Page 2-The Michigan Daily-Friday, August 11,1989 D elegation protect a small child being beaten by closure order is a denial of Palestini- soldiers, was himself beaten along ans' right to an education," said one Continued from Page 1 with his wife, cousin, and father. delegation member. administration, who wished to Despite such consequences, Bir The delegation also witnessed ex- remain anonymous to protect their Zeit faculty have continued to edu- tensive signs of the power of the safety, the delegation was gien a cate its students although under ex- popular educational program estab- detailed description of what forced treme handicap. Meeting in homes, lished by the united leadership of the closure has meant for the university. cars, churches, stores and mosques, Intifada while traveling to Beit Sahur Close to 15 percent of the student always without books or laboratory on Monday. population or roughly 270 univer- equipment, the intellectual life In Kafr Ni'ma a liberated zone, sity students, have been arrested formerly carried on at Bir Zeit con- northwest of Jerusalem, popular edu- since the beginning of the Intifada. tnues. cation allows children to receive an The campus has been completely Many of the classes are restricted education in Palestinian culture and closed so that no members of the to five or fewer students, because of history, which are illegal to teach in university community have access to the need to maintain secrecy. Penal- government schools. Bir Zeit research facilities or its ex- ties for teaching or participating in The PSC-MSA delegation was tensive library, these alternative education classes sent to Palestine with a mandate to Almost all books dealing with include immediate imprisonment, explore the possibility of establish- Palestinian or Arab affairs have been often for at least six months. ing Bir Zeit as a sister university. censored and many professors have "The extent to which the Israeli Later in the visit, the delegation will been arrested or harassed. army has harassed these classes, meet with what is left of the Bir Zeit Earlier, the delegation had talked small as they are, seems to indicate student council. Many of its mem- with a Professor who in his effort to that the primary purpose behind the bers have been arrested or deported. SUMMER JBS! - , Good Times! Great Pay! Terrific People! We want YOU at MICHIGAN TELEFUND -$5.00-$7.00/hour plus bonuses. -Flexible, evening hours. -Build your resume. -Gain valuable communication skills. CALL 998 -7420 or stop by 611 Church, #304 Experience that Pays Council1 and safety unions deadlocked BY THOMAS SMUTS The City Council and Ann Arbor's police and firefighter unions failed Wednesday to reach a contract agreement after negotiating a deal in which the police and firefighters receive pay-raises and retirement benefits in ex- change for dropping a lawsuit against the city. The unions' lawsuit seeks reimbursement of over $1 million in health insurance premiums to the pension fund. The Council approved contracts for all three police unions last Friday, but tabled the proposal made by the firefighters union. Union officials re- iterated Monday that they refuse to ratify any agreement until the contract sought by the firefighters is also accepted. "We've presented this thing all along as a coalition," said Sgt. Jack Ceo, chief negotiator for the Ann Arbor Police Command Officers Association. If accepted by the unions, the approved police officers' contracts pro- vide annual pay raises of one-half percent for the next two years, and lower retirement age from 55 to 50 after 25 years of service. The tabled firefighters' contract includes the same pay raise and retire- ment age but adds a provision which prevents the city from attempting in the future to limit firefighter 'roll-ins' - the process whereby accumu- lated sick-leave, vacation days and compensatory time are included in the retiree's pension calculation. This provision is the main reason council members rejected the firefighters' contract. In exchange for increased pay and retirement benefits, the police-fire unions will drop a lawsuit they brought against the city. During the past three years, over $1 million in health insurance premiums has been paid from a surplus in the pension fund. These payments were supposed to See Unions, Page 8 Area streets to close BY WENDY WORTHEN The City of Ann Arbor and the University of Michigan Housing Division will be joining forces during this year's dorm-opening weekend by closing and/or re-routing traffic on 12 campus-area streets. The streets will be closed from early Saturday, September 2nd until late Monday, September 4th (Labor Day). Alan Levy, Assistant Director of Housing at the University, said at the City Council meeting Monday night that the University is hoping to avoid the feelings of "ill will" generated annually when 10,000 students and their families converge on Ann Arbor, snarling traffic for miles, trapping emergency vehicles and buses, and angering both Ann Arbor residents and students who are trying to move in. "In the past, some parents' and students' first contact with the University was a negative experience. We want it to be a positive experience," said Levy. Don Mason, assistant city administrator at the Ann Arbor Police Department said, "We think it will make a better arrangement - better than in the past. We've had complaints from city residents and families of students - it's just been a general hassle." See Streets, Page 8 The Michigan Daily (ISSN0745-967) is published oncesaweekduring the spring andsummer terms by students atthe University of Michigan. Subscription rates: for spring and summer (2 semesters) $6.00 in-town and $8.00 out-of-town, prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and the Student News Service. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. 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