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May 12, 1989 - Image 11

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1989-05-12

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The Michigan Daily Page 11
Baseball: Saturday and Sun day, p.m.,
Thursday, Big Ten Tournament
Softball: Today and tomorrow at
Men's Tennis: Today - Sunday, Big pair of tW i blls
Ten Championships, Iowa City, Iowa
Men's Golf: Today -Sunday, Big Ten BY PE TER ZELLEN Rookie Julie Foster came in to
Championships, Madison, WI This past week the Michigan start the sixth and promptly gave up
Men's and Women's Track: softball team(39-19, 13-7 in the Big a sharp single to Becky Bailey but
Tomorrow, Paddock Invit., noon Ten) finished out its non-conference retired the final six batters to
schedule against Eastern Michigan preserve the win.
G and Bowling Green, splitting both of However, Michigan's law of
o lfers the doubleheaders. convergence rang true as the team
Eastern still flies managed only one hit after that
Pitcher Andrea Nelson did just second inning. It was the excellent b
about all she could for the pitching that kept Bowling Green in
Wolverines against Eastern Mich- check. s
igan but she received no offensive In the second game, Nelson was
support from her teammates. rocked for four runs in the first - T
rI 0 The sophomorepitchod two four- inning as the first five Falcons j
hitters, winning the first game 1-0 reached safely.
B but losing the nightcap 2-1. The Wolverines returned the favor- /
ut Michigan has continued in its trend in the bottom of the inning as
S of scoring early, but playing flat shortstop Bonnie Tholl singled in
BY ANDY GONDA from then on. two runs to mke it 4-2.
The Wolverines scored their one Michigan scored only once more
The Michigan golf team battled run in each game within the first in the seventh inning as the team
snow showers and weather-damaged tree inninchgm ihn h is
gsin sratcng w ot-a gd three innings, but failed to score lost the second game 4-3.
greens in scratching out a ninth- hratr"edd'teeuepaso
place finish last weekend at the thereafter. "We didn't execute plays on
Norte Intrclat tornat Last homestand offense or defense," assisitant coach
Northern Intercollegiate tournament Carol Bruggrman said. "We kind of
in Minneapolis On Wednesday, Michigan played C
"We'epbeen plagued by bad its final home game of the 1989 fell apart after that first game. BILL WOOO/Daiy
weather," junior John Newby said, season. Multitudes of parents and Senior swan song Jenny Allard has been a force all season long for the softball team as a
The team has only been able to play other fans came out to the Varsity This last series marked the last pitcher and third baseman. She is seen here with coach Carol Hutchins
an entire tournament twice this year, Diamond on this very windy day. Ann Arbor appearance for the three Daviera and Mueller each went 1- Therefore, the Wolverines must
both of them mid-March invitation- The early attack offense came senior Wolverines: catcher MaryAnn for-5 with an RBI in the win their remaining four games
als in Florida. through in the first game as the Daviera, centerfielder and captain doubleheader. against Minnesota(10-10) in order to
The weather limited play last Wolverines scored five runs in the Beth Mueller as well as second Conference champs? tie for the conference championship.
weekend to 27 holes, instead of the second inning en route to a 5-0 baseman Nan Payne.
scheduled 36. victory over Bowling Green. Payne made her presence known Michigan is presently second in Michigan is master of its owr
Senior Co-captain Bob Papp Junior Jenny Allard gave up just in the second game, going 3-for-3 the Big Ten with its 13-7 conference destiny, as the doubleheaders are
admitted that all eleven teams faced two hits over five innings to pick up with an RBI; she was 4-for-6 in the record. The Iowa Hawkeyes lead at being played today and tomorrow in
See Struggle, Page 12 her sixteenth victory. two game set. 17-7 and their season is over. Minnesota.


-- - 1.

'M' looks to ace Big Ten'
Remember the little engine that could? Let me introduce the big
locomotive that does.
This particular train is the Michigan men's tennis team (9-0 Big Ten, 13-
9 overall). Having just barrelled through the conference schedule, the
Wolverine's next stop are the Big Ten championships at Iowa this weekend.
The Wolverine Express stopped twice this past weekend to remove
Illinois and Purdue from its track to another Big Ten crown. The Fighting
Illini almost derailed the charging train, losing by a 5-4 score, and the
Boilermakers succumbed 5-1.
On Sunday, the trio of Malivai Washington, Dan Goldberg, and David
Kass led the effort against Illinois with strong performances in singles play.
But it was the doubles tandem of Kass and Michael Pizzutello which
engineered an amazing comeback to clinch the victory.
After losing the first set 6-7, the seldomly paired doubles team won the
next two sets 7-6, 7-6, protecting the Wolverines' unblemished conference
Head coach Brian Eisner, the chief engineer, explained the close call as
the result of just not playing well. Also, a couple of players were slightly
injured and performed less effectively or replaced.
Having learned from Illinois that the train could not coast on its way to
the title, the Michigan players regrouped and ran over the tied-to-the-tracks
Boilermakers, clinching the match in singles play.
During the trek, senior Dan Goldberg, ranked number three nationally,
was named as the Volvo Tennis "Senior Player of the Year" for Region IV.
He now is one of seven finalists for the National Player of the Year honors.
Today, the Wolverines begin their quest for a third consecutive Big Ten
Championship. Having completed the conference schedule undefeated, they
appear as the team to beat.

Due to renovation, the Undergraduate Library will be open the
following special schedule effective May 8, continuing through


12 noon-midnight
12 noon-10 p.m.
10 a.m.-10 p.m.
1 p.m.- midnight

Entrance and exit to the building will be through the northeast
doors (facing West Engineering). Staff will continue to maintain a
regular schedule during this period and can be reached by phone
during normal library hours.

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