The Michigan Daily PERSPECTIVES Page 5 U.S out of line in Central America. Again. by Dave Austin the presidential accord is the fact that Hondurans of all political persua- Five Central American presidents sions have accepted the reality that have agreed upon a policy to disband the contras have been militarily de- the Nicaraguan contra armies, now feated and no longer want them in encamped in Honduras, by December their country. Having played the 8, once again showing how the United States aid pipeline for all it United States government is an ob- was worth, in return for knuckling stacle to peace in the region. under to U.S. pressure and hosting The agreement came about, in contra bases, Honduras is now seek- part, because the Nicaraguan gov- ing to regain some of its lost inter- ernment has again made clear its de- national stature. sire for truly democratic country. There are obvious benefits for The Nicaraguan government has Nicaragua as well. As long as the made many concessions to the contras are maintained in Honduras United States in an attempt to as a fighting force through so called achieve peace with our government, humanitarian aid, the Nicaraguan only to be told that they were not government is forced to divert scarce enough. The most glaring example human and monetary resources to was in September, 1984 when the their own military. This depletion of Nicaraguan government made many resources, coupled with U.S. eco- significant concessions to U.S. de- nomic warfare, has been one factor mands, an agreement was almost in ruining Nicaragua's economy. reached, and was scuttled at the last Perhaps if the contras are actually minute by Honduras, giving in to disbanded, Nicaraguans can get on U.S. pressure. with the business of rebuilding their Another factor in bringing about country. Nicaragua's pledges to democratize the country, of which the United States are making much of, are re- ally nothing new, and hence are not concessions. The 1984 presidential elections in Nicaragua were cited as being clean and fair be international observer teams from around the world and there is not reason to think that elections scheduled for next February will be any different. The Nicaraguan government can af- ford to incorporate the contras into the political process, knowing all the while that they have no popular support and that the elections will be fair. Indeed, the presidential accord, coupled with another agreement worked out last week between the Nicaraguan government and the in- ternal Nicaraguan opposition, leaves the contras totally isolated. In sign- ing the internal accord with the Nicaraguan government last week, twenty opposition parties in Nicaragua made public their disdain for the contras and their unwilling- ness to work with them by calling for the contra armies to be disbanded. These parties have long maintained that while the contra leadership is re- laxing in Miami, courtesy of U.S. funding, the opposition was sticking it out within the country and are therefore the real opposition. Thus the contras are left without support, except the little bit which exists in Washington. And as the most recent peace accord makes clear, Washington's wishes in re- gards to the contras now carry little weight in the region. Initial response from the Bush administration reflects Washington's weak position. Administration offi- cials were trying to portray the ac- cord as one which puts the onus of success on the Nicaraguan govern- ment, saying that the demobilization of the contras depends first on the Nicaraguan government creating "democratic" conditions within the country. If this were the intent of the accord, which it is not, the condi- tions would have been met long ago. Nicaragua's electoral laws and pro- cedures have been evaluated by nu- merous international observers, in- cluding the U.S. Library of Congress as being the most progres- sive in the hemisphere; that is, even better than our own electoral system in insuring popular participation and a fair outcome. Equally important, the presidential accord just signed is clear in that the focus is the contras and the fact that they must demobilize by December 8. The accord, support by the United Nations, the Organization of American States and numerous Western European governments once again puts the United States, once again, in the position of blocking both peace and self determination in Central America. The accord also shows that the Nicaraguan revolution is here to stay. David Austin is an LS&A senior 7 7 Waking up in El Salvador: eyewitness account The following is a partial tran- script of Luis Vazquez's interview from San Salvador broadcasted July 27 over WCBN FM 88.3 during the El Mundo Latino program. Vazquez, a graduate student in public health,« is one of four University students sponsored by the Michigan Student . Assembly to visit El Salvador this summer. Vazquez was a member of a ': seven person delegation which fo- cused on healthcare in El Salvador. San Salvador- San Salvador is a El city that is very, very militarized. Salvador Soldiers are on patrol everywhere at all entrances. They check most around the city and there are three or people going in and out of the uni- four different kinds. One is the na- versity; and they are under orders to tional guard, which wears black shoot