FOUND: a set of keys containing 7 keys. FALL RENTAL Lare 2 bdm. apt. on WANTED: 4 tickets to Ohio State football
Found in the Student Publications Buildote Sybil, Dewey, and Hi modem, furished, game. Call Tim at 764-3487 days or 930-
on July 13. Please call 764-0550 if you thik A/C, arksig close toCLaw & Business 1695 evenings.
they might be yours. Schoo.From b640/mo. Call677-0530
FALL RENTALS: Lg. house, has fum. 1,2EDAILY
FOR ' + .E and 3 bdrm. apts. Laundry fac. No pets.
Walking distance to campus. Near intersec- CLASSIFIEDS
ATTENTION-Govemment homes from $1 tion-Washtenaw/South U. 662-3700.
(u-repair). Delinquent tax prty. Repos- FALL-Modem, fumished 1-2 bdr. w/ ARE A GREAT
sessions. Call 1-602-838-8885 t. GH 1798. studybalcony, A/C parking, laundry, heat
ONLY 10 MILES NORTH OF ANN AR- paid. 663-8869'or 42-4335.
BOR, you can buy a nice ranch house, 2 1/2 HOUSE, BURNS PARK. Fum., fireplace, 4FAST RESULTS
car arage, 1 1/2 car gare horse bam and baths, grads./family pref. 971-1089.
1.6 acres for only $99,50 .Call 437-6342 LARGE EFFICIENCY unfu ished.A019CA.LLa764-c r7o
SHAPPralI opte,60,2514 $490/mo. 663-4294. 8 n
orableampg25 / utilities included gisparking. Peta weiccese.
*" software included.Usedon ME LD 2bd H erin- TU ENT ERV
lihl,,0.Cal on (day) .at29-565. MdeRN lDG. 2obampus Ht a tel i _--911
SOFA AND CHAIR: cntemporary, oak NEED FEMALE ROOMMATE to share 2 TYPING: DEPENDABLE, fast and accurate
wood trio 2 yrs. old, excellent condition. b N M ROO so s Reasonable as. 479656. Evenings.
$575.00. Call 261-5839. bdmi. apt. 198990 school yr. $625/mo Full
baoet 8bes i.wl ocnriWORD PROCESSING. Casse rtascribaeetI.75 ,5mnwl ocnrlp
A M* campus.9945735, ask for Pelecia. tion. Call Thelma, 747-7470.
SSEPT. LEASES, 1008 Oakland 4 and 5 bed- WRITING, RESEARCH, EDITING.
1987 VOLKSWAGON GT16V in excellent roomats. Fumished. Great locations. Call 800-77-7901
condition & mostly highway miles. Top of 429-23-
the line VW stereo/cassette system. Air con-
ditioning, cruise control for optimal road ip CLASSIFIED ADS
perfomance. And as if this was not fantastic
enough, a really cosmic sunroof Ge ater BN,thanks for the best 4 months of my life.
formance at a ridiculously low price. Call I'll never forget the times that we've spent
Wes now at 996-8041. Leave message. together: East Quad, Cedar Pointe, Nectarine,
ATTENTION-Govemment seized vehicles v s, skvksrainbowsoiegranmina f and the
from $100. Fords, Mercedes, Coveors, y r cks, aksiderMac, a ies
Cheys. AS sBuyers Guide. 1-602-838- w icks,Lakeside Mall, stairas san
8885 ea.A798. weight mans, falling posers, and the awe-
Ai798.mmmi stereo this side of Sherwood. He's
Can you bay Jeeps, Cars 4 X 4's seized in to our future- sure to be filled with love and a
drug raids for uner $106? Call for facts to- little respect-Wonder Woman.
day. 805-644-9533.Dept.762. WRITERSI ARTISTS! Contribute to EX-
SPRESSION. We need stories, poems, essays
and illustrations. Send SASEte
Box 2429, Mesa, AZ 85214
2 BDRM. MODERN BLDG 2 1/2 blocksr
froum Law school, 912 Oaklcand. $780 + elec- P
tric. Parking, Laundry. Sept-Sept. 994-9079
2 ROOMS for rent. Females preferred. $250 **** A-1 TYPING. On campus. Profes-
per month. 769-2920. sional. Rush service available. 668-8898.
