QUOT 'When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line OF THE between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on IF earth. So what the hell, leap.' 0 Wili1 _ _ _ - Cynthia Heimel Take it or League it, Ivy vamps 'n camps A League of Their Own Dugan/Foxx (Tom Hanks)). To what end? League barely has a plot after the dir. Penny Marshall girls make it to the League. It becomes I shoulda known better than to ex- a series of unknown games, none com- pect agreat, deep movie from director/ plete or with meaning, with shots of the executiveproducerPennyMarshall.The women playing baseball -always the story behind A League of Their Own perfect catch, the nailed throw. It's like has the potential to be a consummate watching sports highlights, instead of baseball movie (like Bull Durham) or telling more about the League and what the next "feminist" film (like Thelma it meant to the people who played in it. and Louise). The All-American Girls The acting of the ensemble cast is Professional Baseball League existed uniformly delicious, but they have from'43 to'54 to replace major league little to work with in the script and plot. baseball if it had to shut down for the Though I'm glad Marshall made it (I war. The Girls' League out-lasted the would have loved to know as a kid war, proving that women could play, baseball fanatic that women actually but Marshall doesn't do them justice. played pro ball), she could have done it If it's Hollywood, it's sanitized, but so much better, so less tritely feel-good. Marshall always goes for the most ob- ALeague of TheirOwn is playing at vious emotion, the superficial reading, the Ann Arbor I & 2 and Showcase. and the standard shot. Instead of re- -Annette Petruso counting the story as it was, Marshall employs some real names but changes their situations (the Hansen sisters' saga), or makes up a new name for a character that really existed (Jimmy Poison Ivy dir. Katt Shea Ruben When Sylie "Coop" Cooper (Sara See FILM, Page 8 0 0 0 Tom Hanks and Geena Davis hang out in the dugout and, right off the bat, catch up on the hits. Wolfgang and The Charlatans The Charlatans UK with The Wolfgang Press St. Andrew's Hall, Detroit July 2, 1992 by Annette Petruso Packed,sweaty,andsmelly,thesold- out The Charlatans and The Wolfgang Press gig at St. Andrew's Hall last Thursday was the perfect example of crowd enthusiasm bonding with band energy. The elder opener The Wolfgang Press distilled the bright but weird sounds of Queer into a smooth-edged performance. The Press emphasize rhythms on their albums-fromdisco, dance,reggae,hiphop, even industrial, giving Queer a feel for a collage of styles and a mess of ecclectic sounds working together. It seemslike a search for the ultimate groove. Keyboardist Mark Cox prefered another term, however. "I think it's a kindofsoul,"hesaidinaninterviewthe day before the show. "You say soul musicandpeoplesay, 'WellonlyBlack people make soul music,' whereas I don't agree. I think everyone's got soul really ... For me, that's a term which describes anhonestexpression of your- self musically. And I think that's what we do." Live, the band reverberated less of the soulful rhythms and more of guitar- oriented music because the core three Th a nk UN'O UNION members (Cox, vocalist Mick Allen and guitarist Andrew Gray) brought three other musicians along to fillin the cracks. Even on records, Cox said, the band is becoming more cohesive, all the rhythms of the recorded material flow. He explained,"One thing that we've done in the last couple of years (is become) a bit more focused musically. Certainly our first album was. I always think of it as a collection of ideas badly done, really, and it was too diverse. It was all over the place. Our LP now, feels like one thing to me. It feels all related to itself." Cox said he thinks this path is quite the opposite of most bands. 'Traditionally, groups come out. They startoff.Ifthey'redoing well, and getting a buzz about them and kind of playing good gigs and stuff. And their first LP and their second LP tend to be their freshest, most vital sort of work. And often their biggest. And then they start meandering concept albums and experimental things, kind of losing people really. They start at a peak and go downhill, whereas we've been go- ing the other way. "We started with all the concepts and all the experimental LPs. Each record that we've made has been better and better, better than the last one. I think we're heading towards an up- wards sort of peak really." Purists of The Press' albums might havebeendisappointedatSt.Andrew's because the noise action wasn't dependant solely on the sampling and synths the band would have needed to recreatefully theirstudiogroove-heavi- ness. "To me, one of the things about for Keeping the Study Lounge Open A big THANK YOU to all the Michigan Union Study Lounge volunteers who have donated their time to keep the Study Lounge open and available to all U-M students this past term. Your time and dedication is appreciated by students and the Michigan Union staff. being alive is being an individual and being free," Cox explained. "And I've always felt that we're an individual groupandone of our things that we seek is originality." But by exploiting the elements of their sound that can be reinterpreted live, The Wolfgang Press' 45-minute set accessed their music to a broader audience. Say, like that the young fans of the Charlatans would appreciate. Em. Live, The Charlatans reflected the dreamy, yet haughty attitude Tim Bur- gess reeks in interviews. For example in an interview before the start of the tour we had this exchange: Annette Petruso: "Do you think you've lost the baggy, Manchester la- bel?" Tim Burgess emphasized his point by swinging his arms at St. Andrew's Tim Burgess: "I don't care. " AP: "Why not?" TB: "'Cause that's where 1 was born." AP: "Is there a scene there or was that media-created hype?" TB: "Media-created hype." Live, though, while the rest of the band remained stoic, funneling their energy into the music, Burgess enter- tainedbymumbling incoherent phrases into the microphone to introduce songs likeaJimMorrison,clappingandpreen- ing during instrumental breaks like a Bobby Gillespie, and looking, as al- ways, like a young Mick Jagger. There's something beautifully vul- nerable about Burgess and his band's album Between 10th and 11th. If the Stone Roses had become more alive after their self-titled debut instead of See CHARLATANS, Page 8