Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Friday, July 14,1989
Young scholars
hit campus
BY WENDY WORTHEN GPA and obtain a minimum score of
The Wade H. McCree Initiative 19 on the ACT exam. I
Scholars Program kicked off its Most ISP students far exceed
second annual three week summer these minimum requirements, said
program at the University last Program Assistant Barbara Dobbs.
Sunday as 39 students from five "Nothing is handed to these
Detroit inner-city high schools ar- students. [They] have to continue to
rived at West Quad. meet standards, raise their grades. .
These young scholars, most of They definitely earn it," said Dobbs.
whom are minority students, are The main goal of the program is
destined for automatic admission to to enhance the scholars' academic
the University with a full four-year skills. The students attend classes for
scholarship, provided they continue six hours a day and in the evening
to meet the requirements of the ISP attend cultural, recreational, and ca-
program. reer planning activities. ^
Recognized in middle school by Another goal of ISP is to expose AMIT SHAN/Daily
the Detroit School Board as having students to the college environment, Environmental problems are visible locally as well as internationally. The Ann Arbor landfill is filling
strong academic potential, these said Charles Moody, Vice Provost up with much waste that could be recycled.
students became involved in the ISP for Minority Affairs. This is
during the 9th grade. At the five achieved by introducing them to '
Detroit high schools which the stu- different styles of teaching and learn- h 1iflolct o ca
dents attend- Cass Technical, ing, and by developing study skills.
Cooley, Kettering, King, "It's a continual growing experi- BY LESLIE PEREIRA
MacKenzie, and Renaissance- they ence," said Moody. "Think globally - act locally" was more than just and world overpopulation.
participate in pre-college curricu- ISP student Chasitity Bailey said, a cleverly worded sticker that appeared on hundreds of Alexander said that the root of many environmental
lums, working closely with teachers, "It will be an unforgettable ex- out-of-state bumpers around Ann Arbor last weekend. problems we face today is the sprehding philosophy of
guidance counselors and members of perience. When we get here as first It was the sentiment expressed by most of the local, "live for today and forget about tomorrow." He cited
the business community. year students we won't feel as national and international speakers at the Sierra Club's Reagan's huge tax cuts and "feel good policy" as being
To be guaranteed admission and a though we don't belong. We'll know Third International Assembly. indicative of the growing consumption mentality and
full scholarship, the students are re- where things are, and we won't feel The more than 700 participants, most of whom urged fundamental changes in our lifestyles.
quired to maintain at least a 3.0 isolated." were Sierra Cl members ended s eec work- Making chanes in individual lifestyles is also part
faculty, two students and chaired by
William Kelly, professor of Geo-
continued from Page 1 logical Sciences formed last
college that I had," he said. Since then the committee has
When Goldenberg takes office in held "weekly meetings that would
September Steiner will take a "long last for hours," said Kelly. The
over due sabbatical leave." committee first had to define the
President Duderstadt had similar dean role and then establish the
praise. criteria to look for in the pool of
"I am absolutely delighted that 130 nominees.
Prof. Goldenberg, one of our most By the end of May the committee
distinguished faculty members and presented a list of the few final
academic leaders, has agreed to serve candidates to Charles Vest provost
in this important role," he said. "Her and vice president for academic
strong commitment to excellence in affairs
teaching and scholarship, coupled "We were as enthusiastic as one
with her experience from numerous could be in forwarding the name,"
leadership roles, will serve both the said Kelly. "Sbe's great."
College and the University well." All that remains is approval by
The LSA Dean Search the University's Board of Regents at
Committee comprised of eight their July meeting.
Szechuan, Hunan & Peking Cuisine
Open 7 days a week
Mon-Thurs: 11:30 am-10:00 pm Sat: 12:00 noon-11:00 pm
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3035 Washtenaw, Ann Arbor
shops, and social events which were co-sponsored by of the solution advocated by Chee Yoke Ling, cc
the University's School of Natural Resources. nator of the Asian Pacific Peoples' Environ
The Sierra Club has evolved from a group of nature Network.
lovers in 1892, to a powerful, politically active envi- Ling referred to the ravaging of many of the f
ronmental organization concerned with issues that in Malaysia as "an example where modern lifes
range from preserving the Arctic National Wildlife work to create real poverty." She said one wt
Refuge in Alaska, to stopping deforestation in Brazil. slow the demand of bamboo from these forests
State Representative Perry Bullard (D-Ann Arbor) stop the import of disposable chopsticks.
spoke at the welcoming address and praised the efforts Tom Hayden, former editor-in-chief of
of the Sierra Club but said there is still a need to apply Michigan Daily,and a student activist during
more pressure. 1960s, talked about how the upheavals at that
"Our job is to organize effectively, to put environ- opened up the environmental movement.
mental concerns ahead of profit concerns," Bullard said. Hayden urged the audience to be especially p
The keynote address was given by Ti m e cally active at the state and local level and said
magazine's science editor Charles Alexander, who cited were often opportunities to put environmental i
a long list of environmental problems such as littering on the ballot as proposals.
ay to
is to
f the
g the
continued from Page 1
CDAR also plans a pro-choice
rally on Tuesday at.5:30 pm at the
Federal Building in Ann Arbor.
Then, the group will be traveling to
Detroit to counter-protest an anti-
abortion rally. Joe Scheidler of the
Pro-Life Action League in Chicago
will be speaking.
Rebecca Hays, a member of a
Maryland chapter of CDAR, says
that the right to have an abortion is
"a right for all women.That right has
been challenged. (The Webster deci-
sion) is an invitation to challenge
the right to have an abortion. Unless
people band together, there will be
more restrictions on abortion."
The Right to Life of Washtenaw
County knew nothing of the CDAR
The Michigan Daily (ISSN0745-967 ispublished once aweekduring the spring andsummeriterms
by studentsat theUniversity of Michigan.Subscription rates: for spring and summer (2 semesters)
$6.00 in-town and $8.00 out-of-town, prepaid.
The Michigan Daily isamemberof The Associated Press and the StudentNewsService.
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