-
avmsintlselan- ed. Te result is Ua
Each year's incomng class includes Ue studests using Ue cesster ott Friday snigts
150 Greek Amnericans, many of whom and Saturday aftensoosns espty Ue smachises.
pressed interest its studyisng Modem TheUniversity shouldsake sut effort o restock
in addition, students of anthropology these machines eachs weekend. This will besefit
;sical archsaeology may wish to leans students who work iss Ue comnputing cesser asd
fore studying in Greece And yet, LSA who need a quick fix, but it will also erm more
lug to furmish the funds necessary 10 mney for Ue University, wich is losinglu-
tse Modem Gmeek progra,and is in- dreds of dollars of potenstial business by ignor-
hung on donors to raise $1.5 million. ing a very Ihungry market.
nsive lines Anne B. Hired
105,000 fans whso attend each Iome Last week, Unsiversity administrtors de-
game as Michigass Stadium know how cidedlohireAtmeDuderstadt, wifeufPresidest
it is to try to buy refreshments witlout James Dudertad, as ass isttutiost<al advace-
pat of Ue action, since it is sometimes meat officer, i.e. a fund-raiser. Tis is a repul-
-y to wait ass line for sore tan 20 sivedecision riddled witlsfiscad irresponssibility,
Realizinsg Uis, miany fans wait until sexism, asd rank hypocisy.
before they leave heir seats and ead Wiy is Anne Dsse/esadtetdt'ainpapei?
oncessions stanids, whiclresults its enor- Walter I lanrisos, spokesptrsons fo Ue Ui-
ies o the conscession stands. versiy claimed Uat Duderstadl t's"r tws a
-der to alleviate Ue lalftimne flury fcr routinsemautter, hanudled likcassysstlss Givnthsde
eAdleic IDepartmnst cughit t follow fuses dhal 25 people appliedslflisthlitJsbsand Ist
sul mnssustjcr sports stadiumis in lie dhat she is te residents wiltslit is psobbly
ansc isstall lssed-circuit televiisissnot1dUesostgniaiiedfirulic IoblDudeiltsd's
he ause aseshsf Ue couscessicunsfundc-rasingpeperience islkised t'tpittsrisi ii
witch ringp se stacdicm.n. kss wouuld be offiia l'sun ctins as le pescsidts ifse
iin oet isood tduinipplay, sinseethey 'Ilistspssitisos---i ichdsid [stu c ssuclpei-
i tonger avets risk iuissingsiifi-l ouissly was ceaedecoitsAnneic I Ist.Sh lide
i iofte gaise.'Tee ititilitte a usil supervist fius emposys pusnIusdsri is-
testiso sitrsussuat le stas andittisalesu tetsvities, andimangeistac Ulit veiistisits fail-
ussleitly itctsse. stincethost sirts ls otisieil isrofictial 'ctivities. Wtttisdisiti si
Isy retusedit 1It tit sats wi ile ti' i ii a wisill theydslitttu e rstIdtttuil
ass itgeesiglt filty betluredblisit ,5 i sptt
ssui~t s's t iti' it I i' t i ius stis I liudst situstiiisdo ti 'u Nil ttttlts sissy is
iktli t 5 t pit'te.'sl situ i ltf i t he. Ut i verts'tsity 'cihtirftes l ts ticiit ittf
'it, isul hltIe~ sl i o set t ot r ,;tt ii W its'is tsh i 5is n iuecokl ue, litsit st luist's
it II 5555 ci sI Ieii' sit s i s t i. i sitvss'sutti iticte'is c atrrle itt sIioa s te
ii rait ' isi tu'5one itititd - wn tt it soldshiudgict'theolestinoutspsituiendsi
sihtsc et f itt10tolt h 1 ickeis ittivcue I iuietstidtsalari~sy. At least ue I listsr-
Ltio ssttyiSi,tbttt -itttitlimcit i s it, tysiliciat sspslecs utIue't st ia t s sit's
orit itsssu.sI u tuosuiteter'flis tde uied ito donsae te salay as a pecontuionsofii

420 Maynard Seert
Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109
Edited and Managed by
Students as the
U~niversity sf Michigan j
receiving the position.
