i The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 19,1989-Page 5 S Ransby, member of the United tight budget situation." itn terms of Duderstadt s Man- B Continued from Page 1 date, to offer Black students the right Continued from Page 1 Continued from Page 1 legislature should take advantage of a cent salary growth, which will con- to an education but to put a price on their surprise at the fact that AATU get earlier in the month. The two the strong economy to increase ap- strain the salary program at the Uni- it that most of us can't afford is and SLS were not aware of the debt. proposals appear similar, but a de- propriations to the state's higher ed- versity, said Vest. hypocritical," she said. However, SLS Director John tailed breakdown of the new Senate ucation community. "We're still in a strong competi- egent Thomasto Forczak said yesterday the unpaid al- proposal will not be released until "$1.1 billion is somewhat below tive salary position," he said. "But c locations Williams referred to were Monday. the national average and we're trying we can't afford too many years of Saline) disagreed that low income prior to 1987 when funding was The University, which last year to raise that standard." salary increases hitting below the students will he hur the most. based on the number of students, was appropriated $242.5 million by Sen. Jackie Vaughn (D-Detroit), a inflation level." "The greatest adverse impact is on "This was extra money which we the state, sought an additional $51.1 member of the subcommittee, said But Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, Execu- the middle income group. They don't weren't budgeted for. It didn't affect million this year, but this now the budget will not be finalized for at tive Secretary for the American As- get any loans, grants, or work study. us and we were never forced to cut seems unlikely. least a few weeks. sociation of University Professors It doesn't adversely impact those our services," said Forczak. "The state has its problems and "We have to take these proposals said, "my first reaction is surprise with the most need," he said. Forczak also said he suspected the constraints," said Richard Kennedy, to the committee level and work out that Vest would say that the Univer- LSA junior Michael Smith said problem arose even before the the University's Vice President for the differences which may mean we sity can remain competitive with he wishes students could have more Phillips administration. Government Relations, "but I think will adjust our proposal," Vaughn only a two percent salary increase." input in setting tuition. Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline) they're trying to make the best of a said. The University will also forego "The money we give all goes to said that although it was a distress- investments in new areas of scholar- the same place. How about ing situation, no official action ship and research in an attempt to reallocating out of the administra- should be taken until Williams pre- cut costs, said Vest. tion's pockets," he said. "If they say sents the board with copies of the D Some students fear the impact of they need this money for essentials, August, 1988 audit. a large tuition increase. The minor- than that's where it should go - to THE DAILY ity student who is disadvantaged will hiring more faculty, for instance, to be the one hardest hit, said Barbara make classes smaller." CLASSIFIEDS D. J.-DANCING CL A0111 FE ADS C 4MON: $ 2.25 Pitchers FRI: Classic Oldies Nite CLASSIFIED ADS! Call 764.0557 Dawnireader, Inc. meets 7-9 Sat. nights, WED: 2 Bahama Mamas Margaritas & Coronas Guild House. Call Nancy, 994-0077. We need students. or Iced Teas for $1.501 P WANTED G G P ACE EXLORE AUSTRAAc h ! SAT:Tropical Nite - ___________ ___________ Teavel, camp, and discover the outback thisSA TrpclNt - WORK STUDY! 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Pick up applications in the senior staff office of the Student Publications Building, 420 Maynard St. APPLICATIONS DUE JUNE 7 80 on, a all & & he cy on & he ri- 'm- The Detroit Chapter of AGA would like to thank its members and the following contributors for their generous donations to our second annual scholarship drive: Alfred and Associates Richard Austin, Sec. of State McGlaun Realty Co. Dr. Alex Pickens, Jr. Terry's Flowers Valentine Studio Washington Real Estate Co. Your contributions enabled us to award scholarships to five worthy students for their outstanding achievement in the areas of accounting and finance. Once again, thank you. mu , Liz Claiborne, Time, Ruhr Paragon, Newsweek, Benito Advertis- ing, Wells, Rich & Greene, The New York Times, Parade, Borg Warner, J. Walter Thompson, The Chicago Sun-Times, Ross The race for Success is on. And Experience breaks the tie.