CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 LOST: Man's gold wedding band. Near FALL LEASE. Modem 4 bedroom, two bath ADOPTION-Youn happily married, pro- N.C.R.B. 677-059, leave message. Reward. house with basement all appliances, mcl. fessional couple wishes to adopt white rant. OPAL RING FOUND in Arboretum. Please aer & d er. $1650 pee month. Near All exenses paid. Call collectanytime. (313) identify. 662-5788. e Zingenan's.Call Sherri, 761-9766. 561-9384. FALL OFF-CAMPUS RENTAL, 126 HELP! See abike accident Fri 5/19, 11 am? EPackard. Large efficiency with arking, wa- Your info is needed! Call 764-1892 _____________________ _ tee, eat, light anry. $49. Call 663- 2 R GWOOD SPEAKERS (3-wa l) 4264or663-9338." Originally $250, akEng $100S oad and FALL RENTAL: Fusished 4-bedroom _TUDENT__ ERVCES Lonmseat set black arit). Ongnally $800, huse. Landry facilities. No ps. 712 #MTYING & WORDPROCESSNG* asking $350. all 764 613, daytine Granger, Ann Arbor, 662-3700. Fast BM-W/Laser/Campus/andi/426-5217 ACREE'S FURNITURE RESALE 6585 FALL RENTALS: Lg. house, has fan. 1, 2 LINDA'S WORD PROCESSING Jackson (btwemn Zeeb & Baker) eliver and 3 bdm. ats. Landry fac. No pt. Elecrnic Spell-checking avail. M 63 SA. &Oen7dys. Bay & sell Walking distance to campus. Near intesec- $125 erdoub lea aced page used furiue. 63-65. tioniWashtenuw/South U. 662-3700. Phone: 662 622 ATTENT ON-GOV'T HOMES from S. . U FOUR BEDROOM APARTMENT near repair). Delin ent tax propert$y. Reoses- Med. Cente. Fuaished. All utilities paid. IRED OF THE OL' UNT & PECK? inns. Cal I60283-8885 r.t. Gl198. S9OlJmonh. Call Steve at 761-1463. Wod processg, tem papers resune& , etc. MAC PLUS w/800K ext. & Imagewriter I FREE RENT in exchange for helping care for ... no job too big or small. 971'F619. $1200 or best. Call Eric, 996-9672w/mess delightful older woman. 994-493. TYPING: DEPENDABLE fast and accurate. TIRED OF PAYNG RENT? Buy a 2 bed- GRAD'S DELIGHT now for fall '89. Huron Reasonable rates. 475-9656. Evenngs. room condo. All appliances included. 971- at 8h Street. Far from the maddening WORD PROCESSING. Cassee tanscrip- 8057 crowds. Super spacious, well maintained two tion. Call Thelma, 747-7470. bedroom a .in a top residential area. Newly A En"nlaund prking No pets. Modem HIE L .WA TE D 1980 AUDI 4000. Excellent condition. HOUSES FOR RENT ADVERTISING SALES. $200-$500 per $1800, 764-0550days, 995-2494 eves. Six bedroom House-with two remodeled ce- week. Benefits, paid training, banker's hours. ATT: GOVT SEIZED VEHICLES from ramic baths, new caereting, new fumiture, We need 10 aggressive people with good $100. Fords Mercedes, Chevys, etc. Surplus parking Three blocks north of campus, verbal skills. Mr. ely. 482-2002. Buyers Guide. 1-800-8388885 Ext. GH1798. priced right. APPLICATIONS are now being accepted for CAN YOU BUY JEEPS, CARS 4 x 4's singers, balloon deliverers, dancers (jazz, seized in dngmraids for under $106.00? Call Also, Seven bedroom house, same location belly, modem hula, erotic, (no nudity)), and forfacts today.602-837-3401 Ext. 762 with all theabove. Also priced right. comics. Full c part-time positions are avail. Must have reliable transportation. Great op- F" R1R" EN" T Call 761-5334 or 973-RENT portunity to make money and still