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June 02, 1989 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-06-02

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 2,1989-Page 8
Anti-racist organizers win
correspondent positions


Members of the United Coalition
Against Racism have recently been
asked to write for the upper mid-west
bureau for the New York based
newspaper, the Guardian.
"The Guardian has always had a
history of covering anti-racist issues,
and the University of Michigan is
definitely one of the major institu-
tions where it's happening, espe-
cially in regards to its struggle for
ethnic studies, and against institu-
tionalized racism," said Shreeram
Krishnaswami, a news editor for the
The Guardian is an independent
newsweekly which has a circulation
of 15,000 and a readership of
Krishnaswami said the Guardian
had noticed an escalation of student

movements throughout the nation useful source of information because
over the last few months. of its commitment to cover issues
"We're devoting a lot more time which other newspapers are not will-
and space to student movements," ing to print, particularly issues
said Krishnaswami. which concern people of color.
Pam Nadasen a member of the Barbara Ransby, a founding mem-
United Coalition Against Racism ber of UCAR, said the students in-
and a local corespondent for the volved in anti-racist struggles at the
Guardian, said the appointment of University have acted as a catalyst
the bureau was a positive step for for bringing together other anti-racist
student movements not only at the activists, both locally and nation-
University, but for all Michigan col- ally. For these reasons, members of
leges. UCAR were asked to form a corre-
"Very militant movements have spondence with the Guardian.
taken place at Wayne, Michigan
State, and Ferris State, not to men- Ransby was optimistic about the
tion many more movements we bureau's future role with the newspa-
don't hear about," said Nadasen. per.
."The Guardian can help to bring a "We see the Guardian as a poten-
clearer direction to where the move- tially important form for progressive
ment is going." student activists to debate strategies
Nadasen said the newspaper is a for fighting racism nationally."

A/UT NTchant during the recent election:
"Cristiani to the presidency,
Continued from Page 1 d'Aubuisson to power."
In another development related to
More than 30,000 people have been Cristiani's inauguration, the FMLN
killed by death squads during El FMLN yesterday offered a new peace
Salvador's nine years of civil war. proposal as a first step to ending the
Cristiani is widely viewed as be- civil war. The guerillas agreed to end
ing merely a front for d'Aubuisson, transportation stoppages, attacks on
as reflected in an ARENA party U.S. military advisors and sabotage

against electrical facilities, if .7
d'Aubuisson and others in the gov-
ernment are brought to justice for
their participation with the death -
The guerillas also demanded an
end to all repression against popular BILL WOOD/Daily
organizations, as well as government BatlOOnS.
compliance with a land reform legis- Nichole (front) and Nicholas Winters (back) enjoy the weather
laced eight years ago. and balloons over the Memorial Day weekend at Fuller Park.

The Calendar
of The University of Michigan

The calendar combines meeting, lecture, workshop, and conferenceancaements
withother events happening each week on campus.It is based on The University Record
calendranionto,~ alivermsiy spsoredgroups andorganizationsrecognized
bythaMichigan SAsse mly. 5Iemsmust bes adinwrisig by pmt
assistant, University Record, 412 Maynard St Asteraisk (*) denotes events to which
admission is charged.
Lesbian-Gay Male ProgSee May 26.
Gay LiberationBrothers Coffee House, 8 pm, 802
Monroe St. 763-4186.
*AAFC _Films, El (This Strange Passion), 7:30 pm;
Wuthering Heights, 9:30 pm, MLB 3. 769-7787
*AAFC_Films, La Notte, 7 pm; L'Avventura, 9 pm, Angell
Hall Aud A 769-7787.
Lowbrow Astron_Star Party, begs at sunset, Peach Mtn
Observ 434-5668.
Radrick FarmsGolf Tournament, 10 am, Radrick Farms
Golf Course 763-7040.
Sdt Woodshop Safety Class For New Shop Users Pt 1, 9-
11 am, SAB 763-4025.
*MedSportNutrition Training Camp, 8:30 am-noon, 24
Frank Lloyd Wright Dr. Reg req. 763-7400
Univ Lutheran ChapelSee May 28.
Sdt Woodshop_Safety Class For New Shop Users Pt 2, 11
am-1 pm, SAB 763-4025
Canterbury House--Lesbian-gay men's community open
house, 8:45 pm, 218 N Division. 665-0606.

