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June 09, 1989 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-06-09

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The Michigan Daily

Page 11

'M' alum Campell
recalls grid career
On Saturday, Wolverine athletes from the past gathered to celebrate the
annual M Day. This event, sponsored by the Alumni Relations office of
the Athletic Department, is open only to those alumni who lettered in a
sport during their years at Michigan.
Bob Campell was a halfback/punter on the Michigan football team
from 1935 to 1937. His teammates included future President Gerald Ford
and future Heismann Trophy winner Tom Harmon. The coach at the time
was Harry Kipke, although a couple of years later he would be replaced
with a man by the name of Fritz Crisler.
"I think we (our teams) had a lot to do with bringing in Fritz, our
teams were so poor," Campell said.
50 years ago, many of the current policies associated with college
football today did not exist.
"There were no scholarships back then. We even had to find our own
housing; although, it had to be University approved first," Campell said.
South Quad, home of many of today's football players, was only a
blueprint in some architect's mind back then, and first-year students were
not allowed to play on the varsity squad. Red-shirting was 40 years away.
In fact, when asked what he valued most from his experience at
Michigan, his reply came quickly and bluntly. "The education."
"Coming from such a small town (Ionia), I was somewhat taken by
the immensity of the school. Perhaps I would have attended a smaller
school if I did it all over again," Campell said.
During his stay at Michigan, Campell saw one of the great Wolverines
of the past.
"Bennie Oosterbaan was the greatest athlete I ever saw. He would stand
back and field my punts. The ball would come down, he would catch it
with his right arm, whirl it around his back, and toss it back twenty yards
with his-left hand, all in one motion. It was remarkable,"Campell said.
What was his favorite play?
"Old 83, now that was great play. We would line up so that it
appeared that we would be going to the long side of the field and then give
the ball to the halfback on the short side," said Campell. "The halfback
then had the option to throw it to an end."
That play remains today.
Mr. Campell has shown that a man's passion for football can also

Line Drives Baseball team ends
'89 in true blue form

Well, you've got to give the
Michigan baseball team this much:
they lived up to the Michigan
athletic tradition. At least the tradi-
tion that existed prior to 1989.
Until the startling one-two punch
of the Rose Bowl-winning football
team followed by the NCAA
Champion basketball squad, Wolver-
ine fans were accustomed to their
teams falling short of expectations
and potential, particularly in post-
season play.
This season, the baseball team
jumped on the bandwagon.
Head coach Bud Middaugh's 1989
squad was a very young team which
had lost its three best pitchers and its
starting catcher, leaving it suspect in
both areas.
GOING INTO the season, there
were even question as to whether the
Wolverines had the talent to make
the Big 'fen Playoffs.
Middaugh squeezed clutch per-
formances out of players who had
entered the season as question marks.
Pitchers Russell Brock and Tim Lata
were solid, giving strong backup
performances when aces Ross Pow-
ell and Mike Grimes needed rest.
First-year infielders Tim Flan-
nelly and Matt Morse truly came
into their own, providing offensive
spark when veterans like Phil Price
and Greg -McMurtry were slumping
or hurt.
THESE factors, aided largely by

shrewd coaching on Middaugh's part,
led Michigan to a regular-season Big
Ten crown, and ultimately to a 46-
14 final record and a number 12
ranking according to ESPN and
Collegiate Baseball magazine.
But when the post-season rolled
around, the Wolverines rolled over.
They lost the Big Ten Champion-
ship to Illinois despite being heavily
favored, a factor which undoubtedly
affected their regional placement and
seeding for the NCAA tournament.

bracket, no less. All they had to do
was avoid being beated twice in a
row by number one seed Wichita
THAT'S ALL. Just win one
before they win two.
There are many factors that come
into play in a two-game set like
that. That cliche about baseball
being a game of inches is a cliche
because it is true.
Had certain things gone the other
way in either of those games-even
by a few inches- the Wolverines
might be playing in the College
World Series right now.
But it didn't work out that way.
The Michigan baseball team's post-
season went the way of many a
Michigan Rose Bowl or NCAA
basketball tournament performance
of the past.
Because of the pending Big Ten
investigation into Middaugh's pro-
gram, his future here is uncertain.
Regarding the 1989 baseball season,
though, about all anyone can say is
that it is a shame.
A shame that Middaugh may
have to go out on a sour note. A
shame that the players and fans had
to endure such disappointment. But
especially, a shame that in a year
when Michigan broke new ground in
athletic achievement, the baseball
team was stuck in the frustrating
post-season tradition of the past.

They ended up seeded third at the
West II regional in Fresno, CA, a
tough regional far away from home.
But Michigan gritted its teeth, bore
down, and found itself in the finals
of the regional-in the winners'

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