Isis unknown whether in laer years Anne
Duderatads can keep the salary or find a new
recipient for her generosity. Expecting her o
move into the Fleming Building - alongside
mostly males - and serve in a non-salaried
"make-work" position is blatantty sexist on the
pars of those who hired her.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) has
aready expressed disapproval over the hiring of
Duderstadt by select members of the adminis-
tration, who did not receive regental approval.
The University Board of Regents mast act to
reverse the hiring of Duderstadt. Their power o
do so is provided by Regental Bylaw 2.13,
which states that the regents have final control
over all hiring of University employees.
When the University raises tuition and fees
by 10.8 percent, tells employees there is no
money available for salary increases, and asks
departments to slash their budgets, it seems
hypocritical that the administration "found"
$35,000 so pay Anne Duderstads for a par-dime
job. Giving Duderstasdt $50 per hour is a waste
of money and a slap in the face to all who must
sacrifice in this year of draconian budges cuts.
Needs of the frats
Twice a yer, when hundreds of students
ras Ue local fraternities, hundreds of oer
studentts are victimnizedbydie untbelievablyrue
aid selfish mannser in which somne frateniies
choose to inform new memsbers of teir organi-
rations of their selections. The fraternities usu-
ally wait until Ue wee hours of tsr moning
before somehsow gaining access ttseir new
brotsers' dorns amd awaskeninig Uemi, all Ue
whle tyinig their damnedest to wake up every
other residesnt witsheavy footfalls, sreas,
pounsdinigstnt dosrs, aid other proofs Ushat Uey
don't care about those sleepinsg.
T1he Universisy locks each dormn at nights so
tah unwanted people will ntenier, but some-C
how the domitory authorities aid securisy of-
ficers always urns a blinsd eye hodhiis seemingly
hamless traditiont, The vast majority of students
who live inthts dorms do snot wish to be awak-
ened by as horde of barbarians drnkards. The
needs of Ue mussy outweigh tsr eeds of the
fruts. Perhaps is is timnetah Ue Universisy finds
a wily to ensure tint Uese untwanted nonuesi-
demis stay where they belonsg - outside.
"Shared Sacrifice"
As a way of dealinig wits current budget
woes, Prossstasid Vice Presidenit for Academic
Affairs Gilbsert Whitakein retenty taled for
"shiared saa'ifict" on Ue purt of Ue whole
Unsiversity comusnitsy. Withs alhdepartmentss
beingp forced toittrum various sexpenditures, onie
wouldl expect Whitakrt lead by exuinpte.
'lwo isweksitoWhitaker dstributed to tie
fasesily cospies ofstl t ais isou upcominsg rei-
piosshoslidasys, wlhihwas satcompanised by a
cussr esteter. The lettr sndclendcsar represent '
le ausitlicisls tc"shaedscific.' Whitaker's
off ice useilli c itssiets ppeissteadh iiiruvisip
ppueands monsiey by usinipbottssiles iof suse
pee U'It!. i' mtsersswosrse, WhIitakerssuffice
usul ' ihcii i i kasis ntsiu t iisetnstf'tr
tec [yci ;. s is sty wsi l'peir' s'.siseisuiplittt
t'e w s sill bic pasilelss its' bundsiles of
isd ite puetus [1itt'swlistssie
I'e tueti is sittisr usstsc'autac''acy is aiseusly
isa'llo- itssi s I trI'se are us shae its de
sciies tutrcedit tr ysts ithi s teucittuc (tis
ste shosustlexpect muietsis o itt u cltiiisissa-
us atocut douwn onsuihe uxuiy sit usishup pape
its such isexc~ssible muannsers.

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