have time JUST COMING ONTO MARKET Fall of to study. Should entoy making others laugh. '89. Five bm. house with one & half baths Call Easter Onion Telegam at 552-8888 *LAKEFRONT EXECUTIVE hOME* oae Mrinageme 9Cll forDetails. CLASSIFIED ADSI Ideal for graduate students 3 bedrooms, fire-_ModemManagement_668-6906 __C__ place, completely fumished, washer, dryer MODERN BLDG. 2-bdm. Heat, water in- M AR microwave, dishwasher, fumiture, garae,- cluded. Close to campus. Call 9300911. i I month lease, 25 minutes from camnus. 870 ONE AND TWO BDRM. apts. avail. for O PPO RTUNITY permonthAvailable Fall' 9. M Aust. Moder buidings, secuty Cal4575 oa; system, laundry balconies, air cond. on site ______________ management. xcellent lease rates. May to May leases avail. 665-4700.- YOU'VE SEEN TIE REST... One Or Two Persons, Right On Campus, STARTING NOW COME SEE TIlE BEST. Nicely Fumished Quiet. Below $500. To Fall availabilities cam pus area. Contact Wil- See.Cal 665-882FL son White Co. at 995-9200. Equal Housing ROOMS- FALL '89 Opportunity. Top campus locations, some with parking. Sales-oriented, InduStriouS BDRM. MOD' BLDG 2 1/2 blocks Prsvac reasonable remt , all utiities paid. individual with Strong initiative 2 BDM OENBD / lcsShare kitchen & bath. from Law school. 912 Oakland. $780 + elec- Choose early forthe best selections. SoUght for prestigious market- tric. Parking, Laundry. Sept-Sept. 994-9079 Oakland at Arch ing/promotions position with 3-4 fum. bedroomaunits near Business & Law Geddes at observatory 0rmtonpsionwh schools. Utilities incl Quiet. From $350/rm. Chure atS. University top Fortune 500 firm. Student Gad. preferred. Call 662-8005 or 1-872- MOD Cal foran ainetmet -9 must commit to 20 hours per 8338 collect. MDR MANAGEMENT @ 668-6906. ms omtt 0huspe _________________________ week for the entire 1989-90 baths, loft w/ skylihts, firelce Avail end PT. LEA S10 n d school year. of Aug. $1275/m. 62-894. - rooan as.FaihdGeuloton.Cl 429-2463. 6 BEDROOM HOUSE: famished, 930 42-4 xelent Saar and bonuses. Packard $1600. Sept. 89. Parking, laundry, VARSITY TERRACE APTS. Excellent Exce hou raarynd bon fireplace, new caoping and painingan Au- campus location, modem building security Flexible hours. All work is on gust 89. CallDavdM.Copi 663-5609. system, laundry facility on site. ieat and campus 618, 624 PACKARD EFF. 1 & 2 bdrm water included. 1land2 bedrooms available available from Fall near campus. Incl. heat& forfall.665-4700. elec. 747-6895 1st."3Applicant should have experi- 8 MONTH LEASE nea ence/strong interest in sales, h.$975pGr utlitins. Cull 99-9272 Avalble Summer marketing, promotions, man- Mon-Fri9-5. 2bedrom apartment agement and/or public speak- AtNw996-0584 ngtibe ing. Internship credit possible. SUMMER LEASES still available for cam- CHEAP SUMMER SUBLET at 848 Tnn prn. puea rates. misal. Qusgitp r at e- Call Andrea, 994-3956 & Tom, 547-53 For immediate occupancy contact: JULY & AUGUST ONLY SUBLET.FCall F .i .,c' a -C WILSONWHITE CO. Andi at 930-2951. pus Dimensions recruitment at 995-9200 SPR./SUM. SUBLET: Shared room available (800) 592-2121 or send ARE YOU STILL LOOKING FOR HOUS in large 2 bedroom apt. A/C, near Union resume and cover letter to CDI ING FOR FALL? We have roms, efficien- $95/mo. Cll