*Cont Med Educ--2-day nrsg cardiology sympos begs, E
Kline, 7:30 am, llosp Ford Aud. 763-1400.
*U-M Flint--Aerobics begs, 5:15-6:15 pm, Rec Bldg
Activities Rm@#$ 762-3441.
Hosp Volunteers--Info Mtg, 7-8 pm, Hosp Amphi. 936-
*HRD--Wkshp, "Preparing For Retirement" (Faculty), 6-9 pm,
1111 Kipke Dr .Reg req. 764-7410
Lesbian & Gay Rigts Organizing Committee
(LaGROC)--Msg, 8 pm, Mich Union Km 3100. 763-4186.
CRLT--Foreign Lang Software Demos, noon-1:30 pm, MLB
0137. 936-0639.
U-M Flint--Adult Back-to-Sch Wkshp, 5-7 pm, 280 Univ Ctr.
Res req@#$ 762-3085.
*HRD--Wkshps, "Women: For Your Safety--Adventure Spirit
Training," 5:30-9:30 pm; "Using The Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator," 8:30 am-noon; "Telephone Communications-Foi
Office Staff," 1-4:30 pm; "Writing It Right Pt 1: Grammar-
A Modern Review," 8:30 am-noon, 1111 Kipke Dr. Reg rev
764-7410. .
*Dept Rec Sports--Bike Repair Clinic I, 7-8:30 pm, NCRB
Conf Rm 764-3967.
Turner Clinic--*Prog, G Maxfield, "The Sign of the Shell,"
1:30-3:30 pm, Kellogg Eye Ctr Aud; Rehab Class for
Visually Impaired & Blind, 1:30-3:30 pm, 1010 Wall St
Reg req. 764-2556.
Arts & Prog--Concert, A L Toppin, 8 pm, Mich Union
Pendleton Rm 764-6498
Univ Lutheran Chapel--Supper, Devotiss & Activities, 6
pm, 1511 Washtenaw. 663-5560.

*Cont Med Educ-4-day course begs, B Friedman, "Clinical
Laboratory Computer Symposium," 8:30 am, Towsley Ctr.
*HRD--Wkshps, "Women: For Your Safety--Adventure Spirit
Training," 5:30-9:30 pm; "Nutrition: What Are The Facts,'
1-4 pm; "Delegation," 8:30 am-noon; "A Procedures Manua:
For Your Office," 8:30 am-noon; "Self-Assessment & Thr
Transformational Process," 3-7 pm, 1111 Kipke Dr Reg req
*ICLE--Video course, "Business Valuation: The Basics," 1:30-
4:30 pm, 1020 Greene St. Reg req. 764-0533.
Psychiatry--Conf, S Preskorn, "Depression in Children: Is
Rose a Rose," 10:30 am, Child & Adoles Psych Hosp Aud
Sdt Woodshop--Safety Class for New Shop Users Pt 1, 3-5
pm, SAB 763-4025
Sail Club--Mtg/Sail Instruct, 7:30 pm, 311 W Engr. 995-
*Mich League--Amer Heritage Nght, Pennsylvania Dutch,
4:30-7:30 pm, League Buffet.
*Zen Bu:3d:hist Temple--IntroZen Meditation Course, V
Samu Sunim & S Murray, 6:30-8:30 pm, 1214 Packard Rd
Reg req. 761-6520.
*AAFC--Films, God's Angry Man, Huie's Sermon, & Simon of
theDesert, 7:30 pm; Six in Paris, 9:45 pm, MLB 4. 769-
Gifts of Art--Hoetown Cloggers, 12:30 pm, Hosp Courtyd.
*HRD--Wkshps, "Preparing For Retirement" (Staff), 1:30-4 :3C
pm; "How To Over Come Procrastination," 6:30 am-noon;
"Dealing With Troubled Employees," 9 am-noon; "Self-
Assessment & The Transformational Process," 3-7 pm, 1111
Kipke Dr. Reg req. 764-7410.
*Phys Educ--Adult CPR & Choking Class, 4-8 pm, CCRB Rm.
1250. Rrg req. 764-1342.
Dept25.eeSports--Pre-tip mtg horseback riding, 7 pm.
NCRB Conf Rm 764-3967.
Vision Lunch--Sem, D Weintraub, "Accommodative-
convergence Micropsia: Hocus Pocus with Close-in Focus,"
12:20 pm, 2055 MHR1764-0573.
Sdt Woodshop--Safety Class For New Shop Users Pt 2, 3-5
pm, SAB 763-4025


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