Page 10-The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 14,1989 DON'T GAMBLE with your future! lobrGain experience at The Michigan Daily Positions Available: Assistant Account Exectives & Account Executives - Gain valuable business experience while selling advertising and servicing local and regional " accounts " Create ad layouts and ideas - Explain rate card and media kit to customers Pick up applications today at the Senior staff office, 420 Maynard Deadline: Tuesday, July 18th Adrian Belew is the strangest handyman in rock-and-roll's happy zoo; although the satisfyingly melodic Mr. Music Head is his fourth solo album, Belew is associated with stars who have enlisted his catalogue of synth-guitar animal noises and sitar-like swirls: Talking Heads, David Bowie, Paul Simon, and Frank Zappa. Stints with King Crimson and "East-meets-Midwest" barroom howlers The Bears highlighted Belew's droning vocals; now, he's found a surprise hit on VH-1 with the hilarious cartoon/cameo video to "Oh Daddy," a charming pop- 2 0 =5 o fftalk on impending stardom from the hauntingly Beatlesque new LP. Can Belew break it into the big time? Find out at 7:30 or 10:30 p.m. on m n's & women's fashions: Thursday, July 20 at The Ark, 637S. Main. Advance tickets are $12.50. Esprit, BD Baggies, Girbaud, CP Shades, Kikit, Kiko, Levi's Emergencytestprep and more! help for the imminent Everything * MCATandDAT. O O As you see below, the exams will be here before /Ot. /O you know it. And if your vital signs include sweaty palms, a somersaulting stomach and shaky legs, you need help-fast. Check into a Kaplan center. Our test-taking outdoor clothing & etechniques and educational programs have helped lower the pressure and boost the scoring power and Patagonia, Marmot, Greo confidence of over onemillion students.We even G ry, have compact classes so you can be ready for this Dana, The North Face, Woolrich falsexms So if youre getting ill thinking about the MCAT and more! or DAT, call Kaplan. Welt give you all the "mental medicine" you need. And a lot of intensive care. IKAPLAN sale begins today STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCATIONAL GNTER LTD. TMCAT/13 DAT 10/11 B ENROLL TODAY! Class begins August 7 to prepare for the September MCAT Exam and July 29 to prepare for the September DAT Exam. 330 & 336 s.state st, 761-6207r- 203 E. Hoover 6623149