Dave or ay 769-6341. reurt D, gies, 1 2, and 3 bdrm apts. at great locations. ' SPRING OR/AND SUMMER SUBLET - on 210 W. Washington Sq., 11th Cal 964-9272,9-5 Mon-Fri SU, 2 bedrooms/three pr./neg. Call 636-9731. floor, Phila., PA 19106 ATTRACTIVE 1g. rms. Hill/State St., clean, SUMMER SUBLET Singles & Double in quietFor mle. $175-up.995-3276. hse - I hIoc from Feze. Availle AVAILABLE FOR SEPT. 2 bon . modem JULY-AUGUST. CALL 996-2979.AvailabEe at . Fmished, close to Law & Business SUMMER SUBLET. 1 room available. Just iAROR Schoob Rent from $650. Call 677-0530. south of CCRB. Beautiful balcony, A/C, ITlADDlr CHARMING OLDER HOME on Catherine lar windows, foe arkin , famished . (pNME St. Boasts 6 bedrooms, one is loft, overlook- $9/mo. neg. Call TOM 96-26 7. CRAP! WA? ing study mom, kitchen, living room, formal SUMMER SUBLET, 4 bedroom, 2 bath. By dining room just bring your clothes it's fur- the room or whole house. $175/month. Incl. nished! Basement washer/dryer panting. NO utilities. Washer & dryer. Only until end of PETS! Available hep1, $197500, plus util- August. Call Sherri, 761-9766 ities. Call Iris, 663-487. \-g a 7 FALL 1989 PRO A FURNISHEDCAMPUS LISTINGS - Eficiencies, 1,2& 6 Bedrooms 12 month leases NEED SOME FUN or EXCITEMENT - Listin s at IN YOUR LIFE??? U of M OFF CAhPUS HOUSING DAVID M. COPI, 663-5609 Come work for the Daily advertising staff. Now accepting applications for fall positions on display saes staff. Applications available at Student Publications Bldg, 420 Maynard. or call_7640554 for info.._._____._. . 4fetfo. HELPWNTD ART FAIR EMPLOYMENT - July 18-23. Man positions available. For interview call Cindy or Ellen at 662-3382. ATTENTION - HIRING! Govemment jobs - our area. $17,840-$69,485. Call 1-602-838- 8885. Ext. R1798. * CALIFORNIA RECRUITERS can help you find our teaching position in Sunny Califor- ria. s.rnnnt lists of job offers an your spe- cialty. Call now at 1 -800-JOBE an CA or wrste tons at: CalifoAia Recroiters, PG Box 220, Rio Dell, CA 95562-0220 CHILDCARE IN MY HOME. 18 evening hoors per week. Non-smoker. 761-7213. COUNSELORS For boys' camp in Maine. Openings in most activities (WSI, tennis, basketball, etc.) U p- perclassmen preferred. Write: Cam Cer 758 Beacon St. Brookline, MA 02146 or call 617-277-808b. CYTOTECHNOLOGIST The Laboratory of Clinical Medicine and ex- panding independent reference lab located in thegreater Lansingurea is seeking a full-time ASrgistered or registryrligible technol- ogist. Salary commensurate w/ experience. In addition we offer an excellent hnefic pkg including a 401k profit-sharing program. & tuition reimbursement. For promptrand confi- dential consideration send your resume to the Laboratory of Clinical Medicine, 6433 S. Pennsylvania, Lansing, MI 48911, Att: Janet Walbrecq, Human Resources Coordinator, or for additonal info. please call 517-372-8180. ext. 6215 DAY CAMP OFFICE AND CHILD CARE positions available at The Jewish Community Center on bus line. 18 to 21 year olds. 53.35/hr. 971-0990. EARN $5 byparticipatingintwo shortpsych exgents.Tioialinme commitment about 45minutes. First study will include answer- ing a questionnaire about yourself. The sec- ond experiment will be the evaluation of a test. To sign up cull Sieve Spencer at 677- 