10 - The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, July 8, 1992 Violeice against Asian Americans on the rise by Victoria Kuohung . connection with thecase.NeitherEbens campus Asian Americans formed the Daily Staff Reporter nor Nitz has paid their fines to the Chin University of Michigan Asian Ameri- Rapidly-increasing anti-Asian vio- estate, and Ebens has left the state. nudent Coaion said forer Uni- lence, both at the University and else- ACJ was founded from the protests versity student and-current ACJ board where, affects more people and claims andmeetings thatfollowed the sentenc- membrJoana S. more lives than itdid justadecade ago, ing. The group deals with issues spe- "The Chin case was such aclear act communityleaders say. cifically affecting Asian Americans - of anti-Asian racism that it galvanized About 300 people converged in concerns which Hwang said the Na- the community," Residential College Detroit June 19 and 20 to discuss the tional Association for the Advance- Visiting Professor Gail Nomura said. issue of anti-Asian violence, and to ment of Colored People cannot be ex- But, she added, "Japan-bashing contin- commemorate the event which was the .pected to address. ues. Nothing much has changed." catalyst for their involvement -the Executive Editor of Ms. magazine Ten years later, AsinAmericans at 10th anniversary of the racially-moti- and former ACJ president Helen Zia theUniversity arestillreexamining their vated murder of Detroit-area resident emphasized the catalytic effect of the position on campus. Vincent Chin. Chin murder on the Asian American Many AsianAmericanstudents feel Chin, a Chinese American, was fa- community. alienated at the University, said gradu- tallybeatenJune 19,1982,inDetroit by "Therewasanoverallsenseofwork- - ate student Tom Fujita. - then-Chrysleremployee RonaldEbens ing together as a Pan-Asian American ."The University has a fairly polar- and his stepson Michael Nitz. advocacy movement that.didn't exist ized student body where things are in 'There's been a national phenom- before this," Zia said. "How the crimi- Black and white," he said. "leople on enaofanti-Asian violence,"saidPresi- nal justice system handled (Chin's this campus don't consider Asian dent of American Citizens for Justice murder) has become a landmark and Americans as minorities ... suffer(ing) (ACJ) Roland Hwang. "Some of the named them as racist." from racial injustice." mostvocalanti-Asianrhetoric arise out Los Angeles Councilmember This alienation continues on an in- of the auto industry." Michael Woo, who also attended the stitutional level, said Minority Student Chinhad been celebratinghisbach weekend'seventscriticizedthemedia's Services' Asian American representa- elor party at a bar when Ebens, mistak- tendency to characterize Asian Ameri- tive Yee Leng Hang. "There really has ing him for a person of Japanese de- can issues as isolated events. not been much of a relationship at all scenl confontedhimandblamed Chin "The Chinbeating is notonly local (between Asian Americans with non forthe atoindustry recession. to the Detroit area - it has national tan groups)whetherformalorinfor- Ebens and Nitz followed Chin's ramifications," Woo said. The unrest malB"Hang said. party after it left the bar. While Nitz in LA. is a reflection of it" Offices designed to "help minority h eld Ceh n in abear-hug, Ebens repeat- Zia also emphasized the effect of students are often unresponsive toAsian edly struck .Chin on the head with a the L.A. riots on Asian Americans. American issues, said President of the basebalbat Afterfourdays,Chindied "Most of the looting were clearly tar- Asian American Association Albert of massive head wounds. geted (at). several hundred Korean .n MOLLY SNy diir Chan. Ebens andNitz pled guilty toman- stores," she said. 'Not only were Ko- Kirsten Buick attends last month's Vincent Chin Memorial in DetroL Chan said,"There's always ques- slaughter and were each sentenced to rean American storeowners attacked, etion whether you'll get funding or re- three years probation andfmned $3,000. but also Korean women were raped. other form of anti-Asian prejudice. In dustry. Now they are being blamed for spect from the Office of Minority Af- Ebens was later charged and acqnitted 'These are other people of color 1982 Asian Americans were being the devastation of inner cities." fairs. It'sheavily.Afrocenitric,even when of a federal civil rights violation in attacking Asian Americans - it's an- blamed for the demiseof the anto in- In response to the Chin murder, we had a staff person there." t hsCommission chair, criticized the ack Association AChanalso saidhin group Multicultural segment will comprise Center, Minority Student Services, the .SEAN of studentinvolvementinplaning the hsnot been officially notified of te unrIated offices. "The Multicultural Program in Intergroup Relations, the Continued from page 1 reorganization. restructuring. . Dean will include so many dfferent William Monroc Trotter House, and sity Health Service, and Housing de- "People supposedy in charge of the "How the changes wilt affect us groups that I'm afraid issues of minor- Project Awaieness, 'which includes signedthereoganization, Hartford said. Office don't want to take time to talk to depends on how the office wants to ity students will be marginalized," she MPAs. But not everyone is satisfied with students, which is irresponsible," Ear- approach us," Chan said. said. Hartford said the Office wants to the changes. ris said. "(Hartford) didn't talk to any In addition, 1992-1993 Minority The proposed Multicultural Portfo- de-emphasize differences between stu- Delroe Harris, former Michigan minority students as far as I know." Peer Advisor (MPA) at Alice Lloyd lio willgroup togetherthe Lesbian-Gay dents in order to promote cultural un- Student Assembly Minority Affairs President of the Asian American Joanne Shen said she believes the MaleProgramsOfficetheIntemational derstanding. 0 0 CLAkSSIFIED ADS STA TE NEAR FULLER: 1 hdrm. in 4 PREGNANT? Professional coop e wishes to hdrsn foena houie. Non-smoker, no pets, CENTR AL CAMPUS adept a child. Couple has 1 child 4 ir. ol refer grads. $300-325, utit. 1ncL. 665-4617.F 1 992 also adopted & who wishes to have a hroher Fall 1992or sister. 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