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July 14, 1989 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-07-14

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Ann Arbor preps
f or 400,000 guests

The city and University are mak-
ing final preparations for next
week's 30th annual Ann Arbor
Street Art Fair. Though the event is
expected to draw a crowd equal to
last year's 400,000, this year's Art
Fair marks several notable changes.
" Foremost is the city's recent or-
dinance prohibiting all open intoxi-
cants on city streets and property.
"The ordinance is a wise move in
terms of the Fair," said Ron Miller,
Director of the Washtenaw Council
for the Arts. "People are there to en-
joy the Fair in terms of art, it's not a
play party."
State Street Art Fair director
Karen Cass also agreed.
"I think there's been a lot of
concern in the community about
people drinking too much," said
Cass. "My concern as an Art Fair di-
rector is that I don't want anyone to
get hurt, and I therefore strongly
support the law. We want people to
enjoy themselves and not for things
to get out of hand."
Scott Habermeh, the manager of
Tice's liquor store said, "It's been
like that for a couple of years even
though they just passed the ordi-
nance. It's really nothing new."

Habermeh also feels that the or-
dinance will be used mainly against I
visibly intoxicated people and the
Captain Conn of the Ann Arbor
City Police Department said that he
hoped most Ann Arbor residents had
already become aware of the new city
ordinance. He also said that he hoped
out of town visitors who remained
unaware of the law would only have
to rely upon one encounter for com-
pliance. The maximum penalty for
breaking the ordinance is a $100 fine
and up to 30 days in jail.
The University's two construc-
tion sites, the North University
Street Arcade, and the east side of the t
West Engineering Building also rep-
resent potential congested areas for
the Art Fair. s ..
Yet University spokesperson ( 2
Peter Pellerito said that while the >\K < \
critical construction work had to \
continue, the University had tried to BILL WOOD/Daily
arrange artists' displays on Ceramic art students Diane Akpojotor, Lisa Conway, Melissa Wenker, and Byron Nemela will have
University property with as few ob- some of their work displayed at next week's Ann Arbor Art Fair.
structions as possible. University property to farther west ment over last year's North Pellerito also said that the
Pellerito said that one of the on Liberty street. University location. University would allow student or-
main changes from last year regard- Linda West, the director of "Personally I didn't care for last ganizations to maintain their dis-
ing the University's role in the Art SANE-FREEZE, said that she hoped year's location very much - we plays within the Diag.
Fair was the replacement of the non- this year's non-profit organization were tucked away off the beaten The Art Fair will be open from 9
profit organizations' displays from location would mark an improve- path." am to 9 pm,

The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The Calendarcombinesmeeting,lecture,workshop,andconferenceannouncements
with other eventshappening each week on campus. ItisbasedonThe University Record
Caendrad s entallUiesty-sonedgoupsadorgnztonsrcogie
by theMichigan StudentAsembly. Iesmwube sbmitted nwitig by 5p.the
Tuesday before publication. Address all information to Anne Beckley Publications
Assistant,University Record,412MaynardStreet. Anasterisk(*)denotesevents to
which admission is charged.
Lesbian-Gay Male Prog--See July 7.
*HRD--Wkshps, "The Employment Process/Effective Selection
Interviewing," 8 am-noon; "Black & White Styles In Conflict
Pt 2," 8:30 am-4:30 pm; Single Parent Support Grp, noon-1
pm, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
*ICLE--Video course, "Handling the Toxic Tort Case," 9 am-5 pm,
1020 Greene St. Reg req. 764-0533.
*AA Summer Fest--Concerts, The Platters & The Drifters, 8 &
10:30 pm, Power Ctr; Chicago Brass Quintet, 9 pm, Hill Aud;
All Girl Fifties Grp, 7 pm; Film, Hairspray, 10 pm, Top of
Park. 763-TKTS.
*AA Summer Fest--Concerts, Capasetics w/ R Murphy, 8 pm,
Power Ctr, Celtic Pipes & Drums, 6:30 pm; Film, Sensations of
1945, 10 pm, Top of Park. 763-TKTS.
Sdt Woodshop--Safety Class For New Shop Users Pt 1, 9-11 am,
SAB, 763-4025.
*Botan Gdns--Conservatory Tour, 1 pm, 1800 N Dixboro. Res
req, 763-7061.
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Bible Std, 8 am; Worship, 9 am, 1511
Washtenaw. 663-5560.
Zen Buddhist Temple--Meditation & Svc, 5-7 pm, 1214
Packard Rd. 761-6520.
Sdt Woodshop--Safety Class For New Shop Users Pt 2, 11 am-1
pm, SAB, 763-4025.

