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June 02, 1989 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-06-02

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The Michigan Daily-Friday, June 2,1989-Page 5
Ann Arbor not immune to toxic wastes

At first glance, Ann Arbor ap-
pears to be a tree-filled, mini
escape inside what many sources -
including the Environmental
Protection Agency - say is the
second most polluted state in the
United States. Unfortunately, the
* Ann Arbor community is not im-
mune to the contamination by in-
According to the 1989
Department of Natural Resources
Environmental Contamination

Priority list, there are 51 reported
sites .,f contamination within
Washtenaw County alone.
This places Washtenaw in the top
nine of the DNR's most contami-
nated counties in the state of
Michigan. The report states contam-
inants such as heavy metals, PCBs
and even Dioxins are currently flow-
ing into the water supplies of com-
munities like Ann Arbor despite the
fact that Dioxins have been found by
the EPA to be the most lethal
groups of toxins known.
"The major problem with water

contamination in Michigan is leak- large kerosene spill, reported in nating surface water sediment,
ing underground storage tanks," said January 1987, that contaminated the ground water soil, and water supply
DNR district supervisor of the surrounding soil, wells with Tetrahydrofuran, a toxin
Environmental Research "It is ridiculous to have a waste similar in structure to Dioxins and
Department, Dipo Oyinsdin. "For management policy (like the EPA or Dioxane.
years there were no regulations. the DNR) defined with the Bob Buker, vice-president of cor-
People never thought it would be a inevitability of people dying of porate communications, said he was
problem, they couldn't tell 10 years cancer because some company wants willing to comment but was not fa-
ago it would be a problem today." to dump its poisons into our air, wa- miliar with the DNR report which
According to the DNR report, ter, and soil," said Greenpeace cited Gelman Sciences for several
only five of the 51 contaminated Action's canvass director, Scott environmental infractions.
sites are non-industrial. Ann Arbor's Mendrek. Currently, Greenpeace and other
drinking water comes from its own Gelman Sciences - a local environmental organizations advo-
luron River, and a well supply at chemical manufacturer - was also cate source reduction and recycling as
the Ann Arbor Airport, which had a cited in the DNR report for contami- solutions to our pollution problem.

Veteran to march
"across United States
At noon tomorrow, Charles Tackett, a local Vietnam War veteran, will
begin his march across the country, starting from the steps of the
Michigan Union. The purpose of Tackett's march is to renew America and
"We're slowly going into a capitalist government and getting away
from democracy," he said.
His stops include Cleveland, Ohio, Erie, Pennslyvania and Dunkirk,
New York.
Tackett has vowed to complete his journey, despite the hardship he
will face on the way.
"I'll stay wherever I can... I'll eat out of garbage cans if I have to.
Tackett will be carrying a sign during his march that says, "Revive
America!! Apathy and Greed Must Go, Stop the Hurt and Pain, Get it
Tackett, who served in Vietnam from 1967 to 1969, has already suc-
ceeded in persuading two states, Michigan and Maine, to declare May 7,
the day the war ended, as "Vietnam Veterans Memorial Holiday - A Day
for Peace."
Through marching and raising awareness, Tackett hopes to "leave a lit-
tle bit better world than which I found."
CLASSIFIED ADS! Call 764-0557

June is Lesbian and Gay Pride Month ! Gay Pride Month has traditionally been a celebration of
lesbian and gay history, activism and existence in our community. Since lesbian and gay peoples
have been marginalized, if not legislated against, this month is a time for everyone to come out
and express their personal and collective histories. Remember, "silence equals death."

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BY AMY FELDMAN AND Black scholars; Students attended workshops, dis-
SHARON HOLLAND 3) to provide space for Black cussed papers presented by other stu-
Forming and strengthening net- graduate students to learn from expe- dents, and participated in round table
works throughout the Black student nenced faculty on writing grant pro- discussions focusing on politics,
community, about 120 graduate stu- posals, conducting research, prepar- family, education and health in Black
dents from campuses across the na- ing publications, attaining tenure, America. Several students said they
tion gathered in Ann Arbor last week and other academic matters; "formed bonds that will last their en-
for the first annual National Black 4) and to encourage Black under- tire careers" as a result of the confer-
Graduate Student Conference, titled graduates to consider the academia as ence.
"Social Science Research on Black a viable career option. "It's good to know that there are
America." The idea to hold the conference a lot of us out there," said Evelyn
The Thursday through Sunday was originated by Robert Sellers, a Taylor, Vice President of the newly
Conference focused on the following Rackham graduate student who re- formed National Black Graduate
objectives: cruits for the University. Roberts Student Association chapter in
1) to provide an opportunity said he saw a need for a collective Northern Illinois University.
for Black graduate students to present gathering of Black graduate students.
and discuss their works with col- He added the high turnout for the "After being in the work force for
leagues; conference was an example of the nine years, seeing the progress of the
2)to enhance the possibilities of strong "pipeline" of qualified future collective group stimulates me,"
collaborative research efforts among researchers and faculty members. Taylor said.

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