OPINION Page & The Michigan Daily -a Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Vol. XCIX, NO. 8-S 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Ursigned editorials represent a majority of the Daily's Editorial Board. All other cartoons, signed articles, and letters do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Daily. Boycott Domino's! TOM MONAGHAN'S capitalistic ment plant. In a public meeting, greed has created moral, civil, politi- Monaghan responded to neighbors cal and environmental injustices by stating, "It doesn't matter what both locally and internationally. the neighbors think--in ten years I'll The following are highlights of his own them!" activities which provide reasons to - In 1985, Monaghan purchased join the Coalition to Boycott 1,700 acres of Drummond Island, an Domino's Pizza in a protest at 8,700-acre island off the eastern tip Domino's World Headquarters in of the Upper Peninsula. Originally Ann Arbor on Tuesday, July 18. claiming he would use the land for - Monaghan is an influential his vacation home, in the last two member of Word of God, an Ann years he has converted it into a cor- Arbor-based "Christian" group which porate retreat and has built homes for believes that women are himself and his top executivet. He "handmaidens of men," forces ar- cleared the woods to build an 18-hole ranged marriages, and operates on a golf course and made a pond and hierarchical authoritarian model, in sewer plant. "Monaghan talked of which the organization heads control plans for more - condominiums, all aspect of members' lives. marinas, lodges, banks and golf - Word of God has ties to the courses. Monaghan has proposed CIA, according to Penny Lernoux, dredging the harbor to build docks CIAaccodingto ennyLernuxfor his yachts." writing for The Nation. The Word of hi God affiliate in Nicaragua, called - While he pledged his support Sword of the Spirit, is headed by for conservation by stopping his Cardinal Obando y Bravo, and works bulldozers from knocking down a to oppose the Sandinista govern- tree with nesting woodpeckers, his ment. Monaghan in 1987 opened a workers filled in wetlands. "Before Domino's pizza fr anchise in Tom Monaghan, Drummond Island Honduras (now there are 4 fran- was known mostly as a place for chises), the profits from which flow perch, bear & bobcat." (The Ann to Word of God activities in Arbor News, 3/9/89 & 6/11/89) Honduras.d $100,000 donated to the referen- .nrsdum ballot committee (Proposal A), " Monaghan is a member of "To End Tax-Funded Abortions." Knights of Malta, which has fun- - Cancellation of a National nelled millions of dollars in supplies Organization of Women (NOW) to the contras. fundraiser for pro-choice activities, " The proposed construction of due to "Mr. Monaghan's religious "The Settlement" ( a community of beliefs against abortion." 138 $1 million homes on the north- (Potentially violating Section 302 of east edge of Ann Arbor) also calls the Civil Rights Act which pro- for the construction of a golf course hibits a private business which with a country club and driving opens its facilities to the public to range. Neighbors of "The discriminate on the basis of reli- Settlement" fear pesticide runoff gion.) from the golf course (into one of the , - Mandatory, random drug testing cleanest creeks in the area-the one of employees with no prior warning. which flows through the Botanical - Domino's use of non-union Gardens) and the possible impact of labor in building local outlets in the proposed on-site sewage treat- Illinois. Alaska Hawaii States where both leg- ® islative houses appear to favor restricting abertion rights. 0 0 Where legltatures ap- ar pear to favor maintain- '- ing abortion rights. DWhere legislature sen- timent i too divided to predict the outcome. Now that the Supreme Court has given states the right to regulate how public money is used in providing or denying abortion ser- vices, it is predicted that legislatures in many sates will soon move to further restrict women's access to abortions. Michigan intro- duced such legislation this past Wednesday. Source: National Abortion Rights Action League Court political not constitutional IT IS hard to believe that it is purely to abortion. Had these justices ruled v. Wade. decision. . coincidental that while Affirmative completely according to their ideol- History provides even more exam- Action, abortion rights, and restric- ogy, they would have overturned ples of how popular mobilization tions on the death penalty are being Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme can overcome Supreme Court resis- rolled back - each a set-back deci- Court ruling which essentially legal- tance to social progress. Until 1935, sion, restricting even further the ized abortion. the Court threw out virtually every rights of minorities in this country While one certainly cannot know piece of progressive legislation that - the Supreme Court rules on an what was going through the heads of came down the pipeline. This in- issue which will strike a chord in these judges as they were deciding on cluded legislation establishing min- conservatives throughout the coun- what ruling to make, it seems plau- imum wages and prohibiting certain try... Old Glory! With this decision sible that they refrained from over- types of child labor. Only after came a cry from the White House for turning Roe v. Wade in order to fur- widespread outrage swept the country an amendment not securing people's ther avoid protest by nationally or- over the Court's actions did it acqui- civil rights, but insuring that the ganized women's rights groups. This esce and allow for minor social re- U.S. flag won't get burned without means two things: the protest which form during the "New Deal" of the someone going to jail for it. swept the country when the Court 1930s. Yes, a flag is waving over decided to hear the Webster case in There is an important lesson to be Washington. It is one which draws the first place was not in vain. It is learned here. Protest is not futile. It people's attention away from the likely that the Court would have would be incorrect to believe one is Court's attacks on the rights of committed a much greater affront to powerless against the Court's roll- women, people of color, and disabled women's rights in the absence of back of the rarely achieved advances persons. protest. Secondly, the Court's deci- made through legislation, since it is Whether the Supreme Court jus- sion to send the question of abortion apparent that the Court's decisions tices are conservative or liberal, it is rights back to the state level was po- respond to popular protest. Even time to recognize that they are not litically motivated. It is far more dif- though Reagan stacked the Court dispassionately adjudicating cases ac- ficult for women's rights organiza- with young conservatives, there are cording to whatever deep-seated tions to mobilize on a state-by-state limits to the setbacks they can cause views of the constitution they hold. level, than on a collective national if enough people mobilize against Rather, these people are career-ori- level. The Court's decision in the their agenda. Now that the right to ented, political attorneys, and as Webster case was a direct-hit against abortion and many civil rights are such, judge in light and in response the national protest effort by coming under increasing attack in to political pressure. women's rights organizations. the judiciary, it's time to take to the Past and recent Supreme Court de- Political considerations like these streets. cisions exemplify this; and those may explain why the Court ac- concerned about progressive social knowledged the right to abortion in The Opinion page welcomes change should not overlook this fact. Roe v. Wade initially. It is not that all women and people of While the Webster v. the men on the 1973 Court actually color toits staff. Edit Board Reproductive Health Services deci- believed that women should have sion was certainly a set-back for this right without reservation, as the meetings are every Sunday women's rights, it would have been case was not decided on the premise 12 noon and Wednesday at 6 even worse had the majority of of "rights" but on the premise of p.m. For more info. call Liz Reagan-appointed justices held firm privacy. Political pressure on the at 764-0552. to their publicly-expressed belief that Court by the Women's Movement is there exists no constitutional right most likely responsible for the Roe 0