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June 09, 1989 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-06-09

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 9,1989-Page 5

women s.
choice is
i .
Women's choice should be a
right, not a privilege, feminist so-
cialist Diane Feeley said to a group
of 30 people at the Guild House Feeley AMIT BHAN/Daily
Tuesday. ...abortion must be kept legal
Feeley strongly advocates a femi-
nist movement, not solely an abor- Accessibility is often limited by
tion movement. the protests of Pro-Life activists,
Making abortion illegal, will not said Feeley. These activists use vari-
make it non-existent, said Feeley. ous tactics to prevent abortions such
"Whether legal or illegal, as denying women medical coverage,
*abortion maintains itself at about the driving up the cost of abortions, and
same rate," she said. "The only dif- forcing counselors to instill fear into
ference is the trouble caused to women seeking abortions.
women." Feeley has a vision of an ideal,
In the 1800s, Feeley said abor- socialist society in which women
tion and those who performed it were have full choice, but she realizes
usually defended. Even though doc- revolution is not around the corner.
tors who performed abortions were "The task of our lifetime is to
arrested, they were quickly bailed out transform society," Feeley said.
by supporters, she said.
"Abortion was always seen as
something needed in society," said
By the 1950-60s laws became
liberalized said Feeley. She noted a ---
change in public opinion.
"The majority of people sup- Apply n
ported abortions," she said.
In 1973, after much struggle and tions in
protest, the Supreme Court legalized-
abortion. This decision was a huge Advertis
personal victory for Feeley. "It Positions availa
opened incredible doors," she said. and Assista
Now that the decision is being
challenged agaln, Feeley has refueled Pick up an application t
her fight. "We want abortion not Publications Bldg. 420
only to be legal, but also to be ac-
cessible." Deadline,
n pTCT-'uA ,U; M

'U' officials uncertain about
attorneys on ACLU filing
BY DIANE COOK between races and men and women, "What people don't realize is that
The University said this week and "has reason to believe that if he the University, as an employer and
they are unsure about what kind of expressed such ideas in his psy- institution of higher learning has to
legal action to take concerning the chology classes, he would or could maintain the rights of students and
ACLU's filing of a suit against the be charged with a violation of the employees and to see to the respect
anti-discrimination policy last (anti-discrimination) policy." of their civil liberties," said Zaida
Thursday. "I think (the anti-discrimination Giraldo, University director of
"We only received the suit on policy) is too broad," said Howard affirmative action. "We have a legal
Friday," said Executive Director of Simon, ACLU Michigan Director. obligation to protect individuals
University Relations, Walt Harrison. "It's the wrong way to deal with from harassment."
"...We have an option to decide what racism and sexism on campus. If all Those students most affected by
to do - to contract it (to an outside the flyers and jokes disappeared on racist, homophobic, or sexist attacks
law firm) or handle it in-house." campus, not all the racism and agree that some anti-discrimination
Assistant General Counsel Dan sexism would." policy is needed.
Sharphorn said the University usu- Simon said the University's anti- "I think that we have to separate
ally hires outside law assistance discrimination policy is in violation the right to free speech from the
involving litigation cases. of the first amendment. right to harass people. Just as
The suit against the University someone can't yell fire in a crowded
was filed by a graduate student But with a campus plagued by building, people don't have the right
conducting research in biological racistincidents, University officials to repeatedly verbally harass other
psychology, who has chosen to re- maintain the policy implemented in people," medical student and United
man anonymous.t beginning of this year is needed Coalition Against Racism member
to protect other constitutional rights. Michael Wilson said.
According to the ACLU press

release, the student is studying the
bio-psychological differences

The Michigan Daily
to be a part of
ow for fall posi-
the Display
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SMOKER wanted for baysitting a 3 1/2 yr.
~old in my boroe. Mast love io piay, have
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will he flexible. Days and evenings. Call
Anna Marie at 662-2209.
CLEA G. Aug 31 thrm Sept. 1. $6/hr. Call
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ble. 2 hrs. Good pay. 973-2573, Sunday.
SUBJECTS NEEDED-Right handed males
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RESIDENCE HALL DIRET.1RK orthwest voucher. ta Kpir
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A graduate level position in a residence hall EUROPE '89: London fr. $379, Amsterdam
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students. Responsible for staff selection, Erail Pass fr. $320. REGENCY TRAVEL,
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with residents; educational programming; ad-'H5-6122.FAkEfOPE DebSorUDanR
vising the Residence Hall Association; en- HERADING OR EUROE THIS SUMMRD
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other department within the Student Services shows. lor details, call 212-864-200 or
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Bachelors egree and residence hall experi- bOA, NYNY .
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Pall-time live-in position includes fumished SofrNT0,SUPERFA rES! 96Bangkok i fr.96
apamenti meals, $ pr month, plus bane S$ o klfr . $809, Singo re fr $986 Ti ei fe
Deadline: Jane 29, 1 9 Starting date Tfr JaVeorDan
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gusil1, 1989. '-foreJanne or Dan.
Send current resume, copies of transcripts,
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ences by deadline in the Human Resources
Office, 1-120-SN, Delta college, Unversity A IE
CeterMl 48710. EO/AA/Mm-Employe i -WAY TICKET TO NEW YORK
(Vguardia) leaving Detroit Metro June 23.
WORK STUDY STUDENTS: Reliable, re- Best offer. Call Amy at 9954005.
sponsible individuals who ea r- en o
with the public and prefer flexible hours a
the Michigan Uttion Ticket Office at 936-
WSI WITH CURRENT CPR-Needed forin- 764-0557
cal day camp. June 26 Co 1 971-0:9. to __ __ __ __ _

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