4 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent, 15min. from **TYPING & WORDPROCESSING**
campus, has lamge rooms, porch 2 bath Fst/IBM-WP/Laser/Camps/Sandi/426-5217
parking lag backyard with deck, and
6 ERO OS:frihd 3 e t SPackard, $1600. Sept. 89. Parking, landy,
filace w carpti d aintmin Au- TO COMPARE THEIR
gust 9. newl avinManCopi5635609
ING FOR FALL? We have rooms, efficien- Potential Score with EXCEL
cies1 2,and 3 bdrsn aps. at gmeat locatiosmS T 9pit
Cal 94-9272, 9-5 Mon-Fs.-Learn to anticipate the exam's thinking SAT: 9 points
ATTRACTIVE 1 g ms. Hill/State St., clean, - Improve your reasoning and formal GMAT: 90 points
guietforrmale. $17S-up.995-3276. logic skills GRE: 230 points
AVAILABLE AUGUSUT OR SEPTEM- - Develop comprehensive exam
BER strategies average score improvements
Nicely fumished modem2 bdmn. aps. $595- - Review videotapes for additional N
660w/ heat, water, A/C, laundry, pkg., etc.
769-2255. practice NTSR IIGL,
AVAILABLE NOW. State atFuller. Large 2 Professional InstrilCtion THEY DECLINED.
bdmi. Fmished $660/mo. Heat and parkmg. Affordable Tuitli
663-6829 or I-54,-1767. Afral utv
Available GREAT FALL RENTALS Next Classes start Wed., Au6 16
Fumished efts., 1 & 2 bdr. near cames, For The Best Prep
Packard & State area. Laundry, parking, A/C 996-1500
From $435-$610.
Hufy they'regoing fast Test Preparation Call 663-2163
Chestnut Propenies, 994-4683
BURNS PARK-Walk to Law School, etc. 1100 South University The
from this spacious 4-Faisers 2B pat t..
fom third. 761-B apuent Prnceton Review
Studio eff., 1 & 2 bedroom apts. available
for fall. tComleelistings avail. at: U of Mr
Off-Campus Housing or call:
Wilsuas White Co.
for an areadeunt at
995-9400 EIO Acheive Your Maximum
CAMPUS: FURNISHED 1 bedroom. Utility, Potential Score with
parking. $470. 453-2741.EX L
CORNTREE COOP-a housing coop that EXCEL
shares spce with Comtree Daycare has 2 *Clas esosFcso h
spaces avaiable. The oomehasa ran2ge of ass Sessions Focus on the
ages - including 2 children , cooks vegie, Actual Exam
and makes dcuions by consenus. Rent is -Video-taped Lessons for Addi-
$200/monthpla $89/onth foe food If in- Vd
terested call769-5665. tional Practice
DOWNTOWN/KERRYTOWN campus area. " Quality Instruction with Affordable
2 bdn. & efficecy aps. in lder homes TuitionFo Th
Most w/ laundry &parking. Call996-9300. TFor The
FALL 1989 Classes begin: Tues., Sept. 12 Best Prep
Efficiencies, 1,2& 6 Bedrooms 965Call0
12 month leases E99-1500 6 -26
U of M OFFCAMPUS HOUSING - Test Preparation 6632163
DAVIDM. COPI, 663-5609 1100 South University The
CLASSIFIED ADSI 011764-0557 Princeton Review
AVAIL. NOW in nice 2 bedroom am Non- ADVERTISING SALES - $200-$500 per
smoking, quiet, responsible. 971-162. week. Full or part-time, flexible hours, pid
GRAD/PROFESSIONAL non-smok- training, salary/commission. We're looking
ing/dugs female to share large 2 bedroom for highly motivated applicants with good
apt. near Medical + Central ampus. A/C, verbal skills. Call Darryl anes at 482-2002.
microwave parking. Sept.-Ag.$330 + elec-
tric. 665-9118. ATTENTION - HIRING! Govemment obs -
I'll pay up to $400 a month for a room in our area. $17,840- $69,485. Call 1-602-
house or apt. for fall term only. call 665-3-885. EXT R789.
ROOMMATE-1 bdrm in 2 bdrm apt. across Part-time work Aug-Sopt
from CCRB. Parking, laundry new Him PayingCommission
kitchnand balcony. Anita 303-494-2166. Sles expenence helpful
SHARE OCCUPANCY w/ 2 roommates but notnecessary
near campus for fall semester only. Very rea- call 930-6309.
sonable prie. Wsher/dryer, parking, large ATITENTION: Eam money reading books!
kitchen. 585-4750 Ask for Gerald $3200/year income potentil. Details I-
- - . We need native English speakers to join the
$99 ANYWHERE IN THE USA ON conversation prnerprogram at the Michigan
NORTHWEST AIRLINES! BrinEg yor Language Center. Spend as ttle as one hour
Northwest voucher. Call REGENCY each week (mome if you wish) seaking with
TRAVEL, 665-6122, ask for Ann or Dawn. a student from a foign land.la cost is
1 ROUND TRIP NON-STOP to Wash. Nat'il FREE, the benefits many. Call 663-9415 and
Aug. 19 to Sept. 5. Call Wendy, 9-5, 764- ask for Julia.
