2 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, July 29, 1992 Democratic candidates support gay and lesbian issues during forum by Beth Echlin he or she feels that the police need But other observers believed the Daily Staff Reporter greater sensitivity training in dealing candidates to be fairly-well prepared. The Michigan Lesbian Gay Demo- with gays and lesbians, especially in "There were some tough questions, cratic Caucus gave 52nd and 53rd dis- regards to public displays of affection. especially (the ones on AIDS), but I trict state Democratic candidates an All of the candidates were also in favor think they were adequately answered," opportunity to vent their views on gay of abolishing the sodomy laws. said Morley Harper, aUniversity alum- and lesbian issues at a forum July 21. The candidates were also asked nus. Candidates in attendance from the questions pertaining to the availability Anotherobserver,DavidSalowich, 52nd district included Sabra Briere, of free condoms in the Ann Arbor saidhethoughtthecandidateswereless MarySchroerandEarlStevenson.Can- school system and AIDS prevention. than sincere with their responses. didate Scott Munzel's mother substi- The issues of the availability of state "There was alot of campaigning, a tuted for her son. and national funding for AIDS treat- lot of politicking ... every answer was Vying for Perry Bullard's vacated ment were also raised. tempered by the need for a vote," he 53rd district seat were Bob Alexander, A woman who wished to be identi- said. Rich Birkett, Mel Laracey and Lynn fled only as Peg said she was disap- Alexander said this was only the Rivers, all of whom attended. pointed with the candidates' lack of second forum the candidates had at- Issues such as gays and lesbians in preparedness. tended, but agreed it was important "to education andsensitizationof police on "I'd like.to see them focused on bring these issues up and get an open lesbian and gay issues were debated. themselves being more educated ... hearing." The candidates all said they be- about the AIDS crses and also about But Briere summed up the three- lieved that one's ability as a teacher had gay and lesbian issues," she said. "It hour forum in the following manner, "I nothing to do with sexual orientation. would really help them with their can- Additionally, each candidate said didacy." learned that we all talk too much." UNION administration to decrease the amount more money to increase salaries by UNIONthey give to employees in benefits." then. Continued from page 1 Thiry saidthateven though thhcaf- eLevy speculated that the result of One concession the University had eteria-style benefits did not pass this AFSCME's contract would force the been pushing for a benefits package year, the administration will press for University to offer Skilled Trades, and that would allow employees to choose the adoption of this proposal in the then Graduate Employees Organiza- forthemselveswhichhealth,dentaland future to save the University money. tion a minimum of 2 percent wage life insurance they would receive. Forthefirsttimeinthemorethan24 increases. The University refuses to Levy argued that this is an under- years that the administration has been comment on pending Union bargain- handed wayofdecreasingbenefits."The engaged in collective barganing, the mg. idea of giving employees choice in de- University has agreed to renegotiate AFSCME had been without a con- termining what benefits they are to re- the wagerate with AFSCME nextyear. tract since June 20th of this year. The ceive soundsgood. but itsisawavforthe Both parties hope that there will be new contract takeseffectretroactively. STATE Continued from page 1 tant to State Senator Lana Pollack, working on issues before the Senate Finance Committee and the Senate Appropriations Committee. She ran in 1988 for this seat. Scott Munzel is a member of the Ann Arbor Zoning Board of Appeals and Chair of the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Community Relations Advi- sory Board. Munzel says he favors improving access to higher education through a domesticserviceprogram,andisagainst state-imposed restrictions on Universi- ties. In the Democratic race, Bob Alexander, Rich Birkett, Mel Laracey and Lynn Rivers are striving to fill the postition vacated by Perry Bullard. Bob Alexander is a nursing home policy analyst in the Medicaidprogrm for the State Department of Social Ser- vices. He has worked on the staffs of Senator Lana Pollack from 1983 to 1986 - where he wrote the Polluter's Pay bill -and Senator Ed Pierce from 1979 to 1982. He also worked on the effort to recall Gov. Engler. He is running on his 13 years of experience in Lansing. He advocates gathering the funds that have been lost through $8 billion in tax breaks. "The money is there. We just need to come up with the will to fight Engler and his cronies,"he said. Lynn Rivershasservedasthepresi- dent of the Ann Arbor Board of Educa- tion and elected Trustee forthree terms for three years. She has tackled issues of homelessness, hunger and mental illness while attempting to improve public schools. She said that her sehool board tnastee experience with budgets has taught her the value of setting priorities. "Oneof the best ways we can get a stronger economy is to