anyone who they think might helmets; others are the treasury po- look like a subversive or a guerilla lice and regular army, and some are group. in civilian clothes also. ...Also, last Friday two health They ride around in the backs of workers were captured; they work pick-up trucks six, seven, eight at a with the Catholic Church. They time with their guns aimed out. train health promoters in El I woke up the first day in El Salvador's marginalized communi- Salvador to sight and sounds of heli- ties. One is a French dentist, the copter gun ships circling around the other is a nurse from Brazil. They city - that was my welcome to El are being told to leave the country Salvador. by the Salvadoran government who Business establishments are claims they have links with the guarded by men with automatic Farabundo Marti National Liberation weapons, that includes places like Front (FMLN). They were held for Pizza Hut and McDonald's. The three days by the treasury police. types of weaponries I've seen are They were blindfolded, handcuffed Ml6s and Uzis. They travel and interrogated for the three days. throughout the city day and night. Death threats were made against their Sometimes they drive around with lives. The nurse, a woman, was their faces painted so they can't be threatened with rape. identified by local people. Also, the interrogators asked ques- ...I've been to the University of El tions about the role of the church Salvador. There is military stationed and internationalists in El Salvador. The doctor said that a gun was They've explained to us that they tap trying to work with the Republican held to his head and they turned it into the city system - and that's all National Alliance (ARENA) govern- away and fired it. They also threat- without permission. ment to improve things. But they ened electric shock, and suffocation People in these communities also are also talking about various auster- by a hood with lime coating on the try to organize to get some kind of ity measures that the ARENA gov- inside. healthcare amongst themselves. ernment is planning to take such as They were made to stand for 24 They try to get training - basic, devaluation of the currency, allowing hours, standing on their feet - not basic training. Things that you and I inflation to increase a little bit, al- allowed to sit. They were given no take for granted in the United States. lowing unemployment (which is food or water for the three days. Yet, people get training in healthcare well over 50 percent here), to in- They also heard other people being a little bit and then they go back to crease a little bit, and other indica- tortured brutally in other areas of the their communities. tors to change - to promote in- place where they were held. They Interestingly enough, thes° people vestment. heard screams that sounded like one are all considered subversives, like Investment would only benefit the of their compatriots - a Salvadoran the foreigners I mentioned, the doc- rich people here. There is no such health promoter. tor from France and the nurse from thing as a trickle-down theory for the ...There may be a campaign by the Brazil. People like that, or people people of El Salvador. The rich peo- Salvadoran government to deport who are trained in healthcare are con- ple want to maintain their strangle- foreign health workers that work sidered subversives and many times hold on the economy and they'll with the poor here. they are disappeared, are never heard stoop to any kind of means to con- .Sometimes you might not from again or are captured and re- tinue that. Our government is in ca- know that there's a war going on in leased a few days later after torture hoots with all of that, and are going this country. Particularly, when and beatings. to let this situation continue proba- you're driving through the much bet- The thing that strikes me the most bly throughout the Bush administra- ter neighborhoods, they are relatively is that all of this is paid for by my tion and beyond that if at all possi- uneffected by the war, or the taxes and your taxes. Its about time ble. earthquake. Hardly any of their that the US government cut off mili- houses were destroyed. tary aid here in this country, and But when you go into the force some kind of change so that The OpinionPageis actively 'marginalized communities you see people can live decent lives... andr utid people living behind plastic sheeting that's a very dangerous thing to say recruiting women an that people use in their gardens to in public here. people of color for the fall keep the weeds down. People are liv- If you're caught saying things or staff. ing in houses constructed of this sort passing out literature these days, or The first Edit Board is sched- of materials. if I were to take a picture of a mili- Basically, they receive no type of tary person I could be deported, in- uled for Wednesday Septem- help from the government at all. terrogated or captured. ber 6, at 6 pm in the Student Many times in these marginalized ... I just came here from the US Publications Building, second communities people organize a little embassy. It was a short visit. We floor in the library. bit and try to get themselves clandes- were briefed by a few people on All are welcome! tinely some electricity and water. healthcare. They claim that they are