0554. After 5 pm, 668-4198. CALIFORNIA RECRUITERS can help y ou
DRIVING TRUCK to & from SAN FRAN- find your teaching position in Sunny Califor-
CISCO Will trans famitame boxes ear to na. Cret lists of job offes in your spe
points etronute. Call Nick 413-652-7617. cialty. Call now at 1-800-JOBB in CA or
write tous at: Califomia Recriters, PO Box
EUROPE '89: London fr. $379, Amsterdam 220, Rio Dell, CA 95562-0220
fr. $438 Frankfort fr $448 Pamisfr. $39, ,RiDeC956(20
209S. State., 665-6122. Ask forDeb or Da-' STUDENTS. Great Pay! Flexible Hours!
Provide cmpter and clerical assistance in
ORIENT SUPERFARESI Bangkok fr. $98, medical enviromen.DeOnly CWSP stdent
Sel fr. $809, Singapore fr. $986, Tase i .need apply. Call Lisa at 936-5032.
$809 Tokyo fr. $862. Call REGNCY
TRAVEL, 209 S. State St., 665-6122. Ask COUNSELORS
forJoat -'r Dan. For boys' camp in Maine. Opeings in most
SKI LOD 3 IN ALTA, UTAH. Seasonal activiti se a s bask le
only, Nov.-May1. Demanding job with am classmen preferred. Write. Cam a r
pale sk ie aay o n on n k Beacon StBrookieM7t246o
ass. For application call (801) 742-3000 call 617-277-808b.
bewren 8:37 iad 4:00 mon tain time, Mon-
day thea Friday or write to Alta Peruvian display
Lodge, Alta, Utah, 84092. EASY WORK! EXCELLENT PAY! Assem-
ble products at home. Call for information.
CLASSIFIED ADS! 04864I0032RxT2085.
________________Prepar__ yorsef with experience! The adver- 4
crety accpappictons fr ayout
position startm ii~ ll semeste r. Hours: 3 - 5
pmM on - Frf your schedule does fit these
an a fication at Stut Pubcations Bldg 0
420 Maynard or call 764-0554. Ask for Sue
PART-TIME POSITION. Flex. schedule. 20-
25 hrs/wk. $5/hr. Sat. req. Perk & Brew in
Kerrytown. Ca Brenda at 668-4620.
PART-TIME OFFICE CLERK for law farm. .j
Errands, filing, etc. Must have car. 15-20
hrs/wk. $4.50/hr plus mileage. Call Christine,
For The 40%, 300 Models, Compare Prices Fast
Best Prep 4RgiNFree Catalog. Call -800-
Call SANDWICH MAKERS full or part tie.
Days or evenings-grow with Subway.
Gnsefe evannment good pa. Pl-
VJJ.Jmouth Rd., NothCamnpus. Call 76-47 for
an appointment.
The SECRETARY-Small office needs two enthu-
siasticp le with good communication
Princeton Review skills. 2025 hrs./w. a $4.50/hr. Please call
We score more Mark at 677-1863, 8-noon.
CLEANING. Aug 31 thm Sept. 1. $6/hr. Call '
Lathk"y and Preschool. Full and part-time
positions. 481-1483.
tet psP6 21Posters about campus and
* vey Research Center is hiring temporary, 3
part-time telephone interviewers We awet
tram in telehone interviewing todniques &
in the use of computer terminals. No xeri-
ence neessary. Applicants must be alble ,
to work atlast 3 shifts/wk. including evs. & I
For The wkndsPay arts at $5.5 0/r. Applicants ..
must b available for 3 nights of training,n
Best Prep Aug. 29-31. A lications ma be ickedu C
in room 1066,;stitute for Social Kesea
Cull 426 Thompson St., Aug. 14-16 9 am-4 pm
daily. A non-discrimnatory, affimative ac-
663.2163 ta nemlyer.
Transcribe psych lcures. 5/hr 663- a
The "61/m*ssages996-2396forCharlie.
PrincetonReview us
We score mre enc