1691. Leave name and phone number. ATTENTION Now Hear This National Marketing Firm has openings in its telemarketingidept. Opportunityforadvance- ment, managers are hired from sales force. $5.00-810.00 per hour. Hear it first hand. Call Mr. Howell NOW. 996-8890 Be a Part of The Michigan Daily! Apply now for fall positions in the Display Advertising Department Pick up an applica- tion in the Student Publications Building 420 Maynard HELP WANTED EARN $60 in approximately 30 minutes. Healthy individuals are needed as bone mar- row donors for a UniversitofMichigan ab proved research project. or ron of as pirn and antihistaminesfor3 weeks pine to donation. Contact Charles Peters at 747-2898, Mon-Psi, 8am-Spm. EARN EXTRA CASH - AGENDA needs callers for phone-a-thon. Work u to 8 hrs. Mon.619&Tam./6/20; 5-9 pm5/hr. Call 996-8018 by Set. 6/17,5 pm. EARN QUICK CASHl Make $5 filling oet questionnaires for a psych experiment an- volving person perceptions.Leaveyourname & numberat 747-649. vynnm FOUR COLLEGE WORK STUDY STU- DENTS needed in Intemal Medicine Hema- tology-Oncology for Spring & Summer '89. Office work, computer expersence desirable, great pay! Inquire at 936-5290. GET AN EDGE IN YOUR LANGUAGE CLASS by speaking with a native speaker of Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, French, etc., at no cost to you. Call The Michigan Language center at 663-9415 to find out about our con- versation partnaer progrm. LIFEGUARDS NEEDED at Recreational Sports. Apply now for summer term at Cen- teal Campus Rec Bldg. Pauy rte $4.00/hr. Flexible hours. Must have tourit CPR & First Aid certifications. For info. call 763- 3084. LOCAL JEWISH DAY CAMP - On busline seeking general counselors, over 18 for June 26 to Aug. 18,9-4, Mon.-Fri. Call 911-0990. MICHIGAN SANE/FREEZE SEEKS AC- TIVISTS. Join SANE/FREEZE's community outreach canvass staff. Work on grassroots organizing for peace & justice. Full & part- time positions. We train. Salary & bonuses. Call 663-3913 forinterview. 10 am - S"pm. MODELS NEEDED for free haircuts. Come down to Timms Place. (do not call) Ask for Candy. NANNY POSITIONS Suburban Boston children need you? Families offer good salary, room, board, paid vaca- tions and other benefits. Our agency holds monthly meetings and social events. One year assignments only. MetroSouth Au Pair, inc., 1-800-458-2538. NATIONAL CHILDREN'S MAGAZINE seeks sales associates in your area. Part-time and full-time. Send resume to PO Box 2421, Tuscaloosa, AL 35403. OCCASIONAL BABYSITING for bright, loving, and enjoyable 2 r. old boy, 4 1/2?yr. girl. Car pref. all Lori, 769-4892 PERSON for gardening & house related work. Call 663-9338. PHONE SALES for well respected local or- ganization. 5-9 pm Mon-Fri. $5/hr. mini- mum al 6m8ae with ability. Close to SECRETARIAL/TELECOMMUNICATION S. Smal office needs enthusiastic help with good communication skills. 20 -25 hours per week at $4.50/hour Call Mark at 677-1863. Earn $500 or More In One Week! Individuals, fraternities, sorori- ties or campus groups needed for one week marketing program. Flexible hours. Zero investment. Call immediately! 1-800-950-8472 Ext. 410 0 0 6 0 I i IST OF L M Deadline.June 14 A FRMERCO __EIDOMTV._ PS MAONNtAS I ArI.TgS LiIIAOWA ARB l.,rzeI \tIA { t AAAG