have a stronger educa- tional budget," she said. Laracey, currently serving as Ann Arbor's interim treasurer, wants to im- prove the link between local and state government in the city. He also sup- ports emphasizing primary education and health care. Birkett, a leader in the National Organization for the Reform of Man- Juana Laws, is running for the first time as a Democrat, but has been active in local politics as a Republican for some time. Birkett's central campaign theme is thathe hopes torelax state interference into citizens' daily lives. In the new 53rd District, Republi- cans Terrance Bertram and David Firestone are fighting for the nomina- tion. The district encompasses much of Central Campus. Bertram, a former state administra- tor and member of the County Planning Commission,alsosetshisgoalasoneof change. Hefavors increasing the state's job base in order to increase tax revenue. He says his chief objective is to main- tain an effective govenmnent. Firestone, who has been an Ann Arborresident for more than60 years, favors increased restrictions on alco- hol, tobacco, and drugs. Firestone also ran for this seat in 1988 and 1990. grw" an "nac m avoac 0 0 Correction The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees did not immediately reject the University's new contract offer. This was incorrectly reoorted in last week's Daily. s Looking for experience in advertising?9 Display Advertising staff is currently accepting applications for fall/winter term account executive positions. Cr'eativity, time to invest & a 65dynamic personality wanted! .........a...p...k..p.y.... a pp... ..a... ...a.. ...e :. ....................B......g. 42.....y....--.........r.. ...es....s?.C....7.4-...4. ....App...at....dead...... ................. A.. .g.. .s... .. .. .. CON RES SSgrowth and choice." He advocates C4ONGRESS economic growth through cutting the Continued frompage 1 capital gains tax from 28 percent to 14 Look for it in the government for 20 years. He is vice percent "to get the economy out of the chairoftheSenateAppropriationsCom- doldrums." eds mittee and claims responsibility for the Tanter served as Ronald Reagan's C 1Id proposalwhicheliminatedGeneralAs- Middle East advisor on the National sistance payments for able-bodied Security Council from 1981 to 1982. adults. He served as a representative of the "Aminor with child should have to Secretary of Defense to arms control (they really work!) stay with her parents because the ex- talks from 1983 to 1984. tended family provides the support sys- The candidate claims to be the only tem," Geake said. strong pro-choice Republican vying for Regarding student affairs, "I favor the spot. He supports the Freedom of more aid to individual students than to Choice Act. Tanter also advocates in- the University," Geake said. creasing research funding to public .S. University Political Science Prof. universities rather than increasing di- R e 'ig o0 u s Tanter is running on a platform of rect student aid. Services. The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly (ISSN 0745.967) is published Wednesdays during the spring and summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. On-campus subscriptions for spring/summer term are available for,$asNaoaofa-caps subscriptaos areaaiabittat spring/summear. Subsariptias fr ai/witerts,ta LUTHERAN CAMPUS MINISTRY starang Saps t bias U.S.maii asB$55. Faii a teral is $85. Oa ca usbscrriptions aoafalater are LOR OF LIGHT LUTHERAN CHURCH, ELCA $35. All subscriptions must be prepaid. 801 S. Forest (at Hill ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327 SNA:Woship-10 am., POEUBRS(r a Cde31):Newss764-0552; Oiion763-245; Arts7630375: Sprts 747-338:; 668-7622C rsulatio78 058; lassified Advtising 764-0557: DispayAdverising 7640554 :Beng 764-0 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH WELS CAMPUS MINISTRY NEWS Purvi Shah, Managing Editor 1360 Pauline Blvd. NEWS EDITOR: Gwen Shaffer SUNDAY Worship-9 a.m. STAFF: Hope Calati, Nicole Converse, Beth Echlin, Emily Fries, Adam Hundley, Melissa Peerless, Laura Potts. Robert Hoepner, Pastor, call 662-0663 OPINION Gil Renberg, David Shepardson, Editors STAFF: Reginald Humphrey. ST. MARY'S STUDENT PARISH SPORTS Josh Dubow, Managing Editor (A Rman Catholic Parish at U-M) STAFF: Meg Beison, leni Durst, Mike Hill, Adam Miller,Tim Rardin, Greg Richardson. 331 ThompsonoStreeat (at William Mass Schedulae ARTS Alan J. Hogg, Editor SUNDA:-8:30 a.m., 10 a.m., ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITORS: Annette Petruso, Chris Slovey 12 noon, and 5 p.m. STAFF: Mark Binelli, Andrew Cahn, Nima Hodaei, Scott Sterling, Michael John Wilson. MONDAY & WEDNESDAY:-5:10 p.m. PHOTO Molly Stevens, Editor FRIDAY:-12:10 p.m. STAFF: Kaisha Halch 663-0557 NEW STUDENT EDITION Melissa Peerless, Editor UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL-LCMS 1511 Washtenaw (near Hill) SALES Laurel Wilkinson, Sales Manager SA Y: Summer Worship-9:30a.m. ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES: Christa Chambers-Price, Katy Kibbey, Lisa McAleer, Mark Tuinstra. Pastor, Ed Krauss, 663-5560 ASSISTANTS: Kate Alaimo, Jennifer Bayson, Jennifer Chapekis, Molina Das, Natasha Morris. SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Matt McLean, Sean Sweda 0 0