Special support group forms BY KELLY THAYER The Michigan Daily-Friday, May 12,1989-Page 3 Students start inaugural trial BY DIANE COOK The arrests occurred when about 6 The trial of four University stu- or 7 students, protesting the inaugu- The ria offou Unveritysturation of Duderstadt, attempted to dents arrested in connection with a enter the invitation-only ceremony at protest of University President Hill auditorium. The police officers James Duderstadt began yesterday present blocked the door. At this morning at the Ann Arbor City point, the testimony on both sides building. differs P H NE D glre - a~iuia st ~ ii i , udentgin "PUSHERS NEEDED!" glares student in biology, was charged with In his testimony, Officer George from a sign seekrsg people to lend disturbing the peace and assault and Plummer said, "(the protesters) in- assistance to others with disabilities. r battery. Mike Fischer, a graduate sisted the building was theirs," The sign marks the entrance to the student in English, was charged with Plummer went on to testify that he Persons with Hidden Disabilities disturbing the peace. saw an officer pulled down with such support group and its first meeting The two students not present at force that his belt opened, spilling Tuesday. the hearing were University graduate bullets on the steps at Hill. The meeting room is small with Rollie Hudson and LSA senior one window and no carpeting. Caleb Southworth, both of whom The defense, who has only pre- Dar Vander Beek is the first to were unable to afford transportationits testimony, claims cart, a three-wheeled, battery-powered presiding judge, Peter Thomassen violently. vehicle. The next to enter is Mark issued a bench warrant with a $200 "Before this protest, I never could Chekal, a Business Administration cash bond for both for failing to ap- have imagined this violence.It's a senior with no visible disabilities. pear i court. big brotherhood, outsiders (are) kept Julie Biernat, another apparently Defense council Alexis Beck re- at bay," said Miriam Dibble, a Uni- able-bodied person, completes the quested an adjournment of the trial versity graduate student who testified attendance. on the grounds that she had inade- for the defense. The turnout is low and, ndeed, quate preparation time and was un- the first topic discussed is publicity able to subpoena several witnesses at Steingraber and Fischer have said concerning future meetings. their local addresses. Judg they cannot comment until the con- Dar sits on a couch, stretching Thomassen proceeded with the hear- clusion of the trial. out her only leg across the adjoining ing, which had already been delayed The hearin will resume toda cushion. She describes herself as SILL WOOD/aly ag wy "director of Disabled Student Ser- First year law student Pam Barkin, works on a paper while enjoying several months. with witnesses for the defense. vices and member" of the support the good weather. group. Her disability is not hidden. She" explains that often a person with an tr g l obvious disabrilit also has hidden rof. discusses the Palestinian struggle disabilities. Dar also has epilepsy, cancer and arthritis. BY DIMA ZALATIMO and spontaneous integration of ev- Tamari said the fact that Pales- Israel time to diffuse the Intifada, Mark has turned the heat off and The 18 month old Intifada has eryday people in the street outbursts tinian political initiatives have rather than pressure Israel into a opened a window. He sits in a chair brought an end to the illusion that has sustained the Intifada and given shifted from Arab capitols to the peaceful solution. in the middle of the room. Mark ap- Palestinian coexistence with the Is- it clear political direction," said streets of Jerusalem and Ramallah He said despite this dialogue, pears perfectly healthy but actually raeli occupation is possible said Dr. Tamari. was an international landmark. He "funding for the establishment of Is- has rheumatoid arthritis. He has used Salim Tamari, Professor of Sociol- He said the significance of In- said the volatile aspects of the situa- raeli settlements has gone unabated." the services of DSS -which include ogy at Bir Zeit University to an au- tifada was due to the volume of in- tion were the organization of Pales- Tamari said he was optimistic academic assistance, transportation dience of about 120 students, com- volvement of Palestinians who have tinian villages, camps and neighbor- because the factions of the PLO have assistance, and personal counseling munity members and church leaders. never traditionally been politically hoods in an effort to rectify their re- become reunited. - since January of this year. Tamari, a Fullbright Professor at active, the manner of involvement lation with Israel. "There is a concensus among Dar says, "Information, that's the University in1987-1988, returned and the manner in which Palestini- The Palestine National Council's PLO factions of the two state solu- what the group is about - sharing to Ann Arbor last night after spend- ans have taken their fate into their (PNC's) declaration of an indepen- tion articulated in the PNC with Is- ideas." ing ten months in the Israeli occu- own hands. dent Palestinian state has resulted in raeli recognition of Palestinian She says that people with hidden, pied West Bank. Prior to the Intifada, "there was a new phase in Palestinian history rights to self determination andstate- or imperceptible, disabilities often In a lecture titled "The Intifada: an unwritten law in the Palestinian said Tamari. hood," said Tamari. choose to keep their disabilities The Palestinian Struggle For Peace leadership in Tunisia that Palestini- "It must be now considered Tamari concluded by saying the concealed. With Israel" Tamari said the spirits ans in the West Bank and Gaza Strip whether to channel energies into po- spirit of the Intifada will bring about Julie, who sits in a chair in the of events since the Intifada started in were not yet of age. They are not litical achievements or into sustain- the solution for successful Pales- corner, is assistant director of DSS. 1987 were hard to fathom by people viewed as being immature, but rather ing the Intifada for another year or tinian independence. She explains, "With undergraduates watching from a distance. the restraint of Israeli rule does not two," said Tamari. (who have disabilities) there is more Tamari said the willingness of the allow them to take their fate into Tamari said the U.S. dialogue Jj C Mi j of a desire to blend in." masses to follow the instructions of their hands," said Tamari. with the PLO was intended to give Dar emphasizes that those with the United Leadership of the Intifada hidden disabilities need to discuss was made possible through the S A them. She says that disabilities tend legitimacy of the Palestinian cause. 1 ATTENTION: to worsen with time and that keep- "The unprecedented cooperation . :hu.i ing a disability hidden is to deny M-Care HM O oneself information and possible re- FOR THE BEST: 4y H lief. Crew Cuts - Flat Tops participants- Dar, Julie, and Mark continue . EUROPE BY CAR their discussion. The meeting ends, PrinCetons - Military One Rockefeller Plaza We are your and they exit across the uncarpeted THE DASCOLA oe , 1 5100 . neighborhood pharmacy! * floor. Dar explains that carpet traps STYLISTS Mail this ad for Special "" -" dust to which some people are ex- Student/Teacher Tariff. I I* '12S Unversiy 663 5533 tremely allergic - yet another hid- Libey o Stae 6 9329 RENTAL LEASE PURCHASEaly 96, closed Sunday den disability. 50 ears of servce