*U-M-Flint--Elderhostel, "The Art of Labor Storytelling."
Through July 22. 762-3200.
Canterbury House-Lesbian-gay men's community open house,
8:45 pm, 218 N Division. 665-0606.
*U-M Flint- Summer camp, children age 6-12 begs. 8 am-noon
&/or 1-5 pm, Rec Bldg. Reg req. 762-3441. Senior Academy
of Music begs, Audition req. 762-3377.
*HRD-Wkshp, "Caring for Aging Relatives," 1-4:30 pm, 1111
Kipke Dr, Reg req. 764-7410.
*Read & Learn Skills Ctr -Summer Enrich Camp begs,
children K-6, 9 am-1:30 pm; 1610 Washtenaw. 763-7195.
Sch Music -Carillon Recital, M Halsted, 7 pm, Burton Tower.
*U-M-Dearborn- Day camp begs (thru July 21), age 4-7, 9
am-3:30 pm or 9 am-noon. Reg req. Child Dev Ctr, 593-
Sch Art- Brown bag lec, "Art, Values & Art Criticism," S
Crowell,'12:15-1:30 pm, Rm 2104 Art & Arch. 764-0397.
*Comput Ctr- Classes: MTS Basic Skills, 9 am-noon; MS
DOS Hard Disk, 1-4 pm; Macdraw, 1-3 pm, 3001 SEB. Intro to
Comp, 10 am-noon; Mon Prog Sem, 7-9 pm, 611 Church. Reg
req. 763-3700.
LaGROC (Lesbian & Gay Men's Rights Organizing
Committee)- Mtg, 8 pm, Rm 3100 Mich Union. 763-
*HRD- Wkshps: "Proofreading" (day 1), 8:30-11:30 am; "A
Positive Mental Attitude for Better Stress Management," 8:30
am-3 pm. 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
Turner Geriatric Svcs- Rehab classes for visually
impaired/blind older adults, 1:30-3:30 pm, Tumer Clinic, 1010
Wall. Reg req. 764-2556.
Call-in prog, "Closets Are for Clothes," 6-7 pm, 88.3 FM.
Sch Art- Brown-bag lec, "Betrayal & Self-Actualization," K
Kowalski, 12:15-1:30 pm, Rm 2104 Art & Arch. 764-0397.

*Comput Ctr- Classes: Banyan Vines Admin, 9 am-5 pm;
Hypercard Basics, 9 am-noon; Word Col/Tables, 1-3 pm, 3001
SEB. MS DOS Lecture, 10 am-noon, 611 Church. Reg req.
Univ Lutheran Chapel- Supper & devotions, 6 pm, 1511
Washtenaw, 663-5560.
U-M Phys Therapy Assn- Mtg, Rm 140A, Lapeer St Annex,
U-M-Flint, 232-8147.
*Dept Rec Sports -Pre-trip mtg/rock climb trip, 7 pm, Conf
Rm NCRB, 764-3967.
*HRD- Wkshp, "Proofreading" (day 2), 8:30-11:30 am, 1111
Kipke Dr, Reg req. 764-7410.
Sch Educa- Art Fair Break panel disc, S. Schurman, R Foreman,
L Berlin, noon-1 pm, Schorling Aud.
Stdt Woodshop- Safety classes for new shop users, pt 1, 3-5
pm, SAB, 763-4025.
*Comput Ctr Class-: Word Lecture MAC, 10 am-noon, 3001
SEB. Reg req. 763-3700.
*Mich League- Amer heritage nite, New England, 4:30-7:30
pm, League Buffet.
Sailing Club -Mtg/sailing instruc, 7:30 pm, 311 W. Engin.
*Zen Buddhist Temple- Zen meditation intro course, 6:30-
8:30 pm, 1214 Packard. Pre-reg req. 761-6520.
Board of Regents- Mtg., 1 pm, Regents' Rm, Fleming Bldg.
Gifts of Art- 21st Century Steel Drum Band, 12:30 pm, Hosp
*HRD -Wkshps: "Proofreading" (day 3), 8:30-11:30 am;
"Improving Your Listening Skills," 1-4:30 pm, Reg req. 1111
Kipke Dr. 764-7410.
Minor Stdt Svcs/Counseling Svcs- "Multiracial-Cultural
Discussion Group,' noon-1:30 pm, Rm 3200, Mich Union.
U-M-Flint- Concert, Summer Symphonic Band, 7 pm,
McKinnon Plaza.
Sch Educa-Art Fair Break presen, M Piemo, noon-1 pm,
Shoring Aud.
Stdt Woodshop- Safety class for new shop users, pt 2, 3-5
pm, SAB, 763-4025.
*Comput Ctr- Classes: Word Begin IBM, 8:30.am-12:30 pm;
dBase PgRepon7s, 1-4 pm; MAC Basic Skills, 9 am-noon,
3001 SEB. Reg req@#$ 763-3700.

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