One hundred and one -years of editorial freedom
'U' to employ
Dude's wife
Nitric oxide discovery
University researcher
Michael Marletta and
graduate student Kimberly
White have discovered a
new and unusual
characteristic of the
enzyme that triggers or
catalyzes nitric oxide
production in mammalian
cells. The discovery could
help to synthesize new
drugs for hypertension,
stroke iMpotence, and
other rnaladies:.
U' holds science forum
Several acience teachers
and administrators from
Michigan school districts
recently attended a three-
week University workshop
designed to coordinate
science objectives in
curricula, enhance teaching
methods, develop
innovative projects, and
explore uses of educational
'U' studies old age
University researchers,
along with colleagues from
Brown University, have
found that elderly people
who blame their declining
abilities on "old age" are
likely to die sooner than
those who attribute their
difficulties to specific
diseases. The findings will
be reported in the August
issue of the American ,
Journal of Public Health.
Library grants given
Due to a conference held
at the University last
November, the Alpena
County Library and
Cromaine (Hartland) Library
have received a $1,000
grant from the Competitive
Edge Conference
Global changes by corals.
University scientists have
said that tiny sea
creatures, whose skeletal
remains compose coral
reefs, may control the
crucial balance of carbon
molecules between the
Earth's atmosphere and
oceans in a process which
takes place over tens of
thousands of years,.
by Adam Hundley
Daily Staff Reporter _
Anne Duderstadt was hired
last Tuesday as a University in-
stitutional advancement officer,
but at least one member of the
University Board of Regents is
not thrilled about it.
IDuderstadt, married to Uni-
versity President James
Duderstadt, willearn $35,000 to
assist in the organization and
direction of fundraising events,
donor and alumni relations, and
Uiversity promotional activi-
ties. She will also manage facili-
ties and personnel used in the
Campaign for Michigan, a
fundraising drive.
But Regent Deane Baker (R-
Ann Arbor) is concerned about
the hiring of tie University
president's wife in the wake of
budget belt-tightening.
these are austere times for tie
University," Regent Deane
Baker (R-Ann Arbor) said, re-
ferring to tie University's bud-
getary constrairts. "I think tie
symbolism of the hiring was in-
correct and improper."
Tre regents raised student
tuition last month and limited
faculty pay raises to offset in-
creased operating costs and a
zero percent increase in state
Baker emphasized that
Duderstadt is qualified for the
position and said the work she
will do is important, but he ob-
jected to the salary she will re-
"Thepresident's wife has not
been paid throughout the history
of the University," re said.
Duderstadt currently holds a
master's degree r ihome eco-
nomics from Eastern Michigan
University, volunteers time to
tie Faculty Women's Club and
University Musical Society, and
assumes the responsibilities of
fundraising and hosting numer-
ous Unrversity events.
Duderstadt has pledged to
donate her entire salary to the
University andthire Centerfor the
Education of Women (CEW).
"1 an deeply committed to
educationfor women, especially
those returning to or beginning
Berry good
Kathy Hiraga, a former UnivE
blueberries at the Ann Arbor
4 Higher
T e. act
by Adam Hundley
Daily Staff Reporter __
Although President Bush
sinned the Higher Education Au-
University admiristrators are
skeptical Thatir te positive fea-
tures of the bill will be inple-
mfen dbill authorizes the fed-
eral government to raise Pell
Grant and Stafford Loan awards
forundergraduatestudents, sim-
plify teacher certification pro-
grams, and guard against scam
schools and students who de-
fault on loans.
"Thisinewworld posesenor-
mous challenges and big oppor-
tunities," Bush said during thie
signing ceremony. "How do we
hwi when more of the world's
SKAISHA HALCI/Dioly mationsare playing ourgame?.+
We cannotrenew America with-
out renewing our schools."
But University administra-
ersity student, pur chases torsemphasizedthat thebilldoes
Farmers' Market Saturday. not provide funds for any of the
"The reauthorization calls for
u d e changes and determines how
programs will be structured, but
Seonly Congress can provide the
life on campus funds to implemen the provi-
sions of the bill," said Harvey
ber and one upper division stu- Grotrian, director of the Office
dent. The mentors are required of Financial Aid.
to meet their mentees and also Grotrian said Congress
contact them once a month. should appropriate the funds
Mentors arealso encouraged necessary to ensure the success
to meet for a meal in a residence of the program.
hall with their mentees through "It's an excellent reauthori-
the Food For Thought program, zation bill," he said. "It calls for
which allows students to take a number of changes which will
their faculty or staff members result in more money for more
for a free lunch in a residence students."
hall. But Grotrian said he is not
The mentors are encouraged confident thatCongress willsup-
to share their personal experi- port the bill, and expects no sig-
ences as new students as well. nificantimprovementsin thenear
"If they know anything they future.
wish they had known when they "We have experienced un-
were freshmen then they try to der the Bush administration rea-
bring that knowledge into the sonably goodattention toeduca-
group," Younce explained, tion and the community, but
Thefacultymentorsalsohave when it's translated into action
much to contribute, we usually experience profound
"Student mentors can help disappointment," he said.
specifically with the student-ori- Cecil Miskel, dean of the
ented problems - dorms, rush School ofEducation, praisedthe
- while the faculty can help intent of the bill and the provi-
with the bureaucraticproblems," sion which empowers states to
Reed said. See EDUCATION, Page 2
Mentors guide, advise new
Juniors, seniors help first-year students adjust to
by Beth Echlin
Daily Staff Reporter
Afterstruggling throughtheir
first year of college, many stu-
dents look back and wish they
had had someone with experi-
ence - a sort of big brother or
sister who knew the ropes - to
help them adjust to the trials and
tribulations of University life.
That wish has been granted
by the University Mentorship
Program. After a rather chaotic
first year, theprogramnhas imple-
mented significant changes and
is ready for the class of 1996.
The program was created in
the summer of 1990 by then In-
terim Vice President of Student
Affairs Mary Ann Swain.
The program was formed to
allow incoming students to meet
with someone who has shared
the often difficult experiences
that are part of being a new-
comer at a large University, to
meet a faculty member outside
of a class, and to help first-year
students with any questions or
concerns they may have.
"If they arehaving any prob-
lems on campus - roommate
problems or trouble in their resi-
dence hall - these are all issues
that canbe addressed byhemen-
tors," said Patricia Soellner
Younce, the outgoing coordina-
tor of the program.
The program's first year was
less than successful. In it's pilot
year, the 1,300 first-year stu-
dents chosen to participate in the
programwereselected randomly
from the incoming class, while
the mentors volunteered. This
"totally backfired," Younce said.
"Only 50 percent of tie stu-
dents selected responded,"
Younce said. "About half the
groups were incomplete. Later
we discovered that the night of
the dinner was tie first night of
rush and people were confused
about directions tothedinner....
It was a total bust."
Those who did participate
were pleased with the program,
but agreed that the changes were
"I think it's like any new
program - you've got to work
through the kinks," said Penny
Reed, a forner mentor and in-
coming program coordinator.
"This campus is one of the
biggest in the country, so it's
nice to have a human to talk to,"
said Ed Merriman, an LSA
sophomore andone of last year's
mentees that is now involved in
the program as a mentor.
"I'm really excited about this
year. Things are a lotmore orga-
nized this year,"Merriman said.
This year, instead of random
selection, invitations were sent
out to incoming first-year stu-
dents in May. There were about
1,300 replies. Prospective men-
tors were also sent invitations to
A group of two to